Mira's parts are kinda unimportant

I mean no disrespect to her fans, but while Asher is trying to get an army and Rodrik is lording ironrath to keep everyone alive, Mira is playing politics in king's landing. See, it just feels a little unimportant. Tho she did disrupt that guy's deal with the whitehills, the queen will be very mad and Mira will be in trouble, Marg was already mad. Basically Mira might only make it all worse.



  • Maybe it's the lack of like action. Asher, Gared, and Rodrik all have that, giving some urgency. Maybe the game of politics doesn't do that to you.

  • I'd say Mira's is actually the MOST important. It's not as exciting or action-packed (as InGen_Nate_Kenny has already said) but Game of Thrones is all about politics.

    The term "Game of Thrones" is just a long way of saying "politics." Mira is actually the only one playing the Game of Thrones.

  • Well, Rodrik isn't doing that much fighting either and he is one of the most popular characters to play as (Which means he is probably going to die soon).

    I'd say Mira's is actually the MOST important. It's not as exciting or action-packed (as InGen_Nate_Kenny has already said) but Game of Thro

  • How will you manage to pay the sellswords/pit fighters? And even if Asher get the sellswords, if Mira don't stop Andros from getting even more sellswords to the Whitehills that mean that the war is lost.

  • edited July 2015

    the lack of action is ok to me, the problem is that rodrik keeping people alive is more important, "u feel me?" lol

    Maybe it's the lack of like action. Asher, Gared, and Rodrik all have that, giving some urgency. Maybe the game of politics doesn't do that to you.

  • D: now i'm worried

    Well, Rodrik isn't doing that much fighting either and he is one of the most popular characters to play as (Which means he is probably going to die soon).

  • well, i see ur point, but Rodrik keeping people alive is actually more imporant xD

    I'd say Mira's is actually the MOST important. It's not as exciting or action-packed (as InGen_Nate_Kenny has already said) but Game of Thro

  • He doesn't seem to be keeping anyone alive anymore than Mira is.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    well, i see ur point, but Rodrik keeping people alive is actually more imporant xD

  • Mira is the only way the Forresters even have a chance at paying the sellswords Asher is returning with. What do you think a group of hardened sellswords and pit fighters would do if you tried to cheat them, or couldn't pay them their fees? They'd kill them or screw them over, then kill them. You better hope Mira gets that cash, or we are really fucked.

    Think about what happened to Stannis with Salador Saan. He made promises upon promises and couldn't keep a single one, so his 'hired' help couldn't trust that he would ever honor anything he said or be able to pay them what they were owed, even if Stannis had a hope of sitting the throne. So they left.

  • His story still has a bit more action though. Striking or threatening the Whitehill soldier(s), standing up to Gryff, detaining Gryff and his soldiers, punching Gryff, punching Gryff again, hitting Gryff with his cane, hitting Gryff in the eye with his cane, hitting Gryff in the eye again with his cane, hitting Gryff in the face with his cane again. All in all, while it isn't necessarily action packed like Asher's, Rodrik's story does have a decent amount of action. More so than the walking around and talking found in Mira's, which I personally enjoy.

    Well, Rodrik isn't doing that much fighting either and he is one of the most popular characters to play as (Which means he is probably going to die soon).

  • Just a warning to everyone, some people are saying they got the episode early because of some glitch. It happened with Tales from the Borderlands before as well. So watch out in case someone tries to spoil the episode.

  • I find it to be the exact opposite. Even if the other playable characters succeed, they won't save their house if Mira ends up getting on Cersei's bad side. Mira has more weight on her shoulders than the others because she is dealing with people that can destroy or save her house with a snap of their fingers. Not to mention that if she doesn't stop Andros, everything else the others did will be in vain. House Forrester can't stand against thousands of sellswords.

  • he is trying, that's what his parts are all about

    He doesn't seem to be keeping anyone alive anymore than Mira is.

  • I mean I feel like Rodrick's part is "just" to hold on the Forrester House and not let it crumble and be controled by the Whitehills, Asher's part is to get the army, Gared's part (even though he's not part of the family, but might be because apparently he and Tiara have a thing) is to find the North Groove, and Mira's part is to get all the shadowy political backstage games and outsmart the others in King Landing making good deals and getting the crown on the Forresters side, because I mean the crown has more power than the Boltons (in theory...).

    Yes, Margeary is all angry at me, because I choose to spoke with Tyrion (but yeah she couldn't help me any time I asked her so yeah...) and Tyrion is basically screwed, so all I have is my connections with Tyrion, and that guy that was a partner with the fat one but it isn't anymore. But I think I'll be able to turn it around. I still have Tyrion's decree if I can get that shit signed by Tommen or Cersei I can help the house A LOT!! No more money for the WHitehills

  • edited July 2015

    i'll have to get little off topic here, but may i ask, did everyone understand what i said easily? cause i rarely write texts in english, thanks guys

  • Oooh! What's you're native language/the language you normally write texts in?

