Jack and Sasha...



  • Nope, you're buying it by definition of it. Because you believe in 100% of what he's saying and we're not. You just don't realize that "person who sometimes tells the truth" =/= "person who always tells the truth" or "tells the truth right now". And Jack proved countless times he can't be trusted, even before BL2, even before TPS.

    But of course he's "upset". I'm also would've been upset if someone that I tried to trick into doing what I want was doing what Rhys is doing - thinking about himself and his friends first and putting them before me. Like "I tried really hard to take control over this idiot's body oh sorry gain his trust, and now I will be rightfully "upset" about that and when the time'll come... oh oh oh, you'll be really sorry that you didn't let me have my way. But it's even funnier that way. A lot less complicated than pretending to be your ally."

    The thing that he's really upset about is just that - reality will never meet his expectations. He sees himself as hero, everyone else sees him as a space Hitler. The end.

    The_Duck posted: »

    People are just assuming he is manipulating you during these scenes. I don't buy it, because his behavior seems genuine, and why pretend to be upset then threaten you?

  • You are 100% right, I swear like 75% of the players who played this game have fell for Jacks bullshit,

    *35%. And I don't think even half of those really fell for it. They're just curious and/or like him.

    Plus, I think the deal with Jack won't end well no matter what tbh. It's a no-win situation.

    Tac_Poke posted: »

    You are 100% right, I swear like 75% of the players who played this game have fell for Jacks bullshit, We'll see, it wont end well for those

  • he didnt seems to know about his death in episdoe 2 start but in episode 3 he knows about the vault hunters who killed him and even about the way he died with a big hole in his sternum, which he was bleeding from the entire warrior fight. i guess the ai updates the brain automaticly over time

    GSSalvador posted: »

    this! AI Jack is Way more of a good guy Type Then The normal Jack. Because the AI from him was Created shortly After the End of TPS. He know

  • well he is a masochist (and sadist) so it make sense.

    "first time getting shot at.. kind of fun"

    To be honest (and as non-creepy as possible) he was probably into it... We know he likes strong women (and hats!) I think he's the kin

  • I am honestly hoping Jack betrays Rhys. I love Jack, and the best part about him is that he's the villain. Redeeming him into something just short of a 'good guy' would really ruin the character.

    Tac_Poke posted: »

    You are 100% right, I swear like 75% of the players who played this game have fell for Jacks bullshit, We'll see, it wont end well for those

  • I feel like people are making this weird distinction between Jack the 100% manipulative douchebag and Jack the misunderstood AI buddy... He's both. Yes, I definitely believe he's manipulating you (listen to his 'Henderson... a total asshole, amirite... but damn those horrid kitten fights were fun...?' lines and tell me differently), but he's still a person (entity?) with emotions, and he can easily get upset at your refusal to trust him if he thought you were teaming up before, and he can also feel quite friendly towards Rhys if Rhys is being a loyal Jack-follower. I think his emotions at least are genuine.

    What I mean is, if you ally with Jack all the way, I do believe he has no personal issues with Rhys - he's got a half-capable little lackey right there, why wouldn't he be happy with him? So I do believe his friendliness is genuine, just not something to bet your life on... He's got bigger goals and he'll let Rhys take the fall if he needs him to, but that doesn't mean he's not feeling charitable towards him atm.

    That's how I interpret the Jack dialog anyway.

    DeityD posted: »

    Nope, you're buying it by definition of it. Because you believe in 100% of what he's saying and we're not. You just don't realize that "pers

  • Well let's agree to disagree, we each have our own interpretation of what he said "before", which I think was a lie to Felicity to keep her in check, and then what he said "after" :

    "Keep the military stuff, anything that can help us in a fight. Trash the rest."

    At the time of the destroying the AI, he didn't plan on killing off Felicity. He would have created a copy of her if they had time. Even the

  • You said "HE is the kind of guy", rather you mean "I am the type of guy"

    To be honest (and as non-creepy as possible) he was probably into it... We know he likes strong women (and hats!) I think he's the kin

  • Unlike the Walking Dead, The Borderlands isn't meant to be a particularly sad story.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Sarah... Nick... Ben... Luke...

