Worst Episode and Why (Spoilers)



  • Please tag your post.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Fantastic? Silly, forced deaths of Luke and Rebecca - fantastic. Town runs away - fantastic. Perfect baby AJ - fantastic. Kill Arvo's friends and he'll help you - fantastic. Russians are bad shooters - fantastic. Clem's healing powers - fantastic.

  • Well Mereen was not in full control of Dany yet. You don't just automatically have full control of a city, especially in olden times.

    Guards are dumb.

    I think Ramsey likes you a little more if you try to kill him, Makes sense to me.

    I don't understand your last two questions whatsoever. Harbour towns are not islands.

    This episode was a waste of time mostly. I liked the storyline with the pitfighters even though it didn't fit in the general context (why

  • Episode 6 better be good.

  • I did like the ending but having played it again & whatnot I'm inclined to agree with you. One thing that was particularly odd was how Finn (& Sera, somewhat) turned into arseholes... befriend them the whole season, and suddenly they turn on you...wut? I was less bothered about the traitor thing, as for me, (having picked Royland), Duncan being the traitor did make sense. Oh, and Gared's story is really drifting off to nowhere, they should just kill him and have done with it lol.

  • Yeah, this was the weakest episode of the series by far. Limp, rushed, lacking dramatic tension and largely just so full of filler that it didn't matter. It really felt like Telltale did a lot of negating with our choices this episode because it's largely inconsequential how you've been doing the story now up to this point. Unless they really prove me wrong, this was a really weak set-up for the finale. The only good scenes were Asher's sequences, which is irksome because they barely used my favorite character Gared at all this episode.

  • Did everyone seriously forget that if you beat the crap out of Gryff he literally goes blind? Then is seen leading a band of troops as if it never happened?

  • Gared's story is reserved for Episode 6, though.

    I did like the ending but having played it again & whatnot I'm inclined to agree with you. One thing that was particularly odd was how F

  • That is completely true, I see that there are a lot of problems in this Ep. I wrote a rant about Sera before, in the same forum, and my thoughts exactly. The traitor, I really wished it was the obvious Maester, but no, the traitor was the non-sentinel? This is 10 times worse than what I expected, and all the rants the traitor made, it seems familiar, the Stranger from The Walking Dead season 1? It is filled with flawed logic in here, I was barely convinced by Rodrik in that scene. Telltale, look, I understand people are tempting to see the episode and you are having a hard time, but rushing it will only lead to more disappointment. Life is Strange got postponed and I'm completely fine with it, I really didn't mind. So why didn't you do the same in this game?

  • edited July 2015

    Agreed OP. It was really going nicely before, but this episode pissed me off. you've listed most of the things i would think of so i wont re write them. Also how did Gryff get his eyes back? Man this episode has lazy writing written all over it. What a disappointment.. the series was going so well.

    What really annoyed me was the traitor, just how, how, and how would freeing Gryff help save Asher? you've just doomed the house and now Royn is screwed. How did sending information about Elaena or how many soldiers House Forrester had would have helped?.. if it wasnt for the traitor, the Whitehill soldiers would not have entered the place in the first episode. im pretty sure he's the one who opened the gate for them. and Arthur would not have died.

    The traitor had no motive at all. nothing..

  • edited July 2015

    That's what I've got my fingers crossed for. 1 bad episode wouldn't be such a bad thing out of 6 total, but if episode 6 follows like 5, god have mercy on these forums.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Episode 6 better be good.

  • Sure harbour towns are no islands. But he would have to march with a full mounted army through the territory of half dozen other lords. I don't think that would be so easy.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Well Mereen was not in full control of Dany yet. You don't just automatically have full control of a city, especially in olden times. Gu

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah I really hated how with Finn if you befriended him he appeared to be turning over, but most of what he says in this episode makes me want to slap him. And I hate how they handled Sera too, I figured at some point she would leave with her new husband, but to outright just say "Yeah, I know we've been friends for like, several years, but since there's so much gossip around you Mira, I'm out." Why wasn't there an option to pull her back by saying you're the reason she's getting married (if you picked that route of course), or to tell her to screw-off then?

    I can see Duncan being the traitor if there was just one traitor a little better then what we were given, but only if they had actually given him proper reason/motive. I feel like Gared's story is going to have some payoff, or at least it better, if it's nothing more than just a literal grove I'm going to scream...

