******/***** will be alive, and will say these words.

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Original Title "Rodrik/Asher will be alive, and will say these words."

"I got lucky, realll lucky"


  • ohhhh, ffs. forgot that this is spoiler.
    sorry :( Thank u Ozzy for fixing.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Don't worry too much as it's easy to forget sometimes, i saw some iOS users where having some issues downloading and there could be other players who haven't played yet for various reasons so it's better to be safe and add spoiler tags rather than spoil someone by accident :)

    PCGaming posted: »

    ohhhh, ffs. forgot that this is spoiler. sorry Thank u Ozzy for fixing.

  • that would be cool,nice nod to twds2, but honestly the only way i dont want to see the dead brother again is a 'king of the north' type situation with the freys and robs body. That would litterally fuck me up bad considering i killed of my favourite character.

  • yeaahh

    that would be cool,nice nod to twds2, but honestly the only way i dont want to see the dead brother again is a 'king of the north' type situ

  • I love this game to bits but if either one of them says that this game will have a special place at the bottom of a burning trashcan

  • The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints—the ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do...

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