A Nest of Vipers: Weakest of this season?

Did anyone else think this one was sort of mediocre compared to the earlier ones? Especially compared to Sons of Winter? It had some good parts but was shorter at only an hour and twenty minutes. What's up with that? I thought it's handling of Finn as a determinant character was pretty poor and some of the choices were pretty dumb. We already knew we couldn't kill Ramsay so why would Telltale even make that a choice? I felt Mira and Gared hardly got any screen time and when they did nothing really progressed. I felt this whole episode was sort of rushed and interaction was minimal. The reveal of the traitor seemed like they beat around the bush until his reveal. I did like the ending though it stayed true to the show in a "Red Wedding" style attack but in the end I thought this was a pretty poor edition to a good game


  • I agree. IMO they rushed through this episode and it was mostly a filler. Hopefully episode 6 will be awesome.

  • Most of it was "meh", Ramsay continued to abuse his plot armour (not as much as I'd feared though, but still too much especially just to tell the Forresters he was going to do literally nothing) there was too much filler, the traitor reveal was stupid, but the ending made me cry terribly.

  • I dont like this episode but ending was awesome. That ending made me cry..

  • I don't think it was bad, however I do agree on the poor handling of Finn's demise and the fact that neither Gared nor Mira had any significant role was disappointing. Still, this is the first time we get to choose a protagonist's fate, and that highly increases my rate for this episode.

    I dont like this episode but ending was awesome. That ending made me cry..

  • That was only at the end though. Looking at the episode in it's entirety seems subpar to me

    I don't think it was bad, however I do agree on the poor handling of Finn's demise and the fact that neither Gared nor Mira had any signifi

  • Episode 6 won't be as good as it could have been with one of the protagonists determinately dead now... they both added so much to the game and now to see one of them killed in such a horrible way, its even more painful that I have to wait 8 to 9 weeks for any closure to what had to be done in the penultimate episode.

    I don't think it was bad, however I do agree on the poor handling of Finn's demise and the fact that neither Gared nor Mira had any signifi

  • Actually i've heard that the final episode releases earlier, about 4-6 weeks :)

    Harian96 posted: »

    Episode 6 won't be as good as it could have been with one of the protagonists determinately dead now... they both added so much to the game

  • Well it was a set up episode, it wasn't supposed to get us into anything that might resemble s closure. Now there's never been something like a determinant protagonist, such thing is bound to expand the finale's outcome, maybe even with the possible rising or destruction of our house, depending on who we chose to save.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Episode 6 won't be as good as it could have been with one of the protagonists determinately dead now... they both added so much to the game

  • I wish I could believe that...

    Actually i've heard that the final episode releases earlier, about 4-6 weeks

  •  set up episode, 

    But it wasn't really about building anything. Gared stayed in the same place and didn't really do anything. Mira's story didn't go anywhere. I guess the Forresters vs Whitehills was built up but really after limited interaction and an overall stagnant episode and one of Telltale's worst

    Well it was a set up episode, it wasn't supposed to get us into anything that might resemble s closure. Now there's never been something lik

  • Well Gared is now definitely moving towards the North Grove, this episode was about convincing Silvy to join him. About Mira I guess you're right. Telltale has always been a little "meh" with penultimate episodes, but at the very least they do know how to raise hype.

    Clemenem posted: »

     set up episode,  But it wasn't really about building anything. Gared stayed in the same place and didn't really do anything. Mira's

  • edited July 2015

    With final episodes it usually is like that

    Harian96 posted: »

    I wish I could believe that...

  • They have indeed raised up the hype to a whole new level not seen since the shock ending of the first episode with Ethan's death.

    Well Gared is now definitely moving towards the North Grove, this episode was about convincing Silvy to join him. About Mira I guess you're

  • They have indeed raised up the hype

    I only saw this with The Forresters vs The Whitehills plot everything else didn't really build up to much of anything

    Harian96 posted: »

    They have indeed raised up the hype to a whole new level not seen since the shock ending of the first episode with Ethan's death.

  • Well, maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty hyped for the North Grove.

    Clemenem posted: »

    They have indeed raised up the hype I only saw this with The Forresters vs The Whitehills plot everything else didn't really build up to much of anything

  • Yeah but they've been going after it for 2 episodes now. We didn't learn anything new about it or progress in any measurable way in that storyline.

    Well, maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty hyped for the North Grove.

  • Well that's why I'm so hyped about it, episode 6 is going to bring some answers at last.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yeah but they've been going after it for 2 episodes now. We didn't learn anything new about it or progress in any measurable way in that storyline.

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