The 5 Stages of Grief

I'm not even kidding. This is how I'm taking Rodrick's/Asher's deaths.

Denial - Rodrick's not dead. NOPE! It was a dream! I never actually played the episode...I-I...MADE IT ALL UP!

Anger - SCREW YOU TELLTALE for making me choose between my favorites!!!

Bargaining - I-I'll just rewind and save Rodrick instead of Asher...IT'S NOT THE SAME!!!

Depression - Went out to eat with friends on my birthday and just couldn't stop thinking about that moment...I think I'm going insane.

Acceptance - LOL NOPE.

Anyone else going through the stages of grief? :'(


  • 5 stages of Gryff...?

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    Wigams posted: »

    5 stages of Gryff...?

  • edited July 2015

    Gryff has only one stage: Immortality. I mean the dude grew back an eye, kudos to him.

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  • I think my five stages were:



    3: wat


    5: fuck

  • I went through this in the Walking Dead and when Ethan died. My heart is hardened enough to accept death now...What has Telltale done to me?

  • edited July 2015

    I totally understand this, its EVERY TIME I play this episode - or replay that scene - the pain doesn't go away - its a choice I wish I'd have never had to make - it better pay off real good in Episode 6 - because I just sacrificed one of the most awesome members of House Forrester to save another awesome member and now I'm past grief - I'm just seriously depressed - I journeyed with those characters since they made their debut POV in episode 2 - both of them had so much potential to play in the war - but the moment two playable characters met something really bad happened - one of them had to die.

    1. What just happened...?
    2. Asher/Rodrik is... no.... it can't be...
    3. I killed my favorite(s) character... I feel like a murderer
    4. Kill all Whitehills,they must be exterminated, Asher/Rodrik must be avenged, I'll kill them all, 'down to the babes in their bed'' - I'm coming for you Gryff!
    5. Life is absurd... people live, people die... what does it matter? I've lost the will to do anything anymore....
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    That's everything you need to know about how I reacted to that 11/10 ending. If that made me cry then I sure as hell am buying an ice cream and a big roll of tissues for the episode 6 ending.

  • I really need to play Episode 6...

    FetchWalker posted: »

    That's everything you need to know about how I reacted to that 11/10 ending. If that made me cry then I sure as hell am buying an ice cream and a big roll of tissues for the episode 6 ending.

  • Am I the only one who read "The 5 Stages of Gryff" ?

  • You really need to but deep inside you don't want to cuz you'll emotionally and mentally explode. That sure as hell will happen to me....

    Harian96 posted: »

    I really need to play Episode 6...

  • Oh, hey, look, it's me in the picture!

    FetchWalker posted: »

    That's everything you need to know about how I reacted to that 11/10 ending. If that made me cry then I sure as hell am buying an ice cream and a big roll of tissues for the episode 6 ending.

  • Me before Rodrik/Asher ran to the gate.
    'It'll be fine telltale will do the magical, he's alive not dead, won't they'
    When Rodrik/Asher talk to people beyond the gate.
    'They clearly aren't paying attention to you right now they could have easily shot you dead, climb over the gate! Just try'
    When the music kicks in and Rodrik/Asher have to fight
    ' can't do this to me'
    5 seconds later...
    crying - a lot

  • clearly you've never had your eye destroyed before, it regenerates rather quickly. Little known fact about the human body m8t. Gryff is also half uchiha.

  • Nah, I just accepted it. I'm a big brother so there wasn't much of a choice for me. I mean I still felt sad, but proud that Rodrick went out like a true lord. Really, I felt more bad for the Beast, I mean he was struggling so hard to get out which probably because he hates being trapped cause he used to be a slave. Anyway, Rodrick death did make me sad, but I'm okay with it. But what I do feel right now is ripping Gryff's head off and killing his nuisance of a giant.

  • Its sad.. But you know what telltale does with determinant characters.... :/

    Harian96 posted: »

    I totally understand this, its EVERY TIME I play this episode - or replay that scene - the pain doesn't go away - its a choice I wish I'd ha

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