Why didn't ***** go to ****** immediately?

Why didn't Talia go to Rodrik immediately after finding the traitor in the grove? Does anyone know? Did I miss a detail, or something? Maybe a reason why she decided to wait? If she went to the grove because she was having nightmares, it's obviously implied that it's night time, and yet she came to Rodrik when the sun was already well in the sky...


  • The whole thing was silly. She would not tell him just so we could have the big reveal of the person most of us thought it was anyway....

  • because the trator was dertminant so they couldn't name drop it was really stuped

  • I agree. The entire scene just rubbed me the wrong way entirely. I really liked the whole Rodrik and Elaena thing beforehand, though.

    unseenclass posted: »

    The whole thing was silly. She would not tell him just so we could have the big reveal of the person most of us thought it was anyway....

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