Traitor Theory

This is just a theory and could very well be completely wrong. Anyways, i think the traitor is no one, there is no traitor. My reasoning:

It is just a lie told by Gwyn to get Rodrick to turn on his mom, Duncan, Royland, and the Maester. The reason is so Rodrick will be fixated on who the traitor is, and not focusing on other important things so the Whitehills will attack or capture everyone. It very well could've happened in episode 4, the invitation was a trap. It was so Rodrick would go to Highpoint and leave House Forrester unguarded or guarded, but not enough to withstand Ramsay and Whitehill's forces so many die and many are captured. Ramsay keeps Talia for fun and to meet Rodrick at last.

That's what i think.


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  • edited July 2015

    I actually thought that originally, though when I replayed the game I realized it's impossible. Gwyn knows exactly what is going on with your council. You're given the chance in a council meeting to focus on rescuing Ryon or dealing with Gryff. Gwyn knows what you decided to pursue and mentions it when you speak tp her. She clearly has someone in the council or else she would have no idea what you are planning and her answer would not have changed depending on which decision you make.

    That basically makes it impossible for there to be no traitor. Someone would have had to have reported your plans.

  • Gwyn could've been spying, but still thanks for your feedback.

    I actually thought that originally, though when I replayed the game I realized it's impossible. Gwyn knows exactly what is going on with you

  • At this point it would make no sense for there to be no traitor Gwyn knows your plans. If Gwyn was trying to give you false info to distract you why tell us Ludd has a contact in Kings Landing? This was proven to be true in Episode 4.

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