(18+)Unofficial Game of Thrones Discussion Thread(Major Spoilers for Game/Show/Books)

So, that trailer was.. Open. Everything major was pretty much spoiled.

First: Gared vs. Sylvi.

She says south, he says north. Am I sensing a little fight here? Or is she being overprotective as in love?
Well, that's it. But where's Cotter and -determinately- Finn?

Second: Ramsay flaying Rodrik.

We all saw it. Not saying really confirmed, but who watched the trailer would've seen the bloody hand and knife (There's blood on 'em) and someone picking 'em up. Rodrik R.I.P.

Third: In Mereen.

Man, they are in trouble. Wonder where's Croft and Malcolm. That fat guy seemed to have did Beshka a lot.

Edit History:
-July 15 - Cotter's sister to Megan. Thanks @Flog61 and @Megami_Kizukanai.

          - Spoiler tagged the whole thread, as suggested by @IronWoodLover. (Even though the whole thread is known to hold spoilers).
  • Another name change. She's Sylvi not Megan. Thanks @IronWoodLover.

  • Included crossmethod spoilers in the title, nagged and annoyed by @AgentZ46. Thanks!



  • edited July 2015
    Everything major was pretty much spoiled.

    Err... I don't think so.

    First: Gared x Cotter's sister.

    dafuq it's Gared x Megan Alt text

  • First of all, in the Gared x Cotter's sister, I didn't mean to ship, you silly guy :D: !

    Second of all, who the FUCK is Megan?

    Everything major was pretty much spoiled. Err... I don't think so. First: Gared x Cotter's sister. dafuq it's Gared x Megan

  • She's megan :P

    First of all, in the Gared x Cotter's sister, I didn't mean to ship, you silly guy : ! Second of all, who the FUCK is Megan?

  • Oh. Hahaha. I really looked stupid..

    Where did that get mentioned? Last time I played Game of Thrones was like a month or so ago.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She's megan :P

  • No, haha, as in, Megami_Kizukanai's name is Megan :P

    Oh. Hahaha. I really looked stupid.. Where did that get mentioned? Last time I played Game of Thrones was like a month or so ago.

  • edited July 2015
    First of all, in the Gared x Cotter's sister, I didn't mean to ship

    An "x" between two names means they're being shipped. :P

    First of all, in the Gared x Cotter's sister, I didn't mean to ship, you silly guy : ! Second of all, who the FUCK is Megan?

  • Seems kinda early to make all those conclusions. Although it does look like Rodrik is pretty fucked. Hope he doesn't die.

  • edited July 2015

    I have a feeling that we can achieve an alliance with Cersei. The Forresters aren't disobedient. The Whitehills took the entire Ironwood forest and need our help now. I think we will be able to talk to Ramsey about that. Towards the end of the trailer you see Wildlings standing there. If you watched Season 5 of Game of Thrones you would know that the Whitewalkers can raise the dead and control them. I hope the episode ends with finding the North Grove, or something very significant happening.

  • Pardon my lack of knowledge, but I never watched GoT, nor did I read it for the matter of fact.

    Rise the dead and control them? Man, that's a tough break. What about they get Gregor Forrester and control him?

    I hope Gared is like a Whitewalker and he doesn't know. Would be awesome.

    Then Cersei will kill Mira. But I hope she doesn't. She could be useful.

    RisingMiles posted: »

    I have a feeling that we can achieve an alliance with Cersei. The Forresters aren't disobedient. The Whitehills took the entire Ironwood for

  • Same :/

    BeastInside posted: »

    Seems kinda early to make all those conclusions. Although it does look like Rodrik is pretty fucked. Hope he doesn't die.

  • This is a White Walker raising dead freefolk.

    Pardon my lack of knowledge, but I never watched GoT, nor did I read it for the matter of fact. Rise the dead and control them? Man, that

  • It's the end of the road for rodrik

  • edited July 2015

    "Mira: Your Grace?

    Cersei: You've been such a busy little handmaiden...

    ... you're not above using people to get what you want...


    So, Cersei is a potential ally? Pls TellTale make her help us <3

    "Sylvi: The further North you go, more likely you'll never come back. We head South.

    Gared: You can't stop me for going North"

    Hummm...No Sylvi going back South is not on my plans. Is gared using a bow? Hell, Yeah!

    "Tyrion: Let me guess: you are in a very precarious position..."

    I am and, sorry, you are screwed.

    "Beska: It's a new day in Mereen

    Samoa Joe's character: If it isn't Beska! The basilisk! (Or something like that)

    Hummm... K, dunno if you two hate eachother or are just old friends (Probably the former)

    "Beska: Pit fighters... No rules but kill...

    Pit Girl: jufghjklçlkjhgfghjkl (couldn't understand)

    Beska: That was yesterday, you're all free now!"

    This Beska speach will be for sure, a fail.

    "Someone: We don't know who you are, until you hcdjkjkjhg (can't understand)"

    K Asher fight to get respect (I supose).

    "Ramsey: Walk with me Rodrick...

    ... It's very important you see what comes of desobidience!

    Talia: Please!"

