Anyone notice this? *traitor spoilers*

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

As Asher and Rodrik are talking to each other at the end, your chosen sentinel walks ahead and looks back, giving an ominous sideways glance at them...

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And the Whitehill soldier only closes the gate AS SOON as the sentinel passes, too.

This whole sentinel business has left me wary of them... maybe both of them are traitors in the end,regardless of choice?


  • Maybe both of them are traitors in the end?

    Considering that both of them are willing to sell out the Forrester until they were made Sentinel, and only one can be made Sentinel, I'd say yes.

  • There's an episode 6 achievement called Sentinel too, and it happens to be the last one.

    Maybe it will have to do with naming a new Sentinel after both of them turn traitor?

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Maybe both of them are traitors in the end? Considering that both of them are willing to sell out the Forrester until they were made Sentinel, and only one can be made Sentinel, I'd say yes.

  • I can see that happening, considering that both of them are potentially backstabbers.

    But who would be left alive to be the next Sentinel, seeing how far the Forresters have fallen thanks to the Whitehills and the Boltons?

    FishySticks posted: »

    There's an episode 6 achievement called Sentinel too, and it happens to be the last one. Maybe it will have to do with naming a new Sentinel after both of them turn traitor?

  • If Asher's alive, I can see him pointing Beksha as a sentinel. Finally give her an official place at his side. I don't know about Rodrik.

    Or perhaps the choice will be left for next season,with characters we've yet to meet.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I can see that happening, considering that both of them are potentially backstabbers. But who would be left alive to be the next Sentinel, seeing how far the Forresters have fallen thanks to the Whitehills and the Boltons?

  • I'd say she's more fit to be the one in charge of the soldiers. She could train and lead them. She's really just a more intense Royland. Wants to rush those soldiers in Meereen instead of taking out the archers first.

    FishySticks posted: »

    If Asher's alive, I can see him pointing Beksha as a sentinel. Finally give her an official place at his side. I don't know about Rodrik. Or perhaps the choice will be left for next season,with characters we've yet to meet.

  • edited July 2015

    Indeed, perhaps Gared might make it back from the North Grove with whatever he finds there by the end as well, he'd be a prime choice for a sentinel, too.

    I don't know how he'd deal with the whole deserter business, though. His honor is stained in the eyes of Westeros.

    Wigams posted: »

    I'd say she's more fit to be the one in charge of the soldiers. She could train and lead them. She's really just a more intense Royland. Wants to rush those soldiers in Meereen instead of taking out the archers first.

  • I'm not sure about Beskha, she doesn't really strike me as the kind of person to remain in the Forrester's place as their Sentinel.

    FishySticks posted: »

    If Asher's alive, I can see him pointing Beksha as a sentinel. Finally give her an official place at his side. I don't know about Rodrik. Or perhaps the choice will be left for next season,with characters we've yet to meet.

  • edited July 2015

    I don't think Gared will be back. If you want to know why I'm so sceptical, look up the fate of the guy called "Gared" in the series. nomen est omen

    FishySticks posted: »

    Indeed, perhaps Gared might make it back from the North Grove with whatever he finds there by the end as well, he'd be a prime choice for a

  • She's more fit to a new "mistress at arms"?

    FishySticks posted: »

    If Asher's alive, I can see him pointing Beksha as a sentinel. Finally give her an official place at his side. I don't know about Rodrik. Or perhaps the choice will be left for next season,with characters we've yet to meet.

  • The trophy is named "sentinel" because all trophies linked to the last chapter of an episode are named after a specific rank, from squire (first episode) to lord of Ironrath (platinum trophy). As for Gared, I don't think he'll be back in Ironrath but I also don't think he'll die.

  • First episode has the last achievement as squire, and the last episode has the last achievement as sentinel...hint hint.

    Or maybe not. Haha.

    But it would be kind of a smart way of foreshadowing stuff for Gared.

    The trophy is named "sentinel" because all trophies linked to the last chapter of an episode are named after a specific rank, from squire (f

  • She's shown herself to be intensely loyal to Asher, who would be her Lord. I doubt she'll be an option if you save Rodrik

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I'm not sure about Beskha, she doesn't really strike me as the kind of person to remain in the Forrester's place as their Sentinel.

  • yo talia you wanna be my sentinel you the only person i trust

    FishySticks posted: »

    There's an episode 6 achievement called Sentinel too, and it happens to be the last one. Maybe it will have to do with naming a new Sentinel after both of them turn traitor?

  • I don't think Gared CAN come back. He deserted from the watch, and the only way back is through the wall, through which he will be executed. Unless the North Grove has some form of teleportation device, I can't see Gared surviving.

    FishySticks posted: »

    Indeed, perhaps Gared might make it back from the North Grove with whatever he finds there by the end as well, he'd be a prime choice for a

  • But how is Grand Maester (Ep 5's trophy) below Sentinel? Like... wut?

