Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    Kruzii posted: »


  • I want to doodle this.

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    buntingsir posted: »

    LMAO Goddamn, I want to doodle this.

  • I've been on here since 9am this morning, now it's 7:20pm... My day has ruled!!! XD

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I've just realized that I've almost spent my whole day here...kinda weird but nvm

  • so young but so wise <3

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    buntingsir posted: »

    LMAO Goddamn, I want to doodle this.

  • Then you have no idea what I'm capable of XD

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Nope ^^

  • Me likey :)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Seems like you've enjoyed it :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I've been on here since 9am this morning, now it's 7:20pm... My day has ruled!!! XD

  • not really wise hah

    Kruzii posted: »

    so young but so wise

  • edited July 2015

    This is what I managed to accomplish while on a seven-hour bus ride (surprisingly enjoyable as they were showing movies). Sorry if it's short, I just thought the idea was cute. And it turned out longer than I thought it would.


    After a chance encounter with the sock monster (one of Rhys' failed attempts at joking around with the kids), Gortys was spending most nights in her parents' bed. Fiona wasn't very happy about it, she thought the little robot was getting too old for such habits. But looking at Gortys' terrified expression as she asked her father to check for monsters under her bed was enough to force even Fiona to make an exception from her normally strict rules regarding her sleep routines ("Never, EVER wake me up") and let Gortys stay with them. Tonight, however, she was beginning to regret it.

    She'd just begun to drift off when a squeaky voice piped up beside her.

    "Daddy, can you read me a story? Pleeeeeease?!"

    Fiona heard Rhys groan lightly beside her, and decided to take the hit for him.

    "Sweetie, daddy's tired right now, but I'd be happy to read you a story. "

    Rhys mouthed a silent "thank you" and she shrugged at him as if to say "What are wives for?".

    A moment later, she smiled as Gortys jumped up shouting "YAYYY!" and nearly trampled Rhys in the process. Then she yawned and tried not to think about the fact that her pillow was so, so soft...

    "This one!" Gortys rolled up with 'The Hustler and the Skag'. Fiona took it wearily and started reading.

    "Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl on the dusty plains of Pandora..."

    A while later, the story was finished and the hustler had been happily married to the skag (who had turned out to be an enchanted Hyperion employee). Fiona, who was now on the verge of sleep, tucked Gortys in.

    She got into bed herself and shut her eyes, almost as-

    "Mommy, do penguins have knees?"

    Fiona's eyes snapped open and she was about to tell Gortys that now she'd really gone too far when she heard Rhys' sleepy voice, he must have woken up.

    "That's a very interesting question, actually..."

    She gave him the evil eye over Gortys' head, but he just held up a hand, asking her to wait a moment. She raised her eyebrows expectantly and he turned to Gortys.

    "You know, Gortys, this is such a complicated question I think we'll have to take it to the kitchen and draw it out. Whad'ya say?"

    Gortys immediately hopped out of bed and got her crayons and some paper, then stood impatiently by the door.

    Rhys nodded at Fiona and she understood that they were now even. They left, and she snuggled comfortably into the mattress, finally able to get some well-deserved rest. Her final thought before drifting off was that her family may be dysfunctional, but she couldn’t ever ask for a better one.

    Edit: Excuse typos, this was written on a phone :P

  • @Kruzii

    So do penguins have knees?

    This was too cute. <3 Little Gortys is the best.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is what I managed to accomplish while on a seven-hour bus ride (surprisingly enjoyable as they were showing movies). Sorry if it's shor

  • its perfect :3 fiona and rhys are such good parents <3 and yes, liittle gortys, penguins have knees :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is what I managed to accomplish while on a seven-hour bus ride (surprisingly enjoyable as they were showing movies). Sorry if it's shor

  • yeah we do have knees, wolfi!

    I jumped into a x ray machine to show you where exactly:

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Kruzii So do penguins have knees? This was too cute. Little Gortys is the best.

