Malcolm playable Season 2?!

Since Malcolm is staying in Meereen to work with Daenery's.....Will he be one of the playable characters in Season 2? Would you like this?


  • Telltale confirmed GOT season 2?

  • They have the same deal with HBO as they do with skybound for the walking dead. They have a "multi year-multi title" license. Its safe to say GoT will have another season maybe two.

    Telltale confirmed GOT season 2?

  • Seems highly likely, yes. He's our POV from Essos now.

  • Talia and Malcolm season 2 I'm betting

  • It's likely that we'll come back to Essos, maybe in a DLC. Not just bc Malcolm stays there but because Croft's cut in the leg... It was to have some meaning... Yeah we'll probably see Malcolm again :) (and maybe play as him)

  • True, I think they're setting up Talia to be a POV in the next season, too.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Talia and Malcolm season 2 I'm betting

  • Very likely, seems werid he chose to stay.

    God I hate essos, I really hoped we'd be done with Dany and that wretched place

  • No thanks, that coward can rot with Dany for all I care. She is a crap ruler and he is a spineless arsehole who ditched his family when they needed him most.

  • Highly likely that Malcom will become playable if there is a second season. I just wonder what kind of story that will be.

  • I think the story needs an Essos POV. Malcolm is indeed the most likely candidate.

  • I think it will by Malcolm, and maybe a new character? I'd like for them to introduce someone new too. This is assuming they don't kill anyone else next episode.

  • Dunno. I would love to play as Beskha! But it won't be the same without Asher...

  • Actually, I'd prefer if Gared was our POV in Essos. I explained how it could happen here:

  • probably

  • That's what I thought as soon as he said he was gonna stay behind.

  • Please can't we just finally get away from Dany ? I don't want to play Malcolm, the guy basically let us down

  • That is actually a cool idea! I love it!!!

  • I'm guessing that if Malcolm is playable, our interaction with Dany will be bare minimum. Probably just when she sends us on our mission and when we return

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Please can't we just finally get away from Dany ? I don't want to play Malcolm, the guy basically let us down

  • maybe he'll travel around a little, who knows, but really, I don't want to just go around being Daenerys minion just to come back and hear "nopes LOL, not giving u shit, haha, go work more now or u meet me draguns"

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Please can't we just finally get away from Dany ? I don't want to play Malcolm, the guy basically let us down

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