    I did like the ending but having played it again & whatnot I'm inclined to agree with you. One thing that was particularly odd was how F

  • Nope! I think lots have seen that other thread and if not people you should! But it's pretty ridiculous you're right, while I didn't go that far with my beating there were plenty who had and to hear that he looked the same regardless, well let me just take a moment to laugh. I just can not fathom what was going on at TellTale with this episode, the others have much smaller issues but this one has; bad writing, characters not behaving as they would, and TellTale not even trying as demonstrated by Gryff's face.

    Duderson posted: »

    Did everyone seriously forget that if you beat the crap out of Gryff he literally goes blind? Then is seen leading a band of troops as if it never happened?

  • lol Great comparison there with TWD's Stranger, I never thought about their similarities and you're right. Through most of the traitor's rant I was kept saying 'what' to myself just like with the Stranger where he keeps trying to paint me as a bad guy/influence towards Clem even though I played Lee while making all the right choices.

    IvySketches posted: »

    That is completely true, I see that there are a lot of problems in this Ep. I wrote a rant about Sera before, in the same forum, and my thou

  • Yeah the traitor was ridiculous, the moment I saw that it was Royland I just said, "bull shit" and his 'reason' why proved that even more. Nothing made sense at all and I was upset too that we couldn't even properly execute him like I wanted. I was hoping for something equivalent towards what Ned did to the guy who ran from the Wall, I mean Rodrik even had the family's great sword when he met Asher! Just stabbing him through the chest felt so blah and weak too.

    Agreed OP. It was really going nicely before, but this episode pissed me off. you've listed most of the things i would think of so i wont re

  • Yup needed more Gared and I wanted much more Mira too, I mean the episode is called 'A Nest of Vipers', come on TellTale.

    zgamer posted: »

    Yeah, this was the weakest episode of the series by far. Limp, rushed, lacking dramatic tension and largely just so full of filler that it d

  • edited July 2015

    What bugged me the most with the last bit was how the traitor mentions that'd we'd be ambushed at the trade for Ryon and how of course they set Gryff free. So it really blows when we somehow get ambushed by the same guy let loose, and somehow a Whitehill man got that close to all of our Forrester forces and no one but Asher noticed something was suspicious about the guy before he closed the gate?! And it was the same guy who tried to stop Rodrik from entering the House by sitting in front of him so it's not like he wouldn't stand out anyway!

    This episode was a waste of time mostly. I liked the storyline with the pitfighters even though it didn't fit in the general context (why

  • I gotta ask, why do you like it more than dislike it? You're one of the only people on here that actually seems to be more okay with this episode and I'm just genuinely curious why.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I disagree it was a great episode though I'll admit it's my least favourite so far but I still loved it.

  • Moreover, as Beshka says: this was a private pit, because some of the Masters could not get enough of the fighting.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Well Mereen was not in full control of Dany yet. You don't just automatically have full control of a city, especially in olden times. Gu

  • I don't know I just really enjoyed all of the scenes (particularly the Asher in the pits scene and Rodrik confronting the traitor then the final battle) and didn't really dislike any of them. I probably sound like a fanboy but like I said it's a bit too short that's the one thing I didn't like.

    I gotta ask, why do you like it more than dislike it? You're one of the only people on here that actually seems to be more okay with this episode and I'm just genuinely curious why.

  • edited July 2015

    Nah you're good man, I'm not about to try and convince you otherwise or say you're wrong, there's more than enough already written to try that lol. But thanks anyway for your opinion, let's hope episode 6 beats the rest :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know I just really enjoyed all of the scenes (particularly the Asher in the pits scene and Rodrik confronting the traitor then the f

  • Well, I'm glad you liked it.

    For everything there is always some exception and that seems to be you in this case. So the exception proofs that the episode was bad.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know I just really enjoyed all of the scenes (particularly the Asher in the pits scene and Rodrik confronting the traitor then the f

  • Well, it was all pretty bad.

    What bugged me the most with the last bit was how the traitor mentions that'd we'd be ambushed at the trade for Ryon and how of course they

  • How does Duncan being the traitor make any sense?

