Would you be angered if...

Rodrik wasn't seriously maimed or injured by Ramsay? I think I would seeing as Rodrik as a main character had his plot armor. Seriously how much can a broken, crippled man really withstand before death. The possibility of winning that minor scuffle with Gryff in the beginning of episode 4 was something you'd see out of an 80's karate movie not GOT. I also think him losing his balls for showing the Whitehills he had them would be a twist of irony but Telltale might not have them to do a scene like that. I'm really on the doughtful side that he could plead with Ramsay in any way after what he's done the last 4 episodes.


  • I'm not sure how Rodrik managing to take down Gryff seems like something out of an 80's karate movie. He clearly wouldn't have won in a fight, all he did was surprise him, get a single attack in and then let a bunch of trained soldiers protect him from retaliation.

  • How he, a crippled, wounded man not expecting to be attacked easily beat a healthy armored man mirors what an old sensei would do to a young student who lost his temper. I'm surprised he didn't say.

    "You have much to learn, Young Gryff. How very disappointed I am."

    I'm not sure how Rodrik managing to take down Gryff seems like something out of an 80's karate movie. He clearly wouldn't have won in a figh

  • Eh, he's not particularly broken or crippled. And that sort of thing is exaclty what we'd see in GOT. It's along the lines of Stannis fighting multiple people at once, Barristan fighting +10 people alone, Eddard not being instantly destroyed by Jaime, Oberyn's dancing, Arya not being obliterated in every encounter she finds herself in, Jorah in the fighting pits, Jon vs. The Whitewalker, and so on. Him winning that is far more believable than any of those, plus what he did to Gryff is an actual trick (half-swording.)

    I already dislike the encounter with Ramsay. Ramsay's +9001 plot armour might be enough to break Rodrik's +10 plot armour, although with Asher potentially returning he could lose it entirely. I'll be mad regardless of what happens. It'd be nice if Rodrik's plot armour prevailed though, but it'd suck if Ramsay used his plot armour to harm a member of the house. Ludd has already implied that Roose and Ramsay are pretty pissed with the Whitehills, I don't think Ramsay will harm Rodrik, psychotic as he is he is still smart enough to not infuriate Roose (although he regularly annoys him.)

  • The trick Rodrik did (half-swording) was created purely to defeat stronger, armoured opponents.

    Clemenem posted: »

    How he, a crippled, wounded man not expecting to be attacked easily beat a healthy armored man mirors what an old sensei would do to a young

  • Stannis fighting multiple people at once, 

    It was only two

    once, Barristan fighting +10 people alone

    He's probably the most skilled in Westeros. Didn't Theon say Jaime did the exact same thing in Season 1

    Oberyn's dancing

    If you're referring to him being faster than The Mountain I don't understand why you're surprised. Anyone with two good legs and decent enough shape could move faster than Gregor just do happens Oberyn is arrogant

    Arya not being obliterated in every encounter she finds herself in,

    She's protected by Sandor the whole way. Not as bad as The Clementine's though

    Jorah in the fighting pits

    Is he not a trained knight? Most of those men in Essos were bums

    Jon vs The Whitewalker

    Meh can't disagree there

    Eh, he's not particularly broken or crippled. And that sort of thing is exaclty what we'd see in GOT. It's along the lines of Stannis fighti

  • I was thinking more of the siege on King's Landing than the Bolton soldiers with Stannis. It doesn't matter how skilled you are, +10 on 1 isn't good odds ever; three of the best fighters to have ever lived (Arthur Dayne, Gerold Hightower, and Oswell Went) lost to seven subpar fighters like Eddard. Oberyn was undoubtedly faster than the Mountain in the books, but the dancing was out of place and he wasn't even that much faster than Gregor in the show. Jorah is a trained knight, but those fighters have spent their entire lives fighting and training, plus knights are trained to either fight unarmoured peasants or other knights.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Stannis fighting multiple people at once,  It was only two once, Barristan fighting +10 people alone He's probably the

  • Jon vs the whitewalker

    One could assume the white walker was taunting Jon. Throwing him around to have a bit of fun. He didn't expect Jon to have a Valyryan Steel sword as he was really surprised after Jon's sword didn't shatter. The whitewalker's are "artists" according to Mance.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Stannis fighting multiple people at once,  It was only two once, Barristan fighting +10 people alone He's probably the

  • That's a safe assumption. If I was a near-immortal being capable of bringing things back from the dead, using weapons forged from ice and magic, and I could destroy weapons on contact I'd probably get pretty cocky.

    Wigams posted: »

    Jon vs the whitewalker One could assume the white walker was taunting Jon. Throwing him around to have a bit of fun. He didn't exp

  • edited July 2015

    the only "plot armor" that bothers me is ramsay's

  • Oh my god! Enough

    the only "plot armor" that bothers me is ramsay's

  • Why are we yelling!?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Oh my god! Enough

  • Sorry just this plot armor stuff is getting to be like beating a dead horse. Half the TWAU's cast was plot armored as well as TWD.

    Why are we yelling!?

