Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • Daaaw, this is so adorable! Reminds me of all of our head canons of Gortys before Ep 3. So sweet, nicely done, Joey! :3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is what I managed to accomplish while on a seven-hour bus ride (surprisingly enjoyable as they were showing movies). Sorry if it's shor

  • oh rhys. <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • I'm 99% certain he's trolling. Due to 90% of his posts being trolls, and also the fact that at one point he claimed "the shippers are ruining this forum".

    Welcome to Rhysha

  • I'm laughing so hard now! :D Oh god! Bless you!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • You're not bad at this. And he's so cute here ^^

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • Hahaha adorkable <3 Genius, Rhys, genius...

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • Thank you <3 I was trying to make it innocent and cute, like a bedtime story :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Daaaw, this is so adorable! Reminds me of all of our head canons of Gortys before Ep 3. So sweet, nicely done, Joey!

  • god dammit, i am away for only 5 hrs and i missed 488 comments ;-;

    i'm so sad ;-;

  • You did great, it really warmed my heart! <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Thank you I was trying to make it innocent and cute, like a bedtime story

  • Well here's the thing: I blacked out at midnight, and then at 4am I was home, on my living room floor, in my clothes, stinking of various alcohols, and my Mum was trying to sleep on the sofa...

    Apparently, it took my mates 3 whole hours to take me home, and I live like 10-15 mins away from his house. I kept stopping and falling over etc. (not gonna elaboarte on other details) and then when I got home. I managed to bolt the door, but then I collapsed onto the floor! My Mum woke up and went downstairs to make sure I was ok, and she had me drag myself into the living room :P

    I couldn't speak properly, I was nearly passed out. So she stayed down there to make sure I didn't throw up (I had already done so earlier, thank God) and at 4am I shot up and went to bed, practically ignoring her questions.... That was a fun night :D

    Anyways, no I haven't forgotten about them... But I have such a long way to go before one of them is finished :(

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Wow, lucky you didn't send that! She would have been worried sick xD Well, at least you haven't forgotten about them

  • Keifer Sutherland would be proud! XD

    I love it :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • This is probably the one time that I've had an idea that seems cute. It was inspired by a drawing (horrible, I am not an artist). I just had to turn it into text because that's what I'm good at...

    buntingsir posted: »

    You did great, it really warmed my heart!

  • damn, what did you drink?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well here's the thing: I blacked out at midnight, and then at 4am I was home, on my living room floor, in my clothes, stinking of various al

  • hahaha xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ha, I'm so bad at this.

  • But... why? :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is so cute.

  • Aw shucks. I'm glad it made you laugh. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I'm laughing so hard now! Oh god! Bless you!

  • Wow. That seems... intense.

    That was a fun night :D

    Well, as long as you had fun... :)

    Don't worry, they'll get finished eventually. That's one of the things that keeps annoying me with fics and other stories: I want them finished NOW! It takes patience, and I don't have it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well here's the thing: I blacked out at midnight, and then at 4am I was home, on my living room floor, in my clothes, stinking of various al

  • you have to get another view at this situation: "Yaaaay, so much stuff to catch on!" or "5 hours away and only 488 new comments? :("

    how are you?

    god dammit, i am away for only 5 hrs and i missed 488 comments ;-; i'm so sad ;-;

  • I don't really get it, why you guys find him cute here? :D

    It's just a really sloppy drawing, that's all. At least I expressed my view on that video, haha.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You're not bad at this. And he's so cute here ^^

  • Just look at him again, look how he's chasing his dreams. <3

    But even your 'sloppy' drawings are pretty good IMO (:

    buntingsir posted: »

    I don't really get it, why you guys find him cute here? It's just a really sloppy drawing, that's all. At least I expressed my view on that video, haha.

  • tired, and sad. missed out so much good rhyiona stuff ;-;

    Kruzii posted: »

    you have to get another view at this situation: "Yaaaay, so much stuff to catch on!" or "5 hours away and only 488 new comments? " how are you?

