Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • No, he reposted festivetech's explicit story.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    What happened? Spoilers?

  • these puns... these puns are glorious

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    bros before hoes jk Rhyiona rules

  • Oh definitely! In GOT, no one is safe >:)

    Tbh, I would happily kill Ludd and Gryff with my bare hands. But remember from Ep.4, two of Ludd's sons are in different parts of Westeros...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, to be honest... if they weren't trying so hard to kill and destroy us then I would leave them alone. If it's kill or die then I choose my own. It's GoT, afterall.

  • Woah.. Why would he even repost that story when he knew festivetech was already banned because of it? :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No, he reposted festivetech's explicit story.

  • I think your work is always amazing! Of course you'll feel like there's always room for improvement but when it comes to us? Wow, you created this out of nothing. You put effort into this and made it and it's just fascinating and we love it. So thank you!

    i'm still not good enough to be honest, i need to do something that has that wow factor though. i don't know what people like in fan art, i know drawing is quite popular but i can't do that so I'll have to do something creative

  • "i rhyspect your opinion" i'm gonna start using that

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    bros before hoes jk Rhyiona rules

  • I have no idea.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Woah.. Why would he even repost that story when he knew festivetech was already banned because of it?

  • Hoskins was trying to mimick the movements Owen does but Delta thought he sucks and ate his stupid hand, so you're right his hand did get bitten off ^_^

  • i love them! your stuff works perfectly as desktop backgrounds! <3

    Fanart!!!, i made some more damn fanart Made with sfm/photoshop

  • Get it out of your beautiful mind that your stuff creeps us out this instant! XD

    We adore your stuff, and we all love you as a friend and fellow Rhyiona shipper!

    rhonu posted: »

    yeah, but it's less about getting banned and more about not creeping you guys out.

  • Oh, I don't really care about those two unless they come after us too. If they don't they can live. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh definitely! In GOT, no one is safe Tbh, I would happily kill Ludd and Gryff with my bare hands. But remember from Ep.4, two of Ludd's sons are in different parts of Westeros...

  • I've got a few more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but those aren't as glorious as the ones I have already made. Thanks btw. (:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    these puns... these puns are glorious

  • Oh wait she did actually! I remember now:

    Earlier in the film, he ask if he can touch her, and when he does the guy comments that she is looking at her next meal. Then when she corners him, he tries to mimic Owen by extending his hand, so she bites it off and then kills him XP

  • They might have armies :P

    ... I was reading the trophy list for Ep.5, and the trophies suggest a battle occurs! Also, what is the Ice Dragon?

    -big gasp- DO WE GET A DRAGON OF OUR OWN?!?!?!?!?!? <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I don't really care about those two unless they come after us too. If they don't they can live. :P

  • Same <3 ;w;


    The fact Blue is all alone... makes me freaking sad now ;-;

    I saw it a month ago '-' I love those little guys too uwu

  • I like most of them, especially the raptor squad. :3

    except the Hoskin guy.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    The raptor squad and the guy in the control room were the only characters I liked in that movie.

  • aw, thank you, that calms me down a bit. <3 i hope so!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's not creepy at all.

  • Elliot did make some edits to it I think, but near the end of the fic there was still too much porn :I

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Woah.. Why would he even repost that story when he knew festivetech was already banned because of it?

  • I don't know what to respond to this lmao

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    They might have armies :P ... I was reading the trophy list for Ep.5, and the trophies suggest a battle occurs! Also, what is the Ice Dragon? -big gasp- DO WE GET A DRAGON OF OUR OWN?!?!?!?!?!?

  • Sorry, I'm hyper at the image of Gared riding a Dragon that breathes ice instead of fire!! >:D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't know what to respond to this lmao

  • I've never expected anybody to do something like that again. He should have known better :/

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Elliot did make some edits to it I think, but near the end of the fic there was still too much porn :I

  • I don't know...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I've never expected anybody to do something like that again. He should have known better

  • Oh no, I didn't hear about those! Thanks!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That game had me so confused when I finished :P I spent a whole hour on the net trying to figure out what happened! Did you play the 2 DLC Elizabeth episodes as well??

  • Someone should make fanart of this, haha.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Sorry, I'm hyper at the image of Gared riding a Dragon that breathes ice instead of fire!! >:D

  • edited July 2015

    ; _ ; that is so sweet... thank you so much, i love you guys too <3 i think i worry too much because i'm used to sharing my stuff in platforms with no nsfw restrictions, so i feel like i have to be very careful here and i'm kinda clumsy! but it's okay, better safe than sorry <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Get it out of your beautiful mind that your stuff creeps us out this instant! XD We adore your stuff, and we all love you as a friend and fellow Rhyiona shipper!

  • WHAT?! :O

    Yeah they released 2 DLC episodes for Elizabeth! They link Bioshock Infinite to Bioshock 1... Basically these episodes make the trilogy come full circle.

    Oh no, I didn't hear about those! Thanks!

  • Morning everyone! Saw that Elliot got banned. Don't know why he reposted that explicit fanfic especially since the original author of it got banned as well. (Didn't see it, and I'm glad I didn't.)

    Anyway, he probably will come back and if you do Elliot, don't do something like that again.

  • I'm calling out:




    and anyone else who does fanart on here! Give me a fabulous image of Gared riding an Ice Dragon! XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Someone should make fanart of this, haha.

  • Wow. I've been gone for awhile, I didn't realize... Holy crap. Elliot! ;-;

  • Better safe than sorry is the way to go on this forum if you're unsure :)

    rhonu posted: »

    ; _ ; that is so sweet... thank you so much, i love you guys too i think i worry too much because i'm used to sharing my stuff in platforms

  • Dammit I can't resist. I'm on it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm calling out: @nohuhhuh @rhonu @twdgirl43 and anyone else who does fanart on here! Give me a fabulous image of Gared riding an Ice Dragon! XD

  • Morning everyone

    Looks at clock, half past six P.M

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Morning everyone! Saw that Elliot got banned. Don't know why he reposted that explicit fanfic especially since the original author of it got

  • He didn't make enough edits to it...

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Morning everyone! Saw that Elliot got banned. Don't know why he reposted that explicit fanfic especially since the original author of it got

  • Ok, I'm going to work now!

    I'll see you all in about 4 hours time! XD


    I love you right now <3 (As a friend though :P)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Dammit I can't resist. I'm on it.

  • Yo guys, I'm pretty sure you heard buuuuut, Tales from the Borderlands Ep.4 got added to SteamDB yesterday. According to someone, episodes usually get added 3-5 weeks before release.

    Alt text

  • Well, it was only an hour ago but...

    Wow. I've been gone for awhile, I didn't realize... Holy crap. Elliot! ;-;

  • Rabbit, I don't need that timezone difference sass!

    Morning everyone Looks at clock, half past six P.M

  • edited July 2015

    I don't wanna be a downer but didn't the episode get added to the DB around a month after episode 2's release last time? ;-;

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Yo guys, I'm pretty sure you heard buuuuut, Tales from the Borderlands Ep.4 got added to SteamDB yesterday. According to someone, episodes usually get added 3-5 weeks before release.

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