The Traitor

Does the traitor change depending on your choices? My traitor was Royland and he was not my sentinel. If he was would Duncan become the traitor? Also, how did you deal with the traitor? I killed him immediately. Fuck that SOB and his idiotic logic.


  • It is whoever you didn't pick as Sentinel.

  • Yes the traitor is determinant based on your choices, and no I spared him

  • Yes, the traitor will be whoever you didn't choose as sentinel, which is pretty stupid imo.

    I spared Duncan, so we could get some info about Asher's ambush, but it doesn't make any difference anyway. I wish I killed him now.

  • edited July 2015

    Even though Duncan is Gared's uncle? Man, killing him like that is kinda cold I think.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yes, the traitor will be whoever you didn't choose as sentinel, which is pretty stupid imo. I spared Duncan, so we could get some info about Asher's ambush, but it doesn't make any difference anyway. I wish I killed him now.

  • edited July 2015

    Who cares who he is related to? The dude screwed over your family. He is lucky there wasn't a "boil him in hot oil" option. I would have tortured him for ages before hand.

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    Even though Duncan is Gared's uncle? Man, killing him like that is kinda cold I think.

  • What was his reasoning for being a traitor?

    Who cares who he is related to? The dude screwed over your family. He is lucky there wasn't a "boil him in hot oil" option. I would have tortured him for ages before hand.

  • He claimed my Rodrik was too violent and was going to destroy the house. Even went so far as to say, "I wish you hadn't fallen off that cart" or w/e. Punched him right in his dumb face and took my sword right through him. Still wasn't satisfied. I would kill all the Tuttles if I had the option.

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    What was his reasoning for being a traitor?

  • "I didn't get a badge, you're violent Rodrik!"

    Then I punched up him to show him he's wrong.

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    What was his reasoning for being a traitor?

  • Goes pretty much the same way with Royland being the Traitor... Except imo he acts more disrespectuful than Duncan and talks much more shit about Rodrik and even Ethan, which Duncan doesn't...

    "I didn't get a badge, you're violent Rodrik!" Then I punched up him to show him he's wrong.

  • I killed him too. I hated how he acted towards Rodrik.

  • Wow. TTG could've done SO much more for the traitor story if they didn't make the non sentinel the traitor. sigh There goes the whole "game is tailored to how you play" bit.

    "I didn't get a badge, you're violent Rodrik!" Then I punched up him to show him he's wrong.

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