  • edited July 2015

    I think that's great that you're writing, keep up your great work and you'll become even better :)

    I've always felt fascinated by writers, maybe because I can't write at all. :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is probably the one time that I've had an idea that seems cute. It was inspired by a drawing (horrible, I am not an artist). I just had to turn it into text because that's what I'm good at...

  • Hahah, maybe xD

    I'm glad! :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Keifer Sutherland would be proud! XD I love it

  • edited July 2015

    I had an interesting discussion with my mom.

    Mom: If you fail..

    Me: What do you mean?

    Mom: What is your back-up plan if you won't get into animation?

    Me: But..mom! I will try to get into art school, at least 1 more time..

    Mom: Yeah but you should try to do something else too..

    Me: But I'm not interested in anything else.. drawing is my passion..

    Mom: But money is important too..

    Me: Mom, I've been working from a young age, money is not a problem..I can draw and work at the same time..

    Mom: But you need a career.. would you like to be a Dentist?

    Me: ??

    Mom: It's well paid job....

    Me: But I don't want to be a dentist! Why would I be a dentist? What?

    Mom: You have to think about your future..

    Me: A DENTIST? Really?

    Mom: ...

    Don't worry, I'm not really upset right now, just little confused.. I know that she has a point there, maybe I will fail..but I don't want to give up just yet! >:)

    But...A DENTIST? No!

  • poor bby :( may all the Rhyiona stuff cheer you <3

    tired, and sad. missed out so much good rhyiona stuff ;-;

  • Alt text

    I really appreciate that. :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Just look at him again, look how he's chasing his dreams. But even your 'sloppy' drawings are pretty good IMO (:

  • Thank you :) I've always loved writing so I'll definitely keep it up!

    We each have our strong sides, yours is drawing (Christmas tree Rhys xD)

    buntingsir posted: »

    I think that's great that you're writing, keep up your great work and you'll become even better I've always felt fascinated by writers, maybe because I can't write at all.

  • edited July 2015

    It's just a really sloppy drawing, that's all.

    Now you sound just like me when I post my sloppy doodles hah! >:)

    buntingsir posted: »

    I don't really get it, why you guys find him cute here? It's just a really sloppy drawing, that's all. At least I expressed my view on that video, haha.

  • That's the spirit, don't give up on your dreams! I know you'll achieve them someday, I have no doubt!

    It's really hard to argue with parents about your future sometimes. Maybe it's just our young age that makes us such an idealists, but I've always wanted to think that If you really really want to achieve something you just have to work and you'll succeed eventually.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I had an interesting discussion with my mom. Mom: If you fail.. Me: What do you mean? Mom: What is your back-up plan if you won't g

  • Hahah, I'm really glad you liked it, thank you! xD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Thank you I've always loved writing so I'll definitely keep it up! We each have our strong sides, yours is drawing (Christmas tree Rhys xD)

  • but what do you want with all this money if the work you have to do to earn it makes you unhappy? rather a little less money and happy than much money and not happy :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I had an interesting discussion with my mom. Mom: If you fail.. Me: What do you mean? Mom: What is your back-up plan if you won't g

  • Oh, that's true! I didn't even realize, haha :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    It's just a really sloppy drawing, that's all. Now you sound just like me when I post my sloppy doodles hah!

  • words of wisdom

    Kruzii posted: »

    but what do you want with all this money if the work you have to do to earn it makes you unhappy? rather a little less money and happy than much money and not happy

  • Why not? :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    But... why?

  • the dance.. we should learn it

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I agree with the catchy song :P

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I'm at a convention, but I got nothing too do for 45 minutes, what should I do?

  • Only 488? We're slacking off. :P

    god dammit, i am away for only 5 hrs and i missed 488 comments ;-; i'm so sad ;-;

  • If you really really want to achieve something you just have to work and you'll succeed eventually.

    Yeah or at least you should try million times before giving up!

    I don't really understand my mom right now.. she should know that art is really important to me. Plus, right now I don't need money that much. I have a job, I don't plan to make kids any time soon, I don't need a big house or anything too fancy.. :/ So I don't see any problem here..

    buntingsir posted: »

    That's the spirit, don't give up on your dreams! I know you'll achieve them someday, I have no doubt! It's really hard to argue with pare

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