    AstroZombie posted: »

    i'll have to get little off topic here, but may i ask, did everyone understand what i said easily? cause i rarely write texts in english, thanks guys

  • When she was at the inauguration of Tommen it really felt like the weakest point of the game

  • I understood perfectly :)

    AstroZombie posted: »

    i'll have to get little off topic here, but may i ask, did everyone understand what i said easily? cause i rarely write texts in english, thanks guys

  • I think that while little of what she does has immediate impacts, I definitely think what MIira has done throughout the episodes so far will begin to add up between now and the end of episode 6. Not everything political is impactful immediately.

  • Very nice phrasing, and nothing i can see that i would correct you on. Good job!

    AstroZombie posted: »

    i'll have to get little off topic here, but may i ask, did everyone understand what i said easily? cause i rarely write texts in english, thanks guys

  • awww <3

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Very nice phrasing, and nothing i can see that i would correct you on. Good job!

  • Mission acomplished hehe

    I understood perfectly

  • it's portuguese hehe

    Oooh! What's you're native language/the language you normally write texts in?

  • Neat! Well, you type English better than a lot of the people I go to school with and have it as their primary (and only) language

    AstroZombie posted: »

    it's portuguese hehe

  • _ Nice. thanks bro

    Neat! Well, you type English better than a lot of the people I go to school with and have it as their primary (and only) language

  • well said!

    Clemenem posted: »

    When she was at the inauguration of Tommen it really felt like the weakest point of the game

  • Rodrik's parts have arguably been all politics other then being able to maim Gryff.

    The only time Mira was "playing the game" was at the Coronation in Episode 4. I'd say episode 1-3 for Mira were absolutely useless and nothing is going to come of any of her decisions. That Ironwood decree is ridiculously useless. Tyrion is screwed so it's not gonna work. For all those who say "Cersei can sign it".....Well she can also just make us a new one. So burn it or don't burn it ...it doesn't matter.

    I'd say Mira's is actually the MOST important. It's not as exciting or action-packed (as InGen_Nate_Kenny has already said) but Game of Thro

  • Playing politics is arguably the most important aspect of Game of Thrones.

  • Mira's role is Game of Thrones,without the right backing it's a lost cause. Just like real life,the mighty dollar along with the politics will make our break House Forrester. Craftsmanship will end up being the vital role. With the Whitehill's possessing very little skill in working with ironwood. ( that's why Ludd called the parley ) We have seen what there lack of knowledge is doing to the forest. Through out the game it's been clear its all about the ironwood. From piss buckets to ships...

    KCohere posted: »

    Playing politics is arguably the most important aspect of Game of Thrones.

  • edited July 2015

    I also write portuguese :3

    AstroZombie posted: »

    Mission acomplished hehe

  • Oh hey me too!

    AstroZombie posted: »

    it's portuguese hehe

  • ...going to die soon, and if the game upholds Martin style, will be a real sorry death, in front of the family´s women, with plenty of humiliation and suffering.

    Well, Rodrik isn't doing that much fighting either and he is one of the most popular characters to play as (Which means he is probably going to die soon).

  • Are you Portuguese or Brazilian?

    AstroZombie posted: »

    i'll have to get little off topic here, but may i ask, did everyone understand what i said easily? cause i rarely write texts in english, thanks guys

  • brazillian

    Are you Portuguese or Brazilian?

  • falaê conterrâneo!

    AstroZombie posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    aeuhaueha, Brasil IL IL il, n esperava encontrar brasileiros por aqui kkk

    falaê conterrâneo!

  • ;-) deve ter gente do mundo todo aqui. Mas aproveitando, você tentou outros padrões de decisão para a Mira? Eu tive a impressão que da primeira vez que joguei, fui muito direto, muito preto no branco e que isso me complicou com a Margaery.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    aeuhaueha, Brasil IL IL il, n esperava encontrar brasileiros por aqui kkk

  • tentei varios, mas a unica coisa q fez um efeito foi qnd eu mandei a carta pra fazer a elaena casar com o Rodrik, dai funcionou. Vc joga só game of thrones? a telltale tem varios jogos fodas rs

    ;-) deve ter gente do mundo todo aqui. Mas aproveitando, você tentou outros padrões de decisão para a Mira? Eu tive a impressão que da primeira vez que joguei, fui muito direto, muito preto no branco e que isso me complicou com a Margaery.

  • Por enquanto só o GoT. Eu costumo exagerar na dose quando jogo, por isso não costumo ficar pesquisando títulos. Fui nesse por que eu só fã da série. Mas estou com um pressentimento ruim sobre o desfecho deste jogo. Ele segue bem o padrão da série, e acredito que os Forrester vão ter um destino horrível, independente das decisões que o jogador tomar.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    tentei varios, mas a unica coisa q fez um efeito foi qnd eu mandei a carta pra fazer a elaena casar com o Rodrik, dai funcionou. Vc joga só game of thrones? a telltale tem varios jogos fodas rs

  • tendi, eu comecei a jogar o the walking dead pq era fan da série antes de conhecer os outros jogos. Mas eu te recomendo os outros jogos da telltale, q são tão bons quanto o got e no mesmo gameplay. Tales from the borderlands e the walking dead em especial <3
    O desfecho ctz q vai ser triste :(

    Por enquanto só o GoT. Eu costumo exagerar na dose quando jogo, por isso não costumo ficar pesquisando títulos. Fui nesse por que eu só fã d

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