  • of course you're not annoying! it makes me very happy that you find it interesting <3 i've always admired them too, so much i decided i also wanted to do that with my life x). for me it's not a hobby, i wish to devote to it professionally, though i know it's a very challenging profession i love it so much i'm determined to fight for it, because, i don't know, most of the time it feels like the only thing that's really made for me, i'm drawn to it in a way.

    my other hobbies are writing, reading, drawing-- what i do around here!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Wow, you're an actress, that's so damn cool ! I always admired them, how well they could make the character seem so alive and real, and all the emotions also. Do you have any other hobbies? sorry if I'm annoying .__.

  • I remembered people on the thread wondering this a while back, that's why I put it in ;)

    Thank youuuu! <3 Yeah, I liked making her innocently annoying. Poor little thing doesn't understand the importance of sleep for humans.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Kruzii So do penguins have knees? This was too cute. Little Gortys is the best.

  • Well, every day's a school day!

    Kruzii posted: »

    yeah we do have knees, wolfi! I jumped into a x ray machine to show you where exactly:

  • aw i love this <3 domestic fluffy family fanfiction is my fav!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is what I managed to accomplish while on a seven-hour bus ride (surprisingly enjoyable as they were showing movies). Sorry if it's shor

  • She's still young, she'll get it some day. <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I remembered people on the thread wondering this a while back, that's why I put it in Thank youuuu! Yeah, I liked making her innocently annoying. Poor little thing doesn't understand the importance of sleep for humans.

  • Thank you so much! :D They are awesome parents, can't bear to disappoint their little baby.

    God spare me from seeing that strangely creepy picture again...

    Kruzii posted: »

    its perfect fiona and rhys are such good parents and yes, liittle gortys, penguins have knees

  • do you mean this strangely creepy picture?

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    how long do you write on a fic?

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Thank you so much! They are awesome parents, can't bear to disappoint their little baby. God spare me from seeing that strangely creepy picture again...

  • Thank you! The idea just came to me and then I couldn't not write it. It was supposed to end with Gortys finally going to sleep after Fiona having stayed up several hours to baby her, but then I decided to let good father Rhys meddle in the business :D

    rhonu posted: »

    aw i love this domestic fluffy family fanfiction is my fav!

  • Yessir I have!! :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Seems like you've enjoyed it

  • That is awesome! XD

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Not sure if you've guys seen this before, so Imma show you all it. After watching this clip numerous times, I came to the realization that t

  • Gortys: "So wait... all this time I was disturbing you and you never told me?"

    Rhys: "Yup..."

    Fiona: "Uhuh. Pretty much it."

    Gortys: "I love you guys!"

    Gortys hugs them

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She's still young, she'll get it some day.

  • I think you're an interesting person :D

    I still don't know what job or profession is the one right for me. I enjoy drawing but I don't draw really special. I do like languages and learning them but I'm only 'pro' at English, German not so much :/ My GPA has always been great but I can't decide what's great for me.

    By the way, is your birthday at the 26th July? I think I saw you posting it was very close.

    rhonu posted: »

    of course you're not annoying! it makes me very happy that you find it interesting i've always admired them too, so much i decided i also w

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams, buddy. <3

  • Yup. It's not exactly creepy... more interesting-creepy. In a good way, I learned something new.

    Anything between minutes and days, sometimes my inspiration really runs dry :P This fic was a quick one, mostly since it was short and I already had it planned out in my head.

    Kruzii posted: »

    do you mean this strangely creepy picture? how long do you write on a fic?

  • You've inspired me to write more family fics.

    Thank you. <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Gortys: "So wait... all this time I was disturbing you and you never told me?" Rhys: "Yup..." Fiona: "Uhuh. Pretty much it." Gortys: "I love you guys!" Gortys hugs them

  • awww yea my favourite video

    HazzatheMan posted: »


  • I love it :3 <3

    I think you should definitely write more if you don't already ^^

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is what I managed to accomplish while on a seven-hour bus ride (surprisingly enjoyable as they were showing movies). Sorry if it's shor

  • You're welcome! <3


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You've inspired me to write more family fics. Thank you.

  • awesome, just want to say you're really good!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yup. It's not exactly creepy... more interesting-creepy. In a good way, I learned something new. Anything between minutes and days, somet

  • Have sweet dreams full of Rhyiona or whatever else your heart desires <3

  • G'night, Rabbit! Have sweet Rhyiona dreams! <3

  • 10/10 would watch again

    HazzatheMan posted: »


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