What is an Army according to Telltale?

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  • Asher's 6 Goodmen.

  • any army can mean anything, It doesn't need to be professional, its a group of men/women fighting for one interest and being paid

  • edited July 2015

    When we were at meereen I thought EVERY ONE OF THOSE PIT FIGHTERS would come with us since they were all cheering but no, instead we end up with what, 7? That is NO army and makes no sense. It was said REPEATEDLY that Asher had enough gold for ALL of them, yet only a few tag along. Come on telltale! I guess they were too lazy to draw up the other pit fighters. That is just a terrible work ethic.

  • I'd be satisfied enough to call that an army with just the fat guy alone

  • That's not waht I mean though,

    you can have an army of 1000 untrained dudes or 1000 trained soldiers, but it's still an army. An army in our heads and what we pictured is atleast 1000 or more troops and not 8 guys

    ClemenLee posted: »

    any army can mean anything, It doesn't need to be professional, its a group of men/women fighting for one interest and being paid

  • Too bad the fat guy died in the first 10 minutes of landing from a spear. So much for that army.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'd be satisfied enough to call that an army with just the fat guy alone

  • I am not trying to belittle who chose Asher over Rodrik (I picked Rodrik, but it was an extremely tough call), but the fact that some are saying "well Asher has the respect of the pit fighters" is laughable. Literally came back with 6 dudes and a few of them died already. XD

  • He was unfairly surrounded

    Too bad the fat guy died in the first 10 minutes of landing from a spear. So much for that army.

  • edited July 2015

    I hope they just did not show them all on screen they reuse so many models it might look like The Clone Wars.

  • He was, but come on, he had a shit strategy. The fat guy alone could have saved them if he fought everyone off but nope one of the "best" pit fighters decides he's more helpful trying to lift a gate instead of killing people.

    Green613 posted: »

    He was unfairly surrounded

  • When you are swole like that things are expected of you, he should have been able to lift that gate imo

    He was, but come on, he had a shit strategy. The fat guy alone could have saved them if he fought everyone off but nope one of the "best" pit fighters decides he's more helpful trying to lift a gate instead of killing people.

  • Lord Andros is hiring hundreds of sellswords while we get 7-8 guys plus like 5 Forrester Guards and Royland/Duncan, Rodrik/Asher, Beskha, and that's about it. Unless Malcom can all of the sudden convince Targaryen to give us the Second Sons, i don't see how the Forrester's will survive.

  • Well it is one less headache to deal with. Honestly, even though Rodrick was generally healed, I couldn't imagine him being healed enough to do the kind of footwork that would be needed in a contest with one of those pit fighters. I felt Asher was barely fast enough and he's like lightning. Rodrick moved like a slug in comparison.

    I am not trying to belittle who chose Asher over Rodrik (I picked Rodrik, but it was an extremely tough call), but the fact that some are sa

  • The Whitehills only destroyed the controls, right? Even if the controls were destroyed, the gate should be able to be lifted manually if that's the case.

    When you are swole like that things are expected of you, he should have been able to lift that gate imo

  • edited July 2015

    Probably most of them remained on the ship while travelling.

    Also from a point of pure coherency with medieval houses, it makes perfect sense. In a squabble between Lordlings (which is what the feud Forresters/Whitehills actually is), being able to field more than a handful of professional soldiers was something few could do.
    Normally, if you consider that a lordling could count on something like 20-25 professional men at arms, 6-7 killing machines are more than a considerable number.
    The Glenmores sent their 20 best men to help Rodrik, and in the state they're in, i'd probably say the Forresters are even undermanned in that part, with actual soldiers amounting to 15, maybe 20 men.

    Big armies were mostly composed of farmers, paesants and levies that were given some weapons and a basic training. Dany's army is different, since it's mostly composed of sellswords and the Dothraki are all warriors, even women.

  • bruh I was joking LMAO

    tho fat guy really is the MVP in my book

    He was, but come on, he had a shit strategy. The fat guy alone could have saved them if he fought everyone off but nope one of the "best" pit fighters decides he's more helpful trying to lift a gate instead of killing people.

  • This whole season has been preparing us for the dread of what's coming. I think this was meant to make it glaringly obvious to those who hadn't picked up on it in earlier episodes.

  • edited July 2015

    After Episode 5, it's starting to look like Episode 6 is going to be a remake of the Alamo. ;)

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    This whole season has been preparing us for the dread of what's coming. I think this was meant to make it glaringly obvious to those who hadn't picked up on it in earlier episodes.

  • I want to see Asher's 7 good men vs Ramsay's 20 good men and see who wins.

  • Ramsey, because plot armor.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I want to see Asher's 7 good men vs Ramsay's 20 good men and see who wins.

  • I don't see House Forrester surviving but I don't see all of them dying either.

    After Episode 5, it's starting to look like Episode 6 is going to be a remake of the Alamo.

