So, how good was it?



  • Well, it's not even about the length of episode - penultimate one and shit, I can handle that. Although some of the plotlines have suffered because of this, it's somehow understandable. In fact, it's more about how our choices work in this episode - and, ironically, how they don't work at the same time. Telltale have always managed to make the plot go where they need it to go, no matter what we do, and it has always been fine by me - because it has never led to the plot taking unrealistic turns and characters doing the most absurd shit ever. On one hand, they've tried to make us feel like our choices have a great impact - but that has just led to unrealistic behavior of some characters and total pointlessness of other one's. On the other hand, couple of really important choices were treated like they've never been there. It made some scenes look like more of a bad dream, than a thing really going on in the game to me. A lot of heroes in that episode act like they are not themselves. I don't believe them - not because I think they are lying to me, but because I feel like they are some strangers, disguised as characters I thought I knew. Two of the plotlines are too short and end abruptly, they really needed to be at least a couple minutes longer in my opinion. I feel like telltale tried too hard to make some things dramatic, but ended making them cliched and hard to believe. The episode starts as a really good one, but soon turns to shit - of course, it's just my personal opinion. What I've said is really entangled and uncertain, but that's all I can give you without spoiling anything.

    Can you give like a generic non-spoilery overview as to why you feel that way? I haven't played it yet, I'm just curious to see how it could be so bad? Were some characters just not doing anything intriguing, or?

  • Oh i forgot it :D TWD S1 made me cry too :D

    Harian96 posted: »

    The Walking Dead Season 1 didn't make you cry?

  • 10/10 it was a great episode.

  • To say there were no progression in any characters other then Rodrik and Asher is a little weird. I thought Sylvi had some tremendous character development. I like Sylvi a lot. We learnt more about Beskhas slave past.

    Clemenem posted: »

    6/10 weakest episode yet. Some choices were irrelevant and there was no build up to the final episode with it all being an hour and twenty m

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015


    • I feel like the cliffhanger ending to the previous episode was implying that much more had went down at Ironrath while we were gone, so I was hoping that the aftermath of Ramsay would be more dramatic. However, Rodrik had plenty more dramatic scenes later in the Episode to make up for it.

    • Asher's scenes were pretty amazing in general, and very action packed.

    • Mira's scenes were interesting, but I feel like they could've gone a little further with her story. I think maybe an extended interrogation with Tyrion or some more scenes outside of that would've helped Mira's story. I'm also surprised that we don't know much about Tom this late into the Season.

    • I feel Gared's role in this episode didn't really progress the story that much. It felt like a lot of it was just Gared arguing with Silvi about whether or not to pursue the North Grove.

    • The ending scene was a pretty ballsy move from Telltale, and is an interesting new way to use choice.

    • I feel like this episode is kind of the equivalent of the final Episode of Wolf Among Us, Cry Wolf. Both episodes were shorter than average, but made up for it by being very eventful.

    • As I alluded to in my earlier points, the episode would've gotten a higher score if Ramsay had more of a dramatic outcome as a result of his arrival and if Gared's story had made more progress beyond simply arguing about the North Grove for most of his section.

    • As a side note, wow - this episode was extremely gory with Rodrik's and Asher's scenes.

  • edited July 2015

    8.5. Would have been 9.5 with one more Mira scene and one more Gared scene.

    Hopefully having only three protagonists in episode 6 will encourage them to focus on each one's story more. It will of course mean each one has more time dedicated to them.

  • edited July 2015


    • Asher's scenes were A+

    • Gared's scenes were there

    • Talking to Tyrion was stressful

    • The ending made me cry and I had to tell my parents what happened (since they opened my door as it was happening). I'm 19 years old now for fucks sake

    What a fucking way to start off my birthday!

    Edit After much consideration I decided to take a .5 off because the traitor reveal is really irking me and it really wouldn't make sense for Duncan to be the traitor after he tells Gared to find the North Grove, which is important for the Forresters who he decided to betray, but what if it's all a red herring to screw up Gared? Well even if Royland is the traitor it still wouldn't make sense for Duncan to lead his Nephew to his death for no reason. Really disappointed with Telltale there.