    He is the only guy that is trusted with the northern grove thingy. He sends Gared to the wall for the Forresters ... he has no motivation at all to do that. None of them make sense as traitors.

    I did like the ending but having played it again & whatnot I'm inclined to agree with you. One thing that was particularly odd was how F

  • edited August 2015

    The mysterious healing of Gryff's eye was bizarre, the premature death of Finn was toe-curlingl and the traitor storyline was not convincing. However, there were a couple of excellent moments too. I enjoyed walking around in the camp of Sylvi and loved uncovering her background story. I also quite enjoyed the scenes with the pit fighters - it really got me into it: entering the menacing place and doing the fight was great. Moreover, learning more about Beshka's background as a pit fighter was also nice. Last but not least I actually enjoyed the ending: choosing between two of the protagonists was heartbreaking. All in all, yes it would have been better to get even more background and meaningful choices, but there were plenty of nice scenes and elements.

  • edited July 2015

    Things that bothered me . 1 too short we were rushed along just to move the story .
    2. Gryff grows his eye back ? Wtf sloppy. Ramsey even mentions you maimed him in the opening .
    3. Rodrick knows Asher is going to be ambushed yet Asher is the only one who sees it coming ?
    4. Duncan makes no sense as the traitor period . It should only be Royland.the mother or Maester
    5. Only 6 pit fighters ? It felt lazy they all cheered Asher Asher and I only get 6?
    6 There is a traitor that Talia finds while Rodrick is too busy playing "Hide the Salami" to find out for himself

  • That also really bothered me that and the eye was just sloppy writing .

    What bugged me the most with the last bit was how the traitor mentions that'd we'd be ambushed at the trade for Ryon and how of course they

  • My thoughts exactly and the reason. He gives is Rodrick was violent ? Well if he is sentinel and you never listen to him you are still violent so why doesn't he stab you in the back then ? He was the only one Gregor trusted and he was trying to save the house with the North Grove . Duncan makes no sense as the traitor .

    Isterio posted: »

    How does Duncan being the traitor make any sense? He is the only guy that is trusted with the northern grove thingy. He sends Gared to the wall for the Forresters ... he has no motivation at all to do that. None of them make sense as traitors.

  • I'll throw in my 2 cents why Duncan could have been a suitable traitor. Since Duncan is the only one outside of the Forrester's that knows about the grove that would make him a great option, that could have been his bargaining chip for the Whitehills. We've seen the most trusted people be the biggest back-stabbers before and it could have worked had Duncan said he had or was going to reveal the North Grove to the Whitehills for w/e he wanted.

    While I never thought as Duncan as the type and I do trust him, he is my sentinel, had they given him a proper motive this could have been an alright way to go. But as we've all said countless times, with no motives from either and their personality traits and actions, neither jive to be the traitor.

    Trickhead posted: »

    My thoughts exactly and the reason. He gives is Rodrick was violent ? Well if he is sentinel and you never listen to him you are still viole

  • lol cuz it was way too similar and i can clearly tell it was a replicated idea, worse is that it makes no sense this time, gd thing u get it xd

    lol Great comparison there with TWD's Stranger, I never thought about their similarities and you're right. Through most of the traitor's ran

  • Wait,you follow R'hllor?I mean we all know that the only true gods are the ones that listen using the weirwood trees.

    That's what I've got my fingers crossed for. 1 bad episode wouldn't be such a bad thing out of 6 total, but if episode 6 follows like 5, god have mercy on these forums.

  • lol Excellent joke, took me a second but no, I follow the Many Faced God ;)

    Mnv22 posted: »

    Wait,you follow R'hllor?I mean we all know that the only true gods are the ones that listen using the weirwood trees.

  • The length of the episode makes perfect sense when you consider it's story and content. It was meant to be fast and hard-hitting! A 2 hour episode wouldn't be necessary. It's kind of like no time left as it suited the nature of the episode. Same reason why we can't proceed over our people. At the end of the day, it wouldn't have suited the episode.

    You do realise Gared and Mira was set up for the finale right? That makes perfect sense.

    Again, with Ramsay you have to realise that it's part of the set up for the story that Telltale is trying to tell. Of course Ramsay is invulnerable, but his actions coincide with his character. His reason is he has no reason. And he's in a position of power with a smaller house. What more did you expect him to do?

