So, how good was it?



  • Well i was pretty happy to get 60% on my final algebra test so...

    That's why opinions exist. He can think its a 6/10 , you can think its a 7/10 and I can think it is a 10/10. Regardless though, a 6/10 is a

  • edited July 2015

    You hit the nail on the head! Yeah, for a Telltale Episode it's not the hottest score they could get, but considering their track record with penultimate Episodes I don't really see it as a huge deal. Penultimate Episodes never end up getting HIGH ratings by themselves (to most reviewers). It's just one episode and it's not a huge deal breaker IF the finale is amazing.

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    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well i was pretty happy to get 60% on my final algebra test so...

  • 10/10

    Only because the Asher/Roderick decision. Hardest choice I've ever made in a game.

  • It can't be good. Realism was sent to the Wall by TTG.

  • Well if you translate that to a 60 on a 0 to 100 scale, like in school, that's a D, below average, and bad. If you think thats okay and decent still, you must've been a D student in high school.

    You hit the nail on the head! Yeah, for a Telltale Episode it's not the hottest score they could get, but considering their track record wit

  • I really really love this episode. There are a lot of moments and scenes that just hits me nicely and because I played the characters satisfyingly. The traitor scene (Which I can understand others dislike) are filled with lots of drama and emotions that I really like. And the ending, despite the downer, just hit me emotionally, but oddly in a conclusive way.

    Let's just say that I had a really good gaming experience with this episode, so I give it a 10/10

  • I totally agree with you Dave! I absolutely loved this episode. This is my favorite episode so far and was a masterpiece. I was literally in suspence the whole episode. The whole episode had great pacing and that ending was so depressing for me. 10/10 Masterpiece

    I really really love this episode. There are a lot of moments and scenes that just hits me nicely and because I played the characters satisf

  • One railroad out of ten.

  • edited July 2015

    I'd give it a 6.5/10

    The traitor part just felt like weak, lazy writing and Mira's part was just kind of.. meh. Gared and Asher's parts were alright.
    The ending choice was fantastic and felt like something Telltale/Game of Thrones would do. It was a true dilemma.

    Overall, episode was kinda short and had a few issues but wasn't bad. I do feel that it could've been better though. Looking forward to the finale!

  • How did you know! :D

    Well if you translate that to a 60 on a 0 to 100 scale, like in school, that's a D, below average, and bad. If you think thats okay and decent still, you must've been a D student in high school.

  • edited July 2015


    Weak writing leading us into the finale with nothing to build on.

  • edited July 2015


    As much as I love this, I felt the characters such as Gared and Mira did nothing, and certain choices/ thing that happened were badly written or didn't make sense as why they happened. Ramsey's 25 kill streak tactical plot armour made most of us a bit angry. However I guess it made sense because he was like "Lol, bye bye to your allies." After that Asher's scene(s) was pretty cool, I enjoyed those the most. I liked the fight with BloodSong, however there was one thing I disliked in Asher's story... Why did Malcolm have to stay?! Why would he even do that... yeah we could get allies, but whos knows when that would happen, we needed them now. Malcolm's whole purpose was to get Asher back yet he stays, out of character :V Gared scenes literally did nothing, Slyvi asked Gared how he felt about loss and then was happy with him out of nowhere... made no sense.. Finn's death was SOOO STUPID his character wasn't even completely finished yet, Finn was great in Ep4 yet in Ep5 Telltale says "F*** You!" and kills him...sigh. Wasted. The traitor scene was super mega tension levels, until it happened, thats why I realized why the heck did he even do it... then it was like "M8 you didn't make me sentinel so I get the Whitehills to kill your bro lmfao" and then killing him does nothing....sparing does nothing....k. Also the fact that Asher's army was 7 dudes LOL. Mira's story goes bad anyway you choose so, theirs nothing you can do. Gyrff's healing powers made me go dafuq, but I really liked the ending, it was the only good choice the entire episode imo, next episode should be really awesome and not make me disappointing like this one. Also, I know this whole rant was written horriblly, its 6 am and I haven't slept yet so... yeah... Somehow Telltale went from goddamn awesome to shit then awesome again :S

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