So, tell me again how you feel about Gryff, guys.



  • Gryff's a Pokemon. A Full Restore and he's as good as new.

    endoftimes posted: »

    Tell me about it... When I saw Gryff on his high horse with a "babyskin" face after I mangled him last episode I instantly turned into grumpy cat. Did TT give him a Great Healing Potion or something?

  • Thanks, I get that a lot.

    MutedParker posted: »

    Hmm, aren't you just pleasant?

  • I second that lol

    Wigams posted: »

    I actually want to kidnap a Ebbert from the Citadel and make a trade not for Ryon but for that fucker Gryff.

  • Because men like me know when it's the right time to be forceful and when it's the wrong time to act like a belligerent child and act on impulse like those we strive to be better than.

  • The weak are often the most merciless, my opinion of Gryff as a spineless git chasing the shadow of his better brothers stand.

    I will, however, be going full Targaeryn on their asses if given the chance. Melisandre will smell the cooking manflesh from across the continent and feel all happy for the Lord of Light. Gwyn included.

  • In the real world maybe you're on to something, but this is game of thrones.

    Because men like me know when it's the right time to be forceful and when it's the wrong time to act like a belligerent child and act on impulse like those we strive to be better than.

  • Well I'm not going to play an rpg styled game differently from how I act in real life. That's my niche I guess.

    almighty posted: »

    In the real world maybe you're on to something, but this is game of thrones.

  • I'm not tolerating him anymore. Even if he were to get on his knees in tears and beg for mercy, I'm not letting Asher spare the coward's life.

    Alt text

  • Dude, please edit your post. The thread is not spoiler marked, and you just spoiled the episode for me.: (

  • I guess similar to how Starks can warg and Targareyans are immune to fire, Whitehills are immune facial lacerations of injuries. I think Gryff is actually one of the more brought to life characters and messing with him is fun

  • During my playthrough with Rodrik I pretty much viewed Gryff as a punk kid that wanted to play King, it was always Ludd that I wanted to unleash Rodrik's fury on. But as Gryff's "attitude problems" mounted, and the total disrespect and disregard he showed Rodrik and the rest of the house, I went crazy on him when the Glenmore's showed up and beat him unconscious.

    Of course now that he's killed Rodrik I have no reason for Asher to see him in any forgiving light.

    It might be tough to beat Gryff, seeing as how he has healing factor as of Episode 5.

  • Made me glad that I beat him the most I possibly could before I was stopped.

    Made me annoyed that he bore not even the slightest scratch at the end.

  • I was hoping he would've remained at least partially blind. Makes beating the bejeesus about of him a little pointless.

    Made me glad that I beat him the most I possibly could before I was stopped. Made me annoyed that he bore not even the slightest scratch at the end.

  • Yeah, I really don't understand how that got by unnoticed without one person at Telltale going "Hey guys, wait a minute, remember the last episode where we gave players the chance to maim Gryff?...."

    I was hoping he would've remained at least partially blind. Makes beating the bejeesus about of him a little pointless.

  • I can only hope they'll release some kind of update or patch that will fix that a bit.

    Or at least admit their boo boo by making him blind in the next episode. I'd be able to look past his appearance in Ep. 5 since he only showed up for like 30 seconds.

    Yeah, I really don't understand how that got by unnoticed without one person at Telltale going "Hey guys, wait a minute, remember the last episode where we gave players the chance to maim Gryff?...."

  • I don't understand! I maimed him in episode 4, and by the end of episode 5 he looks perfectly fine.

  • When I saw that his face was completely fine, I was hoping that the last part was a dream sequence or a 'What could have happened' scenario. But I incredibly doubt that.

    I can only hope they'll release some kind of update or patch that will fix that a bit. Or at least admit their boo boo by making him blin

  • I said back then that as long as he didn't spill any blood, I wouldn't spill his.

    Now he has an appointment with Asher's axe.

  • yeah hopefully telltale will do something if you maim him he still reports he can't see very well out of the eye and his cuts would have just healed on the outside (because asher did say he was on the boat for weeks and rodrick probably punched out gryff even before asher gets on the boat) - i would have loved to see a bloody gryff though because his seemingly uninjured smug face is just begging to be punched again

    I can only hope they'll release some kind of update or patch that will fix that a bit. Or at least admit their boo boo by making him blin

  • Asher's revenge coming to a video game console near you

  • That fucking grin he gave as Rodrick dropped dead made me so fucking upset. I can't wait to stab him repeatedly and dance all over his fucking corpse!

  • edited July 2015

    I was counting on leaving Gryff unharmed to lessen the pain when the Whitehills inevitably fuck the Forresters in the ass, but I should have known Gryff was an insufferable little shit. I hope the Telltale Gods take your superhuman eye-regenerating factor and give it to Kenny.

  • Gryff actually has lines in the game files though like "HOW HARD IS IT TO KILL A CRIPPLE?!" and also him Yelling "KILLLL THEMMMM!!!"

    Honestly I think that was totally unintentional, I think this was just a by-product of them rushing this episode out and no one thought to record lines for Gryff.

  • Wonder why did they decide not to use those. I think, it would've made the scene more believable.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Gryff actually has lines in the game files though like "HOW HARD IS IT TO KILL A CRIPPLE?!" and also him Yelling "KILLLL THEMMMM!!!"

  • Feelings did not change. We're at war with them, and we would have done the same to them if given the occasion. I honnestly do not get the new hatred toward him.

  • That is exactly what I was thinking. Gryff has killed the man, who was about to lead an army against his house. We are at war and if we had to, we would've done the same to him. I don't get what has really changed.

    ezay posted: »

    Feelings did not change. We're at war with them, and we would have done the same to them if given the occasion. I honnestly do not get the new hatred toward him.

  • edited July 2015

    I really wish there was a choice to kill Gryff just like Elaena wants you to when you catch him. That last ending would not have taken place if it were so..

    EDIT: Nevermind, i just remembered they had Ryon as hostage. it wouldnt have worked.

  • I'd stay away now since he evidently has the power to regenerate. Seriously TellTale first Gared killing the Whitehall guy, when I didn't, & now Wolverine Gryff. If you're gonna railroad us make it enjoyable.

  • where did you get that model dude?

    Nothox posted: »

    he needed that eyepatch

  • edited July 2015

    It's in the game files.

    Tons of things were cut, and I believe Ortengryn was supposed to be the traitor

    where did you get that model dude?

  • We underestimated him, I mean really xD his ability to kill and his ability to heal lol

    During my playthrough with Rodrik I pretty much viewed Gryff as a punk kid that wanted to play King, it was always Ludd that I wanted to unl

  • edited July 2015


  • Seriously??

    Nothox posted: »

    It's in the game files. Tons of things were cut, and I believe Ortengryn was supposed to be the traitor

  • Wot?

    if this is true then why the heck did they change that? anything else was cut/changed?

    Nothox posted: »

    It's in the game files. Tons of things were cut, and I believe Ortengryn was supposed to be the traitor

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