Teaser of Ep. 6

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I finished the ep. 5 and... GOD LORD! THIS GAME IS REALLY HAPPENING IN WESTEROS! I feel the same way in the red wedding, but returning to the subject... I choose to keep Asher, not only because i like him more (just a little), but also because he came from exile just to help his family, and risked his life many times in the way, not forgetting that in a certain way, Royland (in my game, i spare him, but GOD, i wanted to kill) was right, not in the treason part, but in the weak lord part, because Rodrik would give his life for the house, but with the injuries, what he could do ALIVE wouldn't be much (i only feel bad for Elaena).

But my question is about the teaser. When we finished each episode, we usually get a small teaser of the next episode, generally showing parts that our previous choices affect, but continuing... Am i the only one who didn't get the teaser? If i am, why? There is something that i need to do? if somebody else (or everyone) suffered this, somebody knows why?

P.S: What were your choices?


  • Telltale Games usually don't offer teasers for the final episodes for the sake of keeping them 100% full of surprises.

    Wolf Among Us is the outlier here.

  • You're not alone, there was no teaser for episode 6.

  • You're not supposed to get a teaser, sometimes TellTale doesn't give teasers for the final episode, like in both TWD Seasons.

  • Yeah, none of their previous series since the first season of Walking Dead had teasers for the last episodes. It's to not spoil anything at all.

  • No, there wasn't any teaser in the end, and I think it's better that way. A dramatic moment happened, a teaser would've ruin it (at least a bit), and we can already guess what's going to happen. I would've watched it, but at least I don't have to be über hyped (teasers usually make the waiting worse).

    And my choices:

    I didn't stab Ramsay

    Spared Bloodsong

    I told Tyrion the truth

    Spared the traitor

    Rodrik stayed behind

  • I told Tyrion the truth

    Finally, someone else who told Tyrion the truth as well! :D

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    No, there wasn't any teaser in the end, and I think it's better that way. A dramatic moment happened, a teaser would've ruin it (at least a

  • I almost did. Did it go any better than lying to him?

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I told Tyrion the truth Finally, someone else who told Tyrion the truth as well!

  • Nope. Guard still comes in and yells at you, but I can stay I FELT better about telling my pal Tyrion the truth. :)

    Sarson posted: »

    I almost did. Did it go any better than lying to him?

  • I said in another thread after last episode that the way you treat Tyrion might have some bearing on next season when he gets to Mereen. Maybe if Malcom is a playable character Tyrion will remember his honest niece or something.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Nope. Guard still comes in and yells at you, but I can stay I FELT better about telling my pal Tyrion the truth.

  • I told him because I thought he might tell me the truth too.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I told Tyrion the truth Finally, someone else who told Tyrion the truth as well!

  • Yes it does he gives you a fair believable list of name

    Sarson posted: »

    I almost did. Did it go any better than lying to him?

  • ice dragon really really interest me

  • Of course I tell my favorite character of the books and the show the truth! :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I told Tyrion the truth Finally, someone else who told Tyrion the truth as well!

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