    K we doomed, the traitor probably told Ramsey that the garrison was locked, and the garrison is now free (or those are bolton soldiers?). I don't think he will flay or cut of Rodrick's balls, but he will harm Rodrick and Talia/Elissa.

    "Mira: I've done what I needed to do...

    Cersei:... for your family. I think we both know it's a convinient lie we tell ourselves."

    *But... I'm doing this for mahhh family Your Grace!

    Then the trailer ends with White Walkers? Or are those Wildlings? Or both? Either way, we are screwed!*

    (Sorry for any mistakes)

  • Those are Bolton soldiers. They have the sigil on their chestplate.

    And they're wights.

  • edited July 2015

    Well thanks, but I'm confused... Wights don't need to be killed with dragon glass do they?

    Those are Bolton soldiers. They have the sigil on their chestplate. And they're wights.

  • Usually penultimate episodes have the most important events. Perhaps, Rodrik's death (In general, the end of the Westeros House Forrester).

    I expect Asher and Mira to rebuild House Forrester after 1/2 of the House in Westeros is.. Long Gone.

    I just watched S5E10, why did they kill Jon? What did he do?

    And another one, where's Frostfinger?

  • Spoiler tag dude!

    Usually penultimate episodes have the most important events. Perhaps, Rodrik's death (In general, the end of the Westeros House Forrester).

  • They killed Jon because he was a traitor,he put mance out of his misery,he helped the wildlings,so they killed him for it. Frostfinger is probably at the wall,why??

    Usually penultimate episodes have the most important events. Perhaps, Rodrik's death (In general, the end of the Westeros House Forrester).

  • Mance Rayder is a traitor though :-:

    They killed Jon because he was a traitor,he put mance out of his misery,he helped the wildlings,so they killed him for it. Frostfinger is probably at the wall,why??

  • Chill, okay? Updated the thread.

    Spoiler tag dude!

  • edited July 2015

    Could you please tie this post to a spoiler tag? It's too big. <==== Please no "that's what she said" jokes.

  • How can he be?

    Mance Rayder is a traitor though :-:

  • You do know he's referring to the show, right? Not everyone has seen Season 5.

    Chill, okay? Updated the thread.

  • I can, sorry if I spoiled anything to you D:

    And btw: That's what she said 8)

    Could you please tie this post to a spoiler tag? It's too big. <==== Please no "that's what she said" jokes.

  • Sry I didn't meant to be rude D:

    Chill, okay? Updated the thread.

  • That's what they said at the wall in the game. Am I missing something?

    How can he be?

  • No bro you didn't spoil anything :D

    It's just big.

    And lol.

    I can, sorry if I spoiled anything to you And btw: That's what she said 8)

  • He fled the Night's Watch..

    How can he be?

  • Mance Rayder was a crow,becoming the king of the wildlings painted him a traitor in the eyes of all the crows

    That's what they said at the wall in the game. Am I missing something?

  • After seeing this trailer I'm beginning to wonder just how much Mira and Cersei have in common. Although Mira is good at playing the game Cersei 'thinks' she's good at playing the game.

  • Acttualy I don't think Mira is "that" good playing the game... She said she was going to destroy the Andros, but I can't see HOW will she do that...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    After seeing this trailer I'm beginning to wonder just how much Mira and Cersei have in common. Although Mira is good at playing the game Cersei 'thinks' she's good at playing the game.

  • He meant as in his username. Cotter's sister is Sylvi (don't know if I spelled that right)

    Oh. Hahaha. I really looked stupid.. Where did that get mentioned? Last time I played Game of Thrones was like a month or so ago.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm gonna guess that Rodrik will be blinded in one eye or have some of his face flayed off, definitely not dying in the fifth episode, that would make us lose our Ironrath POV... Oh, and fuck Dany for probably not helping Asher after all.

  • edited July 2015

    LOL I watched that video with this in backround LOL watch it it is hilarious.

    RisingMiles posted: »

    This is a White Walker raising dead freefolk.

  • What if Asher becomes our Ironrath POV? We know he's going to arrive in Westeros.

    That1Guy posted: »

    I'm gonna guess that Rodrik will be blinded in one eye or have some of his face flayed off, definitely not dying in the fifth episode, that would make us lose our Ironrath POV... Oh, and fuck Dany for probably not helping Asher after all.

  • edited July 2015

    Well they can be killed with fire, remember season 1? wink wink

    Well thanks, but I'm confused... Wights don't need to be killed with dragon glass do they?

  • More importantly Mance was wildling, then he became ranger and then he deserted back to his own people and bcame the king beyond the wall.

    Mance Rayder was a crow,becoming the king of the wildlings painted him a traitor in the eyes of all the crows

  • Yes but he'd still have to transport an army across the North, presumably from White Harbor to Ironrath, past all the Boltons. It can happen, but we have to wait a while.

    Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    What if Asher becomes our Ironrath POV? We know he's going to arrive in Westeros.

  • Nor did I watch it.

    You do know he's referring to the show, right? Not everyone has seen Season 5.

  • I'm not bothered dude stop feeling bad :P

    Sry I didn't meant to be rude

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