    I have to ask as well, but what would you have done with Finn's character?

    All that being said, I take your point on Sera's role in this. I would have thought her helping or not helping you to be a result of your choices with her. But she said she can't be SEEN with you... So maybe a secret visit is on the cards if you helped her. It still makes sense, even through your choices.

    How though does the traitor angle make no sense!? I don't think people on here understand the type of role a traitor has to play. It makes sense that a prospective sentinel would feel scorned that his qualities had been passed up on. Also remember the role of the sentinel. They are the CHIEF advisor. Who would pick a sentinel to be their chief advisor and NOT hold their opinion highest? And also, think what that character would think of a man who picks another sentinel, but heeds their advice consistently. And your choices are either the reason they support you if they are the sentinel and are working against you if they are not. Makes perfect sense and it is a major complaint that people have had with Telltale games up till now. This is their best attempt to date at making the 'insignificant' choices seem significant. No satisfying some people I guess, even when it makes sense.

    I personally enjoyed the episode and I can't wait to tear the Whitehall's apart, with Asher leading the line, to avenge his dead father and brothers and to become the lord he was meant to be. Iron from Ice bitches!

  • i think it was a glitch, they found a character model with him with bandages and stuff.

    Duderson posted: »

    Did everyone seriously forget that if you beat the crap out of Gryff he literally goes blind? Then is seen leading a band of troops as if it never happened?

  • No, that God has a name and it is GRRM.

    lol Excellent joke, took me a second but no, I follow the Many Faced God

  • edited July 2015

    No the length does not make sense when every episode before it has been right at the 2 hour or more mark. This entire episode reeks of a rushed mess given the constant hops from the characters. The episode should have been longer given the fact that Asher is traveling to Westeros, it's not like he's going to get there in two days so why couldn't we spare some time to see how are people our holding up?

    Setting up characters for the next episode does not excuse a short length of time we get with them and we don't know how big of a role they'll have in the next episode anyway. We got plenty of time with each playable character in the first and 2nd episode, getting ten minutes of Gared and Mira here is pathetic.

    What set up is needed for the story any longer? All Ramsay did was drop in to kill someone, sorry but if they're going to have a character like him come by I'd expect it to be for something more important than this. Obviously he's a madman but that does not excuse it.

    I would have kept Finn alive through this episode, develop his character more, done something better then just kill him off for no good reason other than TellTale couldn't think of anything to do with him.

    Sera turning her back on you is weak just like Finn dying is, we have no idea whether she'll be in the next episode and I'm betting she won't. This was more terrible character development in my eyes.

    I implore you to look at the thread dedicated to how insane it is to think either could be the traitor but the biggest reason is that neither of them have a solid motive. Every one says how people are selfish and such so if that's true, then Royland/Duncan had to have something to gain from their betrayal. But there's nothing. That's why either of them are terrible, their characteristics go against it completely and with no motive, it falls apart.

    That's fine if you liked it but obviously the majority find it quite flawed and this is not the same quality to the prior episodes at all.

    The length of the episode makes perfect sense when you consider it's story and content. It was meant to be fast and hard-hitting! A 2 hour e

  • Just because all the episodes beforehand were 2 hours does not mean they all have to be. Hell, no time left was the shortest episode of season 1 and was the best episode of the season. More quantity does not always mean more quality. The longer length of episodes prior to this one was necessary for development of story and characters and this was the pay off. I personally liked it. It's fine if you don't, but don't bring the length into it as a measure of it's quality.

    I think we can be assured that Gared and Mira's parts in episode 6 are much greater. Telltale has it's flaws but it has not yet completely ignored a crucial character in their games and I do not expect that to happen now.

    As of yet we don't know the full consequence Ramsay's actions will have. Could cause Lord Glenmore to side with the Whitehills and by extension the Boltons to save their house. Just because the consequences are not there in front of you at the time doesn't mean there won't be any.

    What more could you get out of Finn? His inclusion or exclusion has altered how the game has played out, no matter how small he served his purpose. I liked him overall and was sad when he died. Mission accomplished. He died for no good reason? They're Wights! Reanimated corpses who have killed other wildings. They're not frail human soldiers. If wildlings who were more agile than Finn don't stand a chance against these things, why should Finn? He's determinant so he's going to die. And he's north of the wall. His odds aren't exactly brilliant.

