Let's be real here. There was only one character to make sense with sacrificing himself

And it was Asher. It was the perfect way to end his story. He brought the army his family needed, he had the most dramatic farewell with her sister, and died like a hero. I really loved him, much more than I love Rodrik but I feel like he had to die.


  • But Ashers army will not work for Rodrick.

  • I can agree with that. He fulfilled his duty and died a Hero :(

  • edited July 2015

    I feel the exact opposite. In my opinion, going by what you said is so anticlimatic. It's like... "I'm here to save the da-" DEAD.

    As for Rodrik, he was lord of his house, he kept them together, he is the main reason the surviving Forresters are still alive. Through thick and thin, through triumph and failure--he has been holding out and protecting his family while Mira, Asher and Gared did what needed to be done. He has gone through heartbreak and love, watched countless numbers of his people die, though he still has hope. And then he has a moment of realization when the traitor (whichever one it was for you,) tells him everything he's done wrong, and how he's failed his house. They tell him he should never have gotten off that wagon.

    So Rodrik sets off to go get Asher, and that's when everything goes to shit. In a saddening way, Rodrik did one final justice. He was the lord and big brother he needed to be, and he forged the way for Asher to become the families new hope. The traitor got his wish. Rodrik is back on that wagon somewhere with his father and brother.

    Edit: Also, Gryff has no history with Asher that we've seen. You really feel the effects of the death and the tragedy in general when Gryff is seen looming over a dead Rodrik as if he's won.

  • If there's one thing TT has crafted pretty well, it is this episode's ending. Why? Because it was moving, with a high impact and both choices do matter and none of them is more "canonical" than the other. In my first playthrough I saved Rodrick, but saving Asher would totally make sense too.

  • edited July 2015

    Lets be real real. There was only one character to make sense with sacrificing himself.

    Rodrik is the big brother and Asher didnt even have the chance to see his sister, his mother and his little brother. It is heartbreaking yes but a big brother would will always make the right choice in this scene. Asher is the new hope that will crush the Whitehills. His brother would be proud of him.

  • Beskha was there when Asher won their support. It's possible she'll show Rodrik how to deal with them and earn their respect. And maybe choices like kissing Whitehill's ring, standing up to Gryff and maiming him will play a part in whether or not they respect and work for him.

    unseenclass posted: »

    But Ashers army will not work for Rodrick.

  • Both make sense. Rodrick has history with the Whitehills from the previous episodes, survived the Red Wedding, he finally got laid by Elaena and he's been through shit none-stop so he has to live

    On the other hand Asher just came back with an army, didn't talk with his family yet, didn't interact with Gwyn yet, has gained the respect of his "army" and finally it's much more tragic and heartbreaking to see Gryff smirk at Rodrick death than Asher's because of what happened previously within the two. So Asher has to live

    I think Telltale did this on purpose so there wouldn't really be a "right" choice and personally i believe they've done a good job for that part

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