  • You do realize a 6/10 is still a decent score ;)

    Clemenem posted: »

    6/10 weakest episode yet. Some choices were irrelevant and there was no build up to the final episode with it all being an hour and twenty m

  • Every Game of Thrones episode except this one has been either over 2 hours or very close to 2 hours.

    Harian96 posted: »

    It was too short...why are all Telltale episodes so short these days - what happened to the golden age when they released TWD Season - now those episodes had a good length to them individually.

  • edited July 2015

    This is the first episode from telltale that was under 90 minutes in a year!

    Harian96 posted: »

    It was too short...why are all Telltale episodes so short these days - what happened to the golden age when they released TWD Season - now those episodes had a good length to them individually.

  • Such a high score for such a negative comment.

    8/10 to much bullcrap in this episode.

  • Ending was good, rest was pretty meh. The traitor plotline was handled terribly.

  • A 6/10 is a terrible score to get. Thats a 60% and is considered failing to most people. If someone got a 60% on their final or essay that is really bad and is failing. You can't even pass a class and move on if you got a 60 percent. Even when customers rate cutomer service out of 10, if they gave a 6/10, the employee would get in deep trouble and be told thats failing. Overall I think 6/10 is a really bad score (no matter iif its a game, essay, etc) to get and not something decent.

    You do realize a 6/10 is still a decent score

  • edited July 2015

    Not at all.
    I'm giving it 5 out of 10.

  • 5/10.

    Awesome traitor story led to nothing but disappointment. Mira and Gared has like 2 underwhelming segments each. Rodrik and Asher had a lot of pretty cool scenes, most were unimportant. Asher's combat was fun like usual. Emotional and good ending, wasn't nearly enough to save the episode.

  • wow. we have 3 protagonists now and only one of them had any significant screentime in episode 5.

    Flog61 posted: »

    8.5. Would have been 9.5 with one more Mira scene and one more Gared scene. Hopefully having only three protagonists in episode 6 will en

  • Have you've never read a game review? Because it sounds like you haven't.

    The Scores Usually go

    10/10 - Perfect

    9/10 - Amazing

    8/10 - Great

    7/10 - Good

    6/10 - Okay

    5/10 - Mediocre

    4 and below - Dreadful/bad

    A 6/10 is a terrible score to get. Thats a 60% and is considered failing to most people. If someone got a 60% on their final or essay that i

  • 8.5/10, just as good as episode 4. Although this episode broke my heart :(

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Eh, I'm not really sure how I feel about this episode. It's either my least favorite or my second least favorite, I'll just let it sink in before I decide.

  • Well It's so high bc of the final and bc the rate I gave other episodes (I guess I gave them to high ratings).

    Such a high score for such a negative comment.

  • you didn't?! oh... well... so better prepare...

    AstroZombie posted: »

    didn't see it yet, i had to take a break after ... ya know

  • The episode had some flaws but was great overall. 8.5/10

  • If he didn't,he will be done at the last scene... poor AstroZombie...

    brbsmoking posted: »

    you didn't?! oh... well... so better prepare...

  • he don't know what's coming...

    Honzikca posted: »

    If he didn't,he will be done at the last scene... poor AstroZombie...

  • u guys are making me nervous :3
    i hope it's not tom

    Honzikca posted: »

    If he didn't,he will be done at the last scene... poor AstroZombie...

  • I went into serious depression the first time I played through it, after that horribly good ending...

  • Actually I have. So you are saying if you made a game you would be happy that you got a 6/10. Thats why telltale havent retweeted igns review of 6.5/10 because its a bad score. Don't you think if 6.5 was decent they would've retweeted it. Of course they are not happy with their 6/10 from IGN and that is why they won't retweet it on their twitter account. Ask anyone who works at telltale and ask them if they would be happy getting a 6/10.

    Have you've never read a game review? Because it sounds like you haven't. The Scores Usually go 10/10 - Perfect 9/10 - Amazing 8/10 - Great 7/10 - Good 6/10 - Okay 5/10 - Mediocre 4 and below - Dreadful/bad

  • 7/10 I was kind of disappointed with this episode. Little progression for Gared and Mira. The outcome of the traitor was really unfair to be honest. It just doesn't make any sense and idk but I feel really "betrayed" lol no pun intended. And that ending UGH!
    We don't even get a preview for the final episode! (but I know that TTG usually doesn't show the preview for their final episode anyway, BUT STILL)

  • Slow build and a bunch of problems but, yeah, this was great. 9/10

  • 5/10 - Without spoiling anything.