  • I didn't play TWAU but I can for sure say that that's not true for TWD.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Sorry just this plot armor stuff is getting to be like beating a dead horse. Half the TWAU's cast was plot armored as well as TWD.

  • Glenn and Hershel and Lilly

    Abeille posted: »

    I didn't play TWAU but I can for sure say that that's not true for TWD.

  • Ramsay doesn't have your average every day plot armour, he has...

    Advanced plot armour.

    ALL protagonists in everything ever have plot armour. Story plot armour and Show-Canon plot armour are different, the protagonists have it to progress the story, Ramsay has it because he's a Canon character. Most of the Walking Dead's characters didn't have plot armour, those that did had no influence over the story. Stop posting things. You are wrong. Almost always wrong. You're comparing apples and galaxies. Stop. It's even more frustrating that Ramsay's plot armour.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Sorry just this plot armor stuff is getting to be like beating a dead horse. Half the TWAU's cast was plot armored as well as TWD.

  • edited July 2015

    TWD game Lilly and show/comic Lilly aren't the same. Hershel and Glenn had no influence on anything.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Glenn and Hershel and Lilly

  • Later, Lilly became "not comic Lilly".

    Glenn and Hershel barely had any impact on the story, really different from Ramsay's role here.

    And even if you consider all the 3 of them, that's not "half the cast".

    A better route, in my opinion, would have been to send a representative. Like Gryff's older brother, that one that serves the Boltons. They could make him just as crazy and have just as much impact on the story as Ramsay, but at least he wouldn't be so predictable. We know exactly how Ramsay operates and exactly what will happen to him from the start, and that detracts from the story, in my humble opinion.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Glenn and Hershel and Lilly

  • Stop posting things. You are wrong. Almost always wrong. You're comparing apples and galaxies. Stop. It's even more frustrating that Ramsay's plot armour.

    Oh please. If people wouldn't bring this up on countless threads and comments it wouldn't be happening. You've been doing this plot "armour" thing for a while on multiple threads sometimes having no bearing to the thread itself. We get it you don't like the situation but really.

    Ramsay doesn't have your average every day plot armour, he has... Advanced plot armour. ALL protagonists in everything ever have plot

  • It needs to be brought up. It's a legitimate complaint. I only bring it up on threads concerning Ramsay, where it is entirely relevant. Your opinions are wrong.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Stop posting things. You are wrong. Almost always wrong. You're comparing apples and galaxies. Stop. It's even more frustrating that Ramsay'

  • edited July 2015

    Your opinions are wrong

    Good god not another one. Opinions aren't wrong or right they're what someone thinks. Unless you're claiming you're some kind of greater lifeform to have a greater and the ultimate opinion over me me which would make no sense or make you egotistical as hell lmao

    It needs to be brought up. It's a legitimate complaint. I only bring it up on threads concerning Ramsay, where it is entirely relevant. Your opinions are wrong.

  • edited July 2015

    Your somewhat regular use of "lmao" makes me feel quite confident that my opinions are probably more well thought out. Some human's thoughts are more valuable than others.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Your opinions are wrong Good god not another one. Opinions aren't wrong or right they're what someone thinks. Unless you're claiming

  • Your use somewhat regular use of "lmao" makes me feel quite confident that my opinions are probably more well thought out

    It's a common thing on the internet as an expression to laugh. Once again you're judging opinions as if they were facts or theories which they're not. Are we really doing a my opinion vs your opinion argument? All it ends in is ignorance and discussions like. "What I think is better than what you think.

     Some human's thoughts are more valuable than others.

    Ignorance on the highest level

    Your somewhat regular use of "lmao" makes me feel quite confident that my opinions are probably more well thought out. Some human's thoughts are more valuable than others.

  • We live on a planet of +seven billion people. They aren't all going to be equal. "My opinion vs. your opinion" arguments are necessary and always have been. It's pointless here, yes. But humans need to be told that they're wrong, otherwise they'll think spreading false or not well thought ideas is okay. It's pointless here though.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Your use somewhat regular use of "lmao" makes me feel quite confident that my opinions are probably more well thought out It's a com

  • Not really. Different things are going to mean different things to different people, debating it won't change anything and it's been proven factual arguments get more conclusive results and can be proven right or wrong but I digress. Let's agree to disagree

    We live on a planet of +seven billion people. They aren't all going to be equal. "My opinion vs. your opinion" arguments are necessary and a

  • thats why i love the reaction on that fuckers face when longclaw didnt break.

    That's a safe assumption. If I was a near-immortal being capable of bringing things back from the dead, using weapons forged from ice and magic, and I could destroy weapons on contact I'd probably get pretty cocky.

  • Yes! It really helped add another dimension to the White Walkers seeing both him and Jon both like "What the fucking fuck? Did that just happen?"

    jamex1223 posted: »

    thats why i love the reaction on that fuckers face when longclaw didnt break.

  • She was from the comic, until JUST before episode 3 came out. The achievement earned when Lilly leaves used to be called "Woodbury Bound", until Kirkman released a book, which conflicted comic Lilly's background with game Lilly's background.

    TWD game Lilly and show/comic Lilly aren't the same. Hershel and Glenn had no influence on anything.

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