Oh well... Just finished 5th ep. That was...

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I don't think that any over game made me cry so much. I just paused the game and cried while tryling to decide who to save. Just... wow. Even in the end of TWDG season 2 the feels didn't crush me like here and now.

Good job, telltale. I hate you and i love you. This was... fuck... You did good, TT, you did good... I don't even know what to add more, i'm a wreck now x'D I'm just glad that i was right about Royland - he would never betray his House, no matter what.

And now i think i will just... lie down... try not to cry... and cry a lot... This is so amazing adventure and thank you for letting me participate in it.

And... well... i don't know what to expect in 6 episode, but i know one thing... no matter what, it will be glorious. Thank you.

Thank you for all your job, for your hard work, for your amazing ideas, for this story, for all your series... Thanks for this amazing, twisted feels... You're the best, telltale, i'm writing it with all my heart.

Iron from ice.

ps. One more song in our last, final episode..?


  • I'm just glad that i was right about Royland - he would never betray his House, no matter what.

    Except when he's not chosen a sentinel. Huehuehue.

    That determinant traitor was pretty shitty.

  • Yeah, first wrote it then checked other topics. Now i know, hah. I wonder what was Royland's motivation, but i'm staying away from this game for another 2 months. I'm done x'D

    Pipas posted: »

    I'm just glad that i was right about Royland - he would never betray his House, no matter what. Except when he's not chosen a sentinel. Huehuehue. That determinant traitor was pretty shitty.

  • Lol, yep. He'll never betray his house. Unless you make him upset by picking Duncan as sentinel, like I did. It really sucks, I honestly didn't suspect him at all. I figured it would be the Maester or Lady Forester.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Yeah, first wrote it then checked other topics. Now i know, hah. I wonder what was Royland's motivation, but i'm staying away from this game for another 2 months. I'm done x'D

  • I didn't cry but it was kinda sad seeing Asher dying.

  • Telltale: Hey, atleast your choices count for something.

    Pipas posted: »

    I'm just glad that i was right about Royland - he would never betray his House, no matter what. Except when he's not chosen a sentinel. Huehuehue. That determinant traitor was pretty shitty.

  • Yeah, I was honestly shocked when Royland turned out to be the traitor. He had earned my trust over the last few episodes and to roll over on me like that...

    Well, suffice it to say, Ser Royland is no longer among the living.

    Lol, yep. He'll never betray his house. Unless you make him upset by picking Duncan as sentinel, like I did. It really sucks, I honestly didn't suspect him at all. I figured it would be the Maester or Lady Forester.

  • "'m just glad that i was right about Royland - he would never betray his House, no matter what."

    Looks at own playthrough...

  • That ending was absolutely insane - and not to mention a ballsy move from Telltale. They sure know how to tug at the heart strings.

  • Rip Asher Forrester 2015-2015 ill avenge you brother :(

  • I was too shocked and stunned to cry, but damn was it sad. I wish I had time to reflect on this choice more, I chose Asher under pressure.

  • He wasn't even a year old :(

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    Rip Asher Forrester 2015-2015 ill avenge you brother

  • edited July 2015

    Rip Rodrik. :(
    A couple of minutes before I had to choose I thought "Are they going to let us choose which brother we want to play next episode and just make the other one a NPC?" Then this happened and I chose Asher because I like playing him, but I didn't even realize Rodrik was gonna die because I thought Asher was going to defend him while he kept the gate open for the others to come in and help them, I'm so dumb lol. Poor Elaena.

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    Rip Asher Forrester 2015-2015 ill avenge you brother

  • I thought it was quite cheap. I actually thought whatever by the end. I was hoping Telltale would do something better with the GoT universe than the actual books etc as they're poorly written, but it seems they just want keep hitting the same emotional button over and over like the show. And just like the show, there's only so many times you can do that before people just stop caring.

  • i'm so shocked! i hope we get our revenge because i never felt so much hate for the whitehills like right now!!!!

  • We won't. And if we do, it'll be a short lived revenge. That's GoT for you.

    MissLemon posted: »

    i'm so shocked! i hope we get our revenge because i never felt so much hate for the whitehills like right now!!!!

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