    The trophy is named "sentinel" because all trophies linked to the last chapter of an episode are named after a specific rank, from squire (f

  • You think that the doctor is higher in the hierarchy than the most trusted consuleor of the House? It's like saying that Pycelle is more powerful than the Hand of the King.

    But how is Grand Maester (Ep 5's trophy) below Sentinel? Like... wut?

  • Nah I think Gared will survive, only he want come back South of the Wall.

    I don't think Gared CAN come back. He deserted from the watch, and the only way back is through the wall, through which he will be executed. Unless the North Grove has some form of teleportation device, I can't see Gared surviving.

  • I think the Grand Maester is higher than the Sentinel of a lowly house, yes. It says Grand Maester, as in Grand Maester, not Maester. Pretty sure Pycelle holds more influence than Royland/Duncan.

    You think that the doctor is higher in the hierarchy than the most trusted consuleor of the House? It's like saying that Pycelle is more powerful than the Hand of the King.

  • If Beskha trains her, Talia might have a chance.

    Girl gotta stop stop wearing dresses and start fighting like a girl.

    yo talia you wanna be my sentinel you the only person i trust

  • Of course he does, but he isn't more influent than the Hand of the King, and the Sentinel is the Forrester version of it.

    I think the Grand Maester is higher than the Sentinel of a lowly house, yes. It says Grand Maester, as in Grand Maester, not Maester. Pretty sure Pycelle holds more influence than Royland/Duncan.

  • edited July 2015

    It does not matter. It isn't the Hand of the King we're talking about. It's the Sentinel. Your argument would make sense if the trophy was Maester, but it's the Grand Maester.

    Of course he does, but he isn't more influent than the Hand of the King, and the Sentinel is the Forrester version of it.

  • edited July 2015

    I just assume that Ortengryn has the same rank.

    It does not matter. It isn't the Hand of the King we're talking about. It's the Sentinel. Your argument would make sense if the trophy was Maester, but it's the Grand Maester.

  • I don't mean to rain on the parade. But while it could be plausible? Don't you think it'd be rather stupid of Telltale to make two traitors? It wouldn't make sense. Yeah, both of them can be backstabbing bastards. But having one betrayal follow another? Makes it seem... lazy. I've written that word too many times now, but it's true-- It'll feel more like shock value again, just like they did with this episode with the making the Traitor whoever wasn't your Sentinel. I get the whole 'your father trusted both of these men with his life & now one's betrayed you thing' but so predictable & cliche.

    I'm just saying that you could also be reading too far into the lines about it. Because they know that the Whitehills planned to ambush Asher, so they all rode out to protect him & get him to safety. This appears to me as Duncan/Royland being wary of their surroundings & watching for any Whitehills. & with the position they were facing, they wouldn't have seen Mr. I-block-the-stairs-for-the-crippled-guy Whitehill Soldier, plus, the biggest part of the forces that they had brought with them had passed through the gate when it came down. & both men's actions, if you leave Rodrik behind, are more sincere than just some shallow acting. It's most likely them watching for the Whitehills & making sure Rodrik & Asher were following, because they could catch up with one another later. They didn't have the luxury to waste time with the ambush threatening them. It was their plan to get in & get out with Asher & his fighters.

  • I actually saw that and I instantly had a million theories about it.. I think they were working together..

  • Or like a man

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    If Beskha trains her, Talia might have a chance. Girl gotta stop stop wearing dresses and start fighting like a girl.

  • Anyone notice this

    Nah because I killed my traitor


  • you killed your sentinel?

    Green613 posted: »

    Anyone notice this Nah because I killed my traitor LMAO

  • Omg Duncan can be the traitor too? o.O this is nonsense... this is... madness.

  • edited July 2015

    Nah, she should fight as the badass she is, not some man.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Or like a man

  • He's talking about the sentinel..

    Green613 posted: »

    Anyone notice this Nah because I killed my traitor LMAO

  • Pycelle and Ortengryn have the same rank. They just serve different houses, one of which happens to be a little more powerful than the other.

    It does not matter. It isn't the Hand of the King we're talking about. It's the Sentinel. Your argument would make sense if the trophy was Maester, but it's the Grand Maester.

  • "Stay by my brother's side! He's your family now!"

    "I will."

    Personally, I'd love having Beskha as my master at arms even though I really like Royland

    Flog61 posted: »

    She's shown herself to be intensely loyal to Asher, who would be her Lord. I doubt she'll be an option if you save Rodrik

  • The Mormonts would like a word with you.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Or like a man

  • She's literally my favorite character.

  • mine too!

    She's literally my favorite character.

  • edited July 2015

    They are both assholes. Lol at this point theres no point even thinking that the mom or maester arn't traitors either. I can see elissa selling out her own son to save her other children. Maester is just there.

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