    The episode is the shortest and that alone hurts it when every other episode has been around the same length of time. As for the quality of the episode, there's plenty of parts to pull at your heart strings but everything feels VERY rushed, you're barely with a character longer than 10 ten minutes before jumping to the next just when things are happening. And the rate that things happen leave you little to no time to hunker down and let it all sink in which sucks when I'd like to consider a choice or think more about an event that just happened.

    The biggest thing that hurts this episode to me though is just the bad writing you'll encounter in regards to the traitor. I like many others are very upset at this and this is amateur when TellTale claims to be story/choice focused.

  • 7/10

    It was fine until the ending, that saved it from being lower.

  • 7/10 It was a perfectly decent episode but It didn't have the same grip on my emotions as other episodes did. The death came hot and fast with very little build up- so when Arthur and Finn died I was just like "'kay, moving on." None of the choices really stumped me - all of the seemed very simple a straight forward to me. Especially whether to execute the traitor- his justification for what he did was "Ethan was a fool and you have a limp" made it so there was no doubt about slaying him for what he had done. (Ethan cutting off that unknown traitors had was a harder choice than this one) and the only truly emotion note came from Beskha and Asher's goodbye when he calls her sister- but I didn't even see that moment at first because I initially saved Asher

  • The only part I really had a problem with was Finn and his character just behaving strangely before his predictable death. Other than that, I was hooked all the way through, even through Mira's politicking.

    9/10 from me

  • It's westeros. Men in power have their ego inflated by 10x the usual rate, so not getting something they believe is owed to them will set them off.

    Women too.
    Gender equality.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I didn't like it either - how the traitor determinately turns out, it was such a childish reason. Gryff is worse... now I regret not maiming him but it doesn't matter even if I did - I wish that choice mattered...

  • Well of course they won't post the 6.5. Not because it sucks but because it is under their standard. Overall i'd go for a 7/10 maybe 7.5 if i feel a bit generous

    Don't get me wrong i still enjoyed the shit out of it, but there were some not well-handled points like the traitor and Deus Ex Ramsay for example and it was pretty short compared to the usual IIRC :/

    Actually I have. So you are saying if you made a game you would be happy that you got a 6/10. Thats why telltale havent retweeted igns revie

  • edited July 2015

    That's exactly my point Dio. It is under their standard, so to them a 6.5 sucks (is a bad score to them). I'm trying to tell policefan that a 6.5 is not a good score for telltale. That's not a "Decent" score for them (or to most people).

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well of course they won't post the 6.5. Not because it sucks but because it is under their standard. Overall i'd go for a 7/10 maybe 7.5 if

  • Yeah no you misunderstood. 6 still means okay, it's just that Telltale is expected to produce great material on episode basis, policefan is judging by his standard. Even if a 6 would suck for TT that doesn't mean that it sucks from his point of view.

    I'm not sure if i'm clear ^^

    That's exactly my point Dio. It is under their standard, so to them a 6.5 sucks (is a bad score to them). I'm trying to tell policefan that a 6.5 is not a good score for telltale. That's not a "Decent" score for them (or to most people).

  • That's why opinions exist. He can think its a 6/10 , you can think its a 7/10 and I can think it is a 10/10. Regardless though, a 6/10 is a really bad score. It's a 60% and no one is happy to get a 60% for anything. Even the Order 1886 responded that it didn't think their game deserved the bad scores of 5s and 6s out of ten from reviewers, and were thoroughly upset/ disappointed from those reviews. All Im saying is that a 6/10 = 60% is really bad for most people. Translate that score to school which is basically the same thing. If you got a 60% on your Calculus class would you be happy? Would you still think it was an okay score to get?

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Yeah no you misunderstood. 6 still means okay, it's just that Telltale is expected to produce great material on episode basis, policefan is

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