  • Alt text

    I think people like to make distinction between good and evil because it's easier to understand and deal with it. Cause we need to take someone's side - and I'm talking in general here, like Jack vs Vault hunters - that's a very common situation. And to make this decision, we should choose only one side, doesn't matter if we "understand" Jack or feel sorry for him or whatever, if we choose the vault hunters we basically admit that he's wrong, if we choose Jack we admit that he's a misunderstood cutie (and as people also like to add "it's all was Lilith's fault, duh"). That's just a classic example of conflicting loyalties. Like in the real life, we can't say screw you both because even if someone thinks so, they still will have an opinion and one of the sides will be less preferable than the other. But it's not easy to accept that we chose something "evil" so we'll be looking for any kind of excuse that could let us say it isn't - like none of this wasn't Jack's fault, that he had to do what he did cause... I dunno, reasons I guess, that AI is somehow different from the real "evil" Jack, those kinds of things.

    I feel like people are making this weird distinction between Jack the 100% manipulative douchebag and Jack the misunderstood AI buddy... He'

  • I guess a lot of people do that to make themselves feel better. But personally, I do "choose" Jack - both over the vault hunters in BL1/2 and TPS, and in my decisions in TFTB. Not because I think he was misunderstood then, or beginning to change now - I just agree with his vision. I honest to god think his rule would have been the better option for the shithole that is Pandora.

    Borderlands is a universe populated by murderers who enjoy killing. Jack's planned industrialized totalitarian state appeals to me more than the chaotic wasteland deathworld supported by the vault hunters of BL/BL2. And you know, you can't make an omelette... etc. I see it as a political - rather than moral - preference.

    Besides, his methods, both in-universe and meta-wise, are no worse than the vault hunters'/players' means... 'shoot whoever opposes you' ;)

    DeityD posted: »

    I think people like to make distinction between good and evil because it's easier to understand and deal with it. Cause we need to take some

  • That is such an intense line from BL2

    Handsome Jack doesn't "choke" people, he "strangles" them.

  • He's much closer to TPS Jack than BL2 Jack. The BL2 Jack would have done a lot more damage already in my opinion

    The_Duck posted: »

    Well, most people agree that the AI is based on BL2 Jack, and as of Episode 3, he has apparently remembered the events of his death. I definitely think he is becoming a better/different person, though.

  • Except when it is............that's Borderland's trick, you see? It fools you into thinking that it's just a cutesy, crazy, wild west adventure on an alien planet, with lots of explosions and idiotic robots..........and then.......and then............ROLAND!!!!!!!!


    But, yeah. Borderlands lulls you into a false sense of complacency sometimes, and then it kicks you in the groin. Hard. Then walks away, comes back with a golf club, and hits you a couple more times.

    Then it smirks, offers you a hand up and some cake, and is all "We're cool though, right?"

    We. Are. NOT. COOL!

    Unlike the Walking Dead, The Borderlands isn't meant to be a particularly sad story.

  • Or possibly he was having a delusional Jack moment in E2? You know, conveniently blocking out the memory of his gruesome death, just 'cause "I'm the hero! The hero doesn't die!"?

    Heh. Freaking Jack, man. ;)

    clap-tp posted: »

    he didnt seems to know about his death in episdoe 2 start but in episode 3 he knows about the vault hunters who killed him and even about th

  • Eh, I didn't find it that sad. Roland wasn't particularly interesting and he deserved it. Handsome Jack was in the right.

    J_E_K posted: »

    Except when it is............that's Borderland's trick, you see? It fools you into thinking that it's just a cutesy, crazy, wild west advent

  • Roland :'(

    J_E_K posted: »

    Except when it is............that's Borderland's trick, you see? It fools you into thinking that it's just a cutesy, crazy, wild west advent

  • Rhys might have filled him in during the caravan montage in episode 3.

    clap-tp posted: »

    he didnt seems to know about his death in episdoe 2 start but in episode 3 he knows about the vault hunters who killed him and even about th

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