Illogical thing about the Ending of Episode 5

I don't know if who you're left with is the same for every playthrough, so this may not apply to everyone. One thing that REALLY didn't make sense to me though, was the Beast. The big guy with the massive club who threw Asher on the ground at every opportunity he had. In the ending, after being shot by THREE ARROWS, he easily killed two soldiers with one swing of his club. Instead of fighting, like he logically would have, especially since he's a pit fighter who loves to fight, he tries to open the gate and when it doesn't work, he keeps standing there to have a spear thrown at him. Surely he could have held of the soldiers, if he actually fought, long enough for Rodrik and Asher to open the gate and come up with a better plan?

As good as the ending was, by far the best part of the episode, this one part really confused me.


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