Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @BigBadPaul, @Brawl and @DaveTheArakin have been really quiet. Hope everything is okay. ;-; Dave is in China but still.

  • Oof! She wears the pants in that pairing XP

  • Have a great time dude!!

    We'll be anxiously waiting for your return :'D

    Quiff posted: »

    So I'm calling it a day, or a month to be honest. Because tomorrow morning I leave for Japan! But do not fret, my fellow shippers, for I will come back... some day... (like 11th of August or so) Farewell everybody, take care!

  • He went to spend a month in China, though. Or so.

    dave is american, right? o.O http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/14/eleven-britons-among-20-tourists-arrested-in-northern-china

  • edited July 2015

    Ok so!...

    I finished GOT Ep.1 and Ep.2 :D Now I suppose I should give me verdicts (and apologies for any spoilers I may give)

    First of all, I was in complete shock (like, mouth-wide-open-for-a-good-10-minutes shock) when Ramsay killed Ethan at the end of Ep.1!! :O I mean, I did quite like Ethan's character, but what the fuck man?!?!?!

    Still... I'm now glad he is out of the picture, mainly because we have the more capable Rodrik in his place (I guessed Rodrik was alive anyways cuz his 'death' didn't look fatal to me, plus a user on here mentioned a few days or so back that Rodrik was their favorite character, so that kinda spoiled it for me anyways :P)

    Ep.1 was tense and set a great scene for the series, but tbh, Ep.2 was kinda dull :/ It didn't have the flare that 1 did, even though we get introduced to Rodrik and Asher at last.

    I also admit that this series actually feels as though it really is changing with my choices, like the decisions really do matter that much compared to previous Telltale games. The little things like how you treat a NPC in a conversation can make a huge difference later on...

    Anyways, rant over. I'm off to bed. See you all tomorrow :)

  • Now you know what I meant by the Ramsay thing. :^)

  • Yes... Yes.

    Well, in any case, I aim to deliver some form of justice for Ethan's death >:)

    Atm it's the Whitehill's that are pissing me off the most, all because House Forrester doesn't have a big enough army to defend itself from them in the first place :/

    I'm curious as to what Gared's role will be however, he's a member of the Knight's Watch now so he can't leave the Wall without being branded a deserter, which means he'll be killed. I guess the Wall has a link to this 'North Grove' they talk about?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Now you know what I meant by the Ramsay thing. :^)

  • Id say Tales choices effect the most, and Ethan was just a pain in the neck.

    Alt text

  • Okay...I have been feeling so bad (and probably too bad) for a long time so I just spit it out. Not expecting something huge, just want to let people know about this.

    I have joined this thread for quite a while, and folks here inspire me to produce stuff and keep encouraging me, which help me out to get rid of my depression. Now, I basically have overcome my problems and find big joy in my life.

    At the same time, I am still doing stuff actually, but I would like to rather ... lay low since I am too easily stressed to comment or post the works I have done. As I said, the thread has been contributing much to my life and I really want to kinda "return" something to fellows here.

    In short, I feel quite guilty of being benefited but not returning. I will probably share something in here again, or maybe not, I don't know. I want to emphasize that I still love this place (and from the beginning), but I am really too chicken-hearted to talk or share.

    So, I apparently think too much. Like I said, I really want to let people here know something.

  • Just a warning but from now on you should spoiler tag your posts since there may be some people who haven't played GoT yet. If you spoil them they might kill you ^-^

  • Well played good sir ;)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Id say Tales choices effect the most, and Ethan was just a pain in the neck.

  • edited July 2015

    Sorry, I just tagged it :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Just a warning but from now on you should spoiler tag your posts since there may be some people who haven't played GoT yet. If you spoil them they might kill you ^-^

  • Hello :)

    Don't worry about stress, we will love whatever you give us and we're always ready to talk about stuff with you or anyone else. It's nice to have a kind-hearted thread like this because you never know when someone could offer you their advice...

