To the players who got ep 5 early

Is the episode good? or is it meh (no spoilers)


  • Most of it is "meh" then there's a part that is extremely stupid and makes literally no sense, and the ending was memorable (that's an understatement, but there's no other word I could use that wouldn't be spoilery)

  • I didn't like it but everyone has their own opinion so maybe you'll love it.

  • Where can I watch it?

  • The overall episode was... decent - above average I suppose - but that made this episode stand out was the ending... wow, that ending...

  • can you tell me which part didnt made sense? pm me or try to hint it to me

    Most of it is "meh" then there's a part that is extremely stupid and makes literally no sense, and the ending was memorable (that's an understatement, but there's no other word I could use that wouldn't be spoilery)

  • the only bad thing i have to say about it is that it's much shorter than previous episodes :\

  • Sounds like the description to a lot of game of thrones episodes from the show.

  • Is it at least as long as episode 2? Did you rush through it? I wouldn't mind a 90 minute episode, but anything lower will make me pretty bummed out ;(

    the only bad thing i have to say about it is that it's much shorter than previous episodes

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If I remember that livestream link correctly (I didn't watch it so maybe he rushed through) the episode only lasted 83 minutes for the guy. I'm not sure if that included the credits.

    Is it at least as long as episode 2? Did you rush through it? I wouldn't mind a 90 minute episode, but anything lower will make me pretty bummed out ;(

  • :U sobs internally

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If I remember that livestream link correctly (I didn't watch it so maybe he rushed through) the episode only lasted 83 minutes for the guy. I'm not sure if that included the credits.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I saw one livestream run for 1:23

    Another one ran around 1:45 or so

    So yeah, it's about 90 minutes long on average from the looks of it

    Is it at least as long as episode 2? Did you rush through it? I wouldn't mind a 90 minute episode, but anything lower will make me pretty bummed out ;(

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