    How do you know there was nothing in it for Duncan/Royland? Their betrayal was based on your decisions that they disagreed with and that they thought would ultimately destroy the house. Whether it is right or wrong, people make decisions based largely on their beliefs. And to secure the survival of house Forrester? That's a reason. For the greater good. Rightly or wrongly they made that decision. It's fine if you don't think it makes sense, but I think it makes sense.

    I don't care if the majority believe it is flawed. I liked it. I was just giving my reasons and showing you the possibile explanations for those flaws.

    No the length does not make sense when every episode before it has been right at the 2 hour or more mark. This entire episode reeks of a rus

  • For me it was because he had form for doing things without his lord's knowledge when he thought it would help the house. He did it with Ethan, and he then does it with Rodrik (albeit in a more retarded way than seems normal for Duncan). I never got that vibe from Royland - he always seemed straight with you, and even if you don't pick him as sentinel it still seems out of character, to me, for him to help the whitehills.

    Isterio posted: »

    How does Duncan being the traitor make any sense? He is the only guy that is trusted with the northern grove thingy. He sends Gared to the wall for the Forresters ... he has no motivation at all to do that. None of them make sense as traitors.

  • edited July 2015

    NO, blind, an eyepatch and bruising was not enough to justify being thrown in a cell with two puffy, swollen bleeding eyes and bloodied face. He was and should not be in any condition to lead troops.

    And whats with Harys? Him and that guy who shuts the gate should still be in prison along with nineteen other men from the ambush, unless Royland or Duncan somehow freed ALL the prisoners.

    i think it was a glitch, they found a character model with him with bandages and stuff.

  • edited July 2015

    I beg to differ about that being the best episode from TWD S1 and that it's length didn't hurt it but that's another discussion altogether. The length of the episode directly ties into it's quality. Had it been longer, we could have put more time into Gared and Mira's portions, and there's no reason for them not to be. Getting 10 minutes with either character in my book for an episode lasting an hour and twenty minutes is ridiculous. And saying that this is just to 'set-up' their next portion of the story would be fine if the set-up itself wasn't so bad.

    There's nothing confirming their parts will matter at all in the next episode. Yes, Gared is supposed to be finding the North Grove allegedly in episode 6 but I highly doubt it's going to do any good for the Forresters since he's miles away, on the other side of the Wall, and is labeled a dead man by the Crows and Wildlings alike. At best, his discovery will probably be a stinger for a possible 2nd season. And the same goes for Mira, miles away, unable to do anything, and there's not a whole lot she can do to help her family since the war is going to break out any minute. Her part is going to be especially limited.

    Well I don't care about Ramsay period, aside from episode 1, his parts in the series have done nothing to us and anything he does do we can't do anything against since he's got that beloved 'Plot Armor" on. And again, I really don't fear anything being set up at this point, it's the last episode, Worst that could happen is that the whole house gets wiped out which is what I'm expecting anyway, Ramsay's actions don't matter at all, it was an unavoidable, unchangeable event so I'm not particularly worried about the outcome.

    Finn, one of the better swordsmen we encounter gets speared seconds into fighting one of the things. Gared takes out like 3 or 4, and Cotter and his sister come out w/o a scratch, so yes he died for no good reason other then to sloppily write him out of the story. You said his odds aren't good but a wounded guy, little girl, and a fairly good swordsmen (who is encountering these things for the first time) have damn good odds. Kinda wonky odds no? At the very least they could have had his death mean something, instead he ended up like Nick/Luke from TWD S2 where their deaths were pointless.

    Because they explained everything and Duncan even said so himself that he wanted nothing in his explanation, be my guest to go back and watch that scene. And let's think about doing this for the greater good for a moment. Both said they were betraying the house for the house, and they released Gryff and explained how the trade was going to be an ambush. So instead of keeping our hostage or telling us about this ambush, they thought it best to let him go because of what?? What's the sense in letting a prisoner go when you have nothing else to bargain with, no army to defend with, and no reason to betray in the first place other then "Well I thought you were a bad leader".

    Just because all the episodes beforehand were 2 hours does not mean they all have to be. Hell, no time left was the shortest episode of seas

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