Mira and Tyrion

So, at the end of their discussion, Tyrion gives Mira some names who supposedly want to testify for him. But why would she give those names to Cersei? The guard heard everything they said and he will report that they just made these names up. Does Tyrion really expect Mira to lie when Cersei knows better? I don't really get it.

And is there actually a way to succesfully lie to Tyrion? In my playthrough he exposed me.


  • He was mocking her. Tyrion doesn't actually intend to calling anyone to testify for him because he doesn't have anyone. If given a choice, that's what I'm telling Cersei. I'm sure she won't be happy with it either way.

  • There's two lists that I've seen Tyrion give - one of them was probably him genuinely trying to help her by giving a list of names that (if Cersei and Tywin weren't actively using the trial to kill Tyrion) would testify on his behalf *Jamie, Sansa, Varys, and Bronn... the other list was clearly mocking her *the mountain tribesmen and the septa in Casterly Rock haha

  • Cersei would be satisfied with the first list, it's accurate and very believable . Well it's the truth actually

    sbk12345 posted: »

    There's two lists that I've seen Tyrion give - one of them was probably him genuinely trying to help her by giving a list of names that (if

  • Yeah I feel like the first list was an actual genuine one from Tyrion (even though he probably knows they will never actually testify for him at trial... that list could be him at least giving it a shot) because he and Varys were friends, he wanted Bronn to be his champion, he didn't know that Sansa left Kings Landing until Jamie told him, and Jamie is the only Lannister that has truly ever had Tyrion's back

    The second list was just really funny and shows Tyrion being the smartass that everyone loves lol

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Cersei would be satisfied with the first list, it's accurate and very believable . Well it's the truth actually

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