    I hope you share with us soon!

    tessie0713 posted: »

    Okay...I have been feeling so bad (and probably too bad) for a long time so I just spit it out. Not expecting something huge, just want to l

  • I wish I could discuss it but anything I say will spoil you so bad luck on this. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yes... Yes. Well, in any case, I aim to deliver some form of justice for Ethan's death Atm it's the Whitehill's that are pissing me o

  • Tessie! We know we understand, right? You don't owe anyone anything. No one here does. We share things when we can and because we want to for others' enjoyment: the things that you are benefiting from are literally doing their purpose so don't worry. You don't have to "pay anyone" back. :)

    Share what you want only when you want and when you're comfortable. We understand! And we're happy to see you're in high spirits, you're always with us. :D

    tessie0713 posted: »

    Okay...I have been feeling so bad (and probably too bad) for a long time so I just spit it out. Not expecting something huge, just want to l

  • In short, I feel quite guilty of being benefited but not returning.

    You aren't obligated to return anything, you know that :P

    And even if you aren't you have returned already, just having your presence here is enough to us and as the OP it means the world to me when people take time out of there day to create arts and fanfics for the thread. So please, don't feel bad if you're not able to do something for us because you already have! I'm also really glad that you're doing good in life, that's awesome to hear ^-^

    tessie0713 posted: »

    Okay...I have been feeling so bad (and probably too bad) for a long time so I just spit it out. Not expecting something huge, just want to l

  • Thanks! ^-^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Sorry, I just tagged it

  • Thank you :)

    I'll hopefully have Ep.3 and maybe 4 (at a push) done by tomorrow. I'm most excited for 4 though, cuz everyone has said it the best episode thus far! XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I wish I could discuss it but anything I say will spoil you so bad luck on this. :P

  • What does OP mean?

    I prefer Thread Master :P

    Green613 posted: »

    In short, I feel quite guilty of being benefited but not returning. You aren't obligated to return anything, you know that :P And

  • Original poster :p

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What does OP mean? I prefer Thread Master :P

  • edited July 2015

    It is, definitely! Without spoiling anything, one of the PCs gains a boost in personality. :P Ohhh boy and how.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thank you I'll hopefully have Ep.3 and maybe 4 (at a push) done by tomorrow. I'm most excited for 4 though, cuz everyone has said it the best episode thus far! XD

  • edited July 2015

    Remember to find me cause I'm Godzilla back there! xD

    Quiff posted: »

    So I'm calling it a day, or a month to be honest. Because tomorrow morning I leave for Japan! But do not fret, my fellow shippers, for I will come back... some day... (like 11th of August or so) Farewell everybody, take care!

  • Cool kid art, credit to creator

    Alt text

  • This is awesome. :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Cool kid art, credit to creator

  • They're about to drop the sickest rap of all time.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Cool kid art, credit to creator

  • Yeah, I've been wondering where they've gone too. Let's hope that they're all okay! :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @BigBadPaul, @Brawl and @DaveTheArakin have been really quiet. Hope everything is okay. ;-; Dave is in China but still.

  • Poogers, too soon!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Id say Tales choices effect the most, and Ethan was just a pain in the neck.

  • I hope so! Hope they're back soon.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Yeah, I've been wondering where they've gone too. Let's hope that they're all okay!

  • So, I've awaken from my slumber to just to let you all know that I will be doing a sequel to the fanfic I put up earlier today. Response has been positive and you guys are asking for a sequel, SO I'm going to see what I can do. :)

    P.S. Rhys won't mess up this time...maybe. ;)


    kristi78968 posted: »

    So, I've awaken from my slumber to just to let you all know that I will be doing a sequel to the fanfic I put up earlier today. Response has

  • Hey, I have been noticing you since you joined and I found you quite active lately :D
    And thank you for your kind words, I will try to open up whenever I can. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hello Don't worry about stress, we will love whatever you give us and we're always ready to talk about stuff with you or anyone else. It

  • Well... I admire your honesty...

  • I'm not sure I understand.

    Well... I admire your honesty...

  • "Rhyserella"

    On a cinema near you.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • On

    On a cinema Wolfie? ;3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Rhyserella" On a cinema near you.

  • Oh, I really cried, really. Am I am soooo relieved. T______T
    Fellows here are probably the kindest people I could ever meet in my life. Your love are limitless T____T
    Now I can keep trying without forcing myself to share or what anymore.
    Thank you very much :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tessie! We know we understand, right? You don't owe anyone anything. No one here does. We share things when we can and because we want to fo

  • damn it it's 4AM gimme a break ;-;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    On On a cinema Wolfie? ;3

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