  • He was the best. Taken from us too soon :(

    Green613 posted: »

    bruh I was joking LMAO tho fat guy really is the MVP in my book

  • Hard to tell. If I remember correctly Ramsay's 20 good men only sabotaged a camp while the soldiers slept. He had a much larger force outside Winterfell.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I want to see Asher's 7 good men vs Ramsay's 20 good men and see who wins.

  • Maybe we can actually convince the men Lord Andros hired to fight for us offering a more considerable price and taking Andros out of the picture... Definitively.

    Lord Andros is hiring hundreds of sellswords while we get 7-8 guys plus like 5 Forrester Guards and Royland/Duncan, Rodrik/Asher, Beskha, an

  • edited July 2015

    Dont worry it'll porbably be a decent number of soldier like a hundred , Tell yourself that asher probably was the last guy who left the ship and that most of his pit fighters went out of the boat before him or remain in the ship like Endrik said , and you saw the gold that dany gave him ,Cmon ! with that much gold , you can buy much more soldiers than just 10 , and for rodrik , well tell yourself that he could not leave his castle without at least some soldiers guarding it . Do not worry , It wont be a 20 vs 20 battle , but do not expect a great battlefield with hundreds of soldiers , it isn't a great house like the Lannisters ,Forresters are bannermen to House Glover who are Bannermen to House Stark . For an House like the Forrester , 100 men is a very good number for a House of this stature .

  • Well, there is an army and one man army. Numbers aren't that important.

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  • edited July 2015

    That is probably the best they could do with the plot right now...

    Maybe we can actually convince the men Lord Andros hired to fight for us offering a more considerable price and taking Andros out of the picture... Definitively.

  • Actually it's one guy: Twenty of House Goodmen

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I want to see Asher's 7 good men vs Ramsay's 20 good men and see who wins.

  • I'd say realistically (by old medieval standards) the force Asher brought back would be roughly what most lower nobles would have in their armies. BUT with Game of Thrones really unusual numbers (medieval armies of a 100,000? What the fucking fuck?) it does seem like an abnormally small force.

    Realistically, the Forrester soldiers we saw leaving and the Whitehill men in the attack would be around ALL the men both houses would have. In Game of Thrones I never know how many men anyone has. I don't know if they have one hundred, I don't know if they have 25-50, I don't know if they even have +10. Lyman said that Andros is giving Ludd hundreds of sellswords, which would give him an amount of men equal to what a second-tier house (Mormonts, Umbers, Florents, Daynes, etc.) should have.''

    To sum up, I don't know. The numbers in Game of Thrones and ASOIAF are so fucked that it's impossible to ever tell who has what, The Forresters and Whitehills by medieval standards should have 10-25 men, but have anywhere between 20-9001 men.

  • edited July 2015

    I only know as much about how video games work as I want to know (so not much), but my guess is that on-screen model limitations have something to do with the "small army". This isn't a powerful game graphics wise, obviously.

  • To be fair, the Whitehills' "army" is so bad that three or so of them can be killed by someone even when surrounded and wounded.

  • Pitfighters are worth 10 regular men each though so thats like 70 vs 21!

    As long as Ramsay's shirtless and has dogs with him then it's even

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I want to see Asher's 7 good men vs Ramsay's 20 good men and see who wins.

  • Alt text Then what's this then, eh?

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Hard to tell. If I remember correctly Ramsay's 20 good men only sabotaged a camp while the soldiers slept. He had a much larger force outside Winterfell.

  • The Daynes have at least 1500-2000 considering their status in Dorne

    I'd say realistically (by old medieval standards) the force Asher brought back would be roughly what most lower nobles would have in their a

  • If it's the case then a cinematic would be a wise choice

    almighty posted: »

    I only know as much about how video games work as I want to know (so not much), but my guess is that on-screen model limitations have something to do with the "small army". This isn't a powerful game graphics wise, obviously.

  • Photoshopped?

    Then what's this then, eh?

  • It's 100% accurate.

    Skiba7671 posted: »


  • Didn't think about that, good job.

    Maybe we can actually convince the men Lord Andros hired to fight for us offering a more considerable price and taking Andros out of the picture... Definitively.

  • There's probably more redshirts they didn't bother rendering, Royland's always going on and on about mustering "troops" we've never freaking seen, and more keep popping up when necessary despite the fact loads of the Forrester army has allegedly died already. Besides, Asher and Beshka alone took out what, 10-12 guys in our first playthrough with them? As long as they figure out how to disrupt military formations into a brawl, what Asher brought back is fine. And he + Beshka were mercenaries for a long time, either/both of them probably have lots of war strategy on how to accomplish that.

  • Yeah, I was really disappointed with the "army" Asher brought back. Honestly? After I killed that dumb guy, stormed Meereen, risked my ass for Dany, even offered gold? They're supposed to be awesome fighters and all that but like 2 of them died within the first 4 minutes of landing.

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