Episode 5 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/Xbox 360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • You dont even need to have it yet

    -Furious PS3 user

    Wigams posted: »

    I dont' have it * Furious Xbox one user

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    Me opening a thread with spoilers

  • Thank you Giraffehat, and it's really good seeing you so active again, glad to hear you're doing better.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    WELL! A certain very discourteous individual has spoiled something in a thread that had no spoiler warning. I reported it though, so all you

  • Me, nor do I have the urge to ask, Telltale has taught me well when it comes to patience, I can wait a few more days.

    Timcanpy posted: »

    People that haven't asked for spoilers despite the temptation, do raise your hand! I remain strong

  • Y'know, I thought that "Post your episode 5 choices" thread was a joke at first. Then I realized the episode actually leaked. It's another damn TWDS2 Episode 4 situation.

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    Wigams posted: »

    Me opening a thread with spoilers

  • I'm active when I have stuff to say. And while I may not actually have much to say currently, I do have plenty of gifs to spam, which is just as important.

    Thank you Giraffehat, and it's really good seeing you so active again, glad to hear you're doing better.

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    Im havin way too much fun with these

  • WHAT? Episode 5 LEAKED?!

    No... no... this isn't fair... I'm on Steam........ it should have leaked on Steam...

  • The master race follows the rules. Alt text

    Harian96 posted: »

    WHAT? Episode 5 LEAKED?! No... no... this isn't fair... I'm on Steam........ it should have leaked on Steam...

  • Do you think Episode 5 will be released early for the rest of the platforms as well? I mean it might as well... but it probably won't :(

    I'm conflicted over whether its worth waiting it out - or watching the leaked walkthrough on Youtube... if only Episode 5 is released early for the rest of the platforms as well... but it probably won't... I don't know how to feel about this... I unwittingly spoilt some of my own suspense by stumbling upon an Episode 5 thread which I had assumed to be fan speculation.... I feel... robbed....

  • Since the list in the OP is chronological, does this mean android is getting it at a later time than iOS? I know the title says Android/iOS so it might be helpful to put Android and iOS on the same line in the OP if that is the case.

  • The worst thing that can happen to me entertainment-wise is getting spoiled, even a little bit. I'm in the process of catching up on the show "Chuck", and sure it's older, but I avoided spoilers as much as I could. Then one day I go to check one of the actor's bios in google for other work they'd done, and a picture from the SERIES FINALE shows up out of nowhere, and it spoiled it for me.

    It was even worse when "L.A. Noire" came out. It was only out for a month or so when I bought it, and I was checking a video to compare how the person handled their crime case compared to mine (only up to what I'd done in the game thus far, like half way), when right in the comments someone blurts out what happens to the main character at the end. I was FUMIN'. It ruined the rest of the game for me.

    That's why I'm quite literally keeping this thread tab open at all times and just refreshing, not venturing anywhere else GOT-wise in the forum. Because the last thing I need is for some random person to run in and yell (for example):

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  • I don't know how to feel right now :(

    When I stumbled across the 'Mod Notice' thread I was stupid enough to think someone was alerting the players to a fan-made Mod of Telltale Game of Thrones (probably model swapping)... then I end up reading what's in there... and I'm trying to keep it flushed out of my mind but it won't go away...

  • But... aren't you mods getting spoiled aswell?

    I somehow managed not to get spoiled and I'm thinking of not even visiting the forums anymore til Tuesday. It's dangerous out there ;_;

  • Oh man, I know what you mean about L.A Noire. It really sucks. I didn't even finish that game

    StephyDee posted: »

    The worst thing that can happen to me entertainment-wise is getting spoiled, even a little bit. I'm in the process of catching up on the sho

  • The fact that I didn't get spoiled is proof of your hard work. There's no problem. Good luck on trying to keep thinks under control. :)

    I somehow managed not to get spoiled and I'm thinking of not even visiting the forums anymore til Tuesday. It's dangerous out there ;_;

  • I take it you got spoilt, my friend? :(

    Harian96 posted: »

    I don't know how to feel right now When I stumbled across the 'Mod Notice' thread I was stupid enough to think someone was alerting the

  • No problem bro!

    strwar3 posted: »


  • Spoilt? Spoiled

    Timcanpy posted: »

    I take it you got spoilt, my friend?

  • and I'm trying to keep it flushed out of my mind but it won't go away...

    and it won't ever go away :(

    Harian96 posted: »

    I don't know how to feel right now When I stumbled across the 'Mod Notice' thread I was stupid enough to think someone was alerting the

  • That bad, huh? You guys are making me scared of that episode.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I don't know how to feel right now When I stumbled across the 'Mod Notice' thread I was stupid enough to think someone was alerting the

  • Yeah cant wait to see what they all mean. Tuesday cant come fast enough. :/

    Abeille posted: »

    That bad, huh? You guys are making me scared of that episode.

  • I could be like English isn't my first language blah blah, but as someone who took the Cambridge exam I'm embarrassed :(

    Wigams posted: »

    Spoilt? Spoiled

  • edited July 2015

    I am so conflicted right now... to watch it early or to not watch it early, that is the question...

  • Posting it rn should be up in 20 min Spread the word cause I might get banned from the forums. It was worth it lmao

    Harian96 posted: »

    I am so conflicted right now... to watch it early or to not watch it early, that is the question...

  • If only Tuesday was tommorrow, I could just sleep through the suspense and wake up to finally download the new episode...

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Yeah cant wait to see what they all mean. Tuesday cant come fast enough.

  • Pow pow Grammar police

    Timcanpy posted: »

    I could be like English isn't my first language blah blah, but as someone who took the Cambridge exam I'm embarrassed

  • That's Bro,Bro

    Leluch123 posted: »

    No problem bro!

  • Bro for Bro!

    strwar3 posted: »

    That's Bro,Bro

  • edited July 2015

    So... you uploading video or It's was joke?

    RisingMiles posted: »

    Posting it rn should be up in 20 min Spread the word cause I might get banned from the forums. It was worth it lmao

  • 10 min m8 you won't be disappointed.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    I was going to say this.

    I salute all the mods getting spoiled to try to protect us from getting spoiled ourselves.


    But... aren't you mods getting spoiled aswell?

  • Time :Р

    RisingMiles posted: »

    10 min m8 you won't be disappointed.

  • Same here. I like to make decisions that reflect my first reactions on my first save. You know, my gut feelings. It won't work if I know what happens.

    Timcanpy posted: »

    Me too actually. I feel like if I knew what's going to happen the game wouldn't do it for me anymore. That's the charm of a Telltale game anyway so why spoil it for myself. xD

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