Why did HE free HIM?

Why did Royland/Duncan free Gryff?

If the Whitehills were going to ambush us at the trade R/D could've said that he's the traitor and we would just never go.This could also give us the time to group with the pit fighters , marry Elenea so her father's army would be oathbound to Rodrick etc.

Also, didn't Rodrick say:

Confine the Whitehills to the cellars.No one gets in or out.

So , how did the traitor get in, TTG?

This together with the Xbox One "accident" leads me to belive that episode 5 was just a fiasco at best.


  • what's the xbox one accident?

  • I think freeing Gryff was the game's attempt at making the traitor situation more morally gray, because it means you can't take him to the exchange, which is a trap, so the traitor can shout "I SAVED YOUR LIFE" at you after listing all the reasons they hate your guts. Of course, Gryff then gathers an army and ambushes us anyway, but thanks Duncan/Royland, you guys are real lifesavers. Or maybe just life slightly extenders.

  • The Ep got leaked sooner than it should.

    what's the xbox one accident?

  • idk if Roy would have a different reason, but Duncan probably wanted to apologize to the whitehills and try to stop the war that was imminent, i don't even have to say that it didn't work the way he expected.

  • Well, it's really determinant if he(doesn't matter which one) is Rodrick's lifesaver or he just prolonged the inevitable.

    Wolf6120 posted: »

    I think freeing Gryff was the game's attempt at making the traitor situation more morally gray, because it means you can't take him to the e

  • edited July 2015

    I think the real answer would be: “because... plot”.

    If the traitor have, in his mind, the belief that he is working for the good of the house, freeing Gryff is just stupid. This decision just makes the Whitehills stronger.

    If the real problem here is the ambush, he could come and say that he got a reliable information that an ambush would happen. There would not even be the need to expose himself as the traitor.

    Of course, it could be just that he is a traitor and does not care for the house. But none of the characters fit this description (especially Royland, IMO).

  • Why would he apologize? They killed almost all of his family (probably even raped his niece).

    AstroZombie posted: »

    idk if Roy would have a different reason, but Duncan probably wanted to apologize to the whitehills and try to stop the war that was imminent, i don't even have to say that it didn't work the way he expected.

  • ask him, i'm not saying that he was right or wrong, just that he wanted peace.

    Mnv22 posted: »

    Why would he apologize? They killed almost all of his family (probably even raped his niece).

  • He uses the excuse to save his life but the traitor is a dirty back stabber so it doesn't matter. He could've done a whole lot of different things but he let Gryff go because of the true reason of his betrayal in the first place "I don't have a shiny bracelet". He is among the council so he probably got past the guards or hell, killed them.

  • Approaching GoT Plothole Station.

    The staff asks Duncan Tuttle and Royland Somebody to debark.
    Have a nice vacation in Determinant City(a.k.a the point of no return)!

    TMLC posted: »

    I think the real answer would be: “because... plot”. If the traitor have, in his mind, the belief that he is working for the good of the

  • I never knew that Royland/Duncan was included in "no one".(At least it shows that the writers don't care about'em.)
    If he killed the guards,I'd imagine that the lord of the House would hear about this sooner than ''during the next day''.

    He uses the excuse to save his life but the traitor is a dirty back stabber so it doesn't matter. He could've done a whole lot of different

  • If he killed the guards then who would report it? No one is allowed down there.

    Mnv22 posted: »

    I never knew that Royland/Duncan was included in "no one".(At least it shows that the writers don't care about'em.) If he killed the guards,I'd imagine that the lord of the House would hear about this sooner than ''during the next day''.

  • The guards supposed to replace the ones who just met a terrible fate would be some good candidates.
    Also,how did the traitor get Gryff a horse, food and water for the journey without raising suspicion?

    If he killed the guards then who would report it? No one is allowed down there.

  • The question is how did the traitor get them out of the cellar without killing the guards.

    Mnv22 posted: »

    The guards supposed to replace the ones who just met a terrible fate would be some good candidates. Also,how did the traitor get Gryff a horse, food and water for the journey without raising suspicion?

  • Bribed them with ironwood. Bitches love ironwood

    The question is how did the traitor get them out of the cellar without killing the guards.

  • Yeah, they were bribed using ironWOOD.I mean we all know that ironWOOD is one of the HARDEST materials you could get.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Bribed them with ironwood. Bitches love ironwood

  • Elaena noticed that

    Mnv22 posted: »

    Yeah, they were bribed using ironWOOD.I mean we all know that ironWOOD is one of the HARDEST materials you could get.

  • Alt text

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Elaena noticed that

  • His mother insisted.

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