Getting sick of waiting for the game to be available on Steam

Has anybody heard anything about when the PC Version will be released on Steam? I'm going out of my mind waiting, and trying to avoid spoilers like the plague.


  • [removed]

  • It will release on Steam at 10AM PDT I think - or 7PM in Poland (for those living in Poland) so yeah, PC users will have a while to wait - on the plus side at least it will be released today on the 21st instead of the iOS platform which must release on the 23rd or so.

  • Little bit hostile surely?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The Steam version is always released at around the same time (10 AM PDT) on the release day which means it should hopefully start downloading in around 4 and a half hours.

  • Oh darn. I'm in Australia so I guess I'll have to be patient...Thanks.

    Harian96 posted: »

    It will release on Steam at 10AM PDT I think - or 7PM in Poland (for those living in Poland) so yeah, PC users will have a while to wait - o

  • I'm tossing up whether to stay up til 2am to play lol

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The Steam version is always released at around the same time (10 AM PDT) on the release day which means it should hopefully start downloading in around 4 and a half hours.

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