Elaena vs Gwyn

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Which one do you like more? Why? Which one you'd like to see more of? What do you think about them? Which pairing you like more - Asher and Gwyn or Rodrik and Elaena? Share your opinions!


  • i will of course choose everyone's favorite knife-packing, inexplicably Australian Whitehill--

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    Just hope Asher gets some scenes with her in Ep6.

  • We haven't seen how Gwyn would react to Asher, so..

    I still like Elaena more.

  • edited July 2015

    I really admire both of them individually, as strong-willed, defiant women with their own agency. Gwyn also seems to be the only sane Whitehill around who can actually see the bigger picture that her House just can't handle the ironwood correctly and peace with the Forresters would be beneficial to them too.

    As for couples, Rodraena has been OTP for me since ep.2. It might be that I have a personal weakness for childhood sweethearts with a bond that only grows stronger over time and hardships faced together, but I've just loved them since day 1. We only had background info on Asher & Gwyn and that couldn't compare on an emotional level with the scenes we got for Rodrik and Elaena - even though I would be really, really interested to see a Gwyn/Asher reunion for ep.6 (in the case of Asher still being game).
    At the moment I am feeling rather pessimistic and very much doubt any of the couples will get a sorta happy ending whatever you chose at the end of ep.5, though ;__;

  • Lady Elaena. I admire her inner strength and will to stand up for herself and Rodrik. Gwyn is nothing but an apologist to her family and expects me to roll over and take it from her father and brother. I'll give her one last chance to decide where she stands in episode 6, but if she chose wrong...

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  • edited July 2015

    Everything and everyone connected to Whitehills must be killed with fire and steel. Even such a cutie like Gwyn.
    Elaena is gorgeous, by the way. Too bad my Rodrick is dead now. Damn Gryff

  • edited July 2015

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    Found another relevant .gif showing what happens when they meet.

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  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited July 2015

    Sylvi is the cutest girl in Telltale's GoT. Her accent rocks. Gared + Sylvi = GALVI.

    No, she's not too young. She's short.

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  • In my opinion, Elaena is barely a character. Her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik - so much so that she can have sex with him immediately after seeing her brother's intestines..???

    She's one of those characters which is only in the story to develop someone else, rather than a good character in her own right.

    Gwyn hasn't shown herself to be either yet, but she has shown characterisation independant of developing Asher, which already puts her above Elaena in my mind.

  • Um, I didn't see it like that. In that scene she does say to him "We haven't slept much at all in these past few weeks" so how can you say it happened right after poor Arthur's death?

    Flog61 posted: »

    In my opinion, Elaena is barely a character. Her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik - so much so that she can have sex with him i

  • Which one do I like more? I'm thinking threesome. ;)

    Seriously though, I'd probably pick Elaena. She's not a Whitehill. She helped me kill Whitehill men. And she enabled Rodrick to die with his dick wet. What's not to like?

    Gwyn's hot though.

  • Elaena is very pretty and nice, though I do have some sympathy for Gwyn and her situation.

  • I'd actually say its a little unfair to say her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik.

    For instance, in episode 2, when we first meet Eleana, we can send the letter to the Glenmores under the guise of Margaery and "advise" the Glenmores that they carry through with the marriage to the Forresters. She plainly states that she doesn't like feeling forced to do so. If you tell her she has no choice, she is clearly very unhappy with being trapped in the marriage, and says it'll be an unhappy marriage of necessity. If pushed even further, she can call off the betrothal altogether. Already we get to see that Eleana refuses to be married off to just anyone, even the man she has feelings for, if she feels forced to do it. Even if a Queen demands it.

    Then, in episode 4, after Lord Whitehill goes to the Glenmores and demands that they marry Eleana to Gryff, she goes as far as to take her father's elite guard without his permission and knowledge, seek out Rodrik and plot to murder Gryff. All of which ends in her brother's death. This helps display even further that she's willing to fight tooth and nail to make sure she isn't trapped in a marriage she doesn't want to be in.

    So, instead of getting a woman who does as she's told by the man she loves or her father, we get a woman who is willing to defy both so that she may actually hang on to her independence.

    Not to mention there are tons of lines and actions made by Eleana that tell a lot about her character. To say she only has one character trait is a bit silly considering she reveals plenty.

    Flog61 posted: »

    In my opinion, Elaena is barely a character. Her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik - so much so that she can have sex with him i

  • I love you <3

    Angelic56 posted: »

    I'd actually say its a little unfair to say her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik. For instance, in episode 2, when we first

  • I really like Gwyn's character so I prefer her over Elaena but I really like Elaena as well.

  • Love you too. <3

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I love you

  • ^ this! Thank you for saying that. She also seems very torn between her feelings for Rodrik and her loyalty to her family (and the risk they would be taking by possibly crossing the Boltons) if you don't forge the letter -- and only making assurances for her father to consider would secure the continuing betrothal in that case. So it's not as if she can't think things rationally or put reason before heart when she feels it's needed, which she would if the only thing she cared about was Rodrik.

    Angelic56 posted: »

    I'd actually say its a little unfair to say her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik. For instance, in episode 2, when we first

  • I like how most of the people that resent her are just those who weren't competent enough to convince her to the marriage in episode 2 ^^

    ^ this! Thank you for saying that. She also seems very torn between her feelings for Rodrik and her loyalty to her family (and the risk they

  • That seems the case to me as well xD I am also baffled at people who think her a gold-digger or something because of that dialogue option. I totally understood her worry and need for practicality there - and you'd have to be a bit daft to respond with "because I love you!" to that. I'm the hopeless romantic myself, but that was not what that part of their conversation was about ^^

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I like how most of the people that resent her are just those who weren't competent enough to convince her to the marriage in episode 2 ^^

  • A lot like some people (who are often part of the group we're talking about right now lol) seem to think that Sera exist for the sole purpose of serving Mira and lynch her because she has the guts to put her own interests above Mira's... Not like we would do the exact same thing were the places reversed but whatever...

    That seems the case to me as well xD I am also baffled at people who think her a gold-digger or something because of that dialogue option. I

  • Well, Elena I guess, we've seen more of her.

    It sucks though, I really like Gwyn, the only Whitehill I wouldnt kill on sight

  • I think Gwyn, is hotter than Elena and a better character in general

  • Well yes - Sera's a bit too much of a blabbermouth to my taste (I really didn't like how we discovered that Lord Tarwick knew all about that wine incident), but at the end of the day even if you aren't on the best of terms with her and she is a bit snappish at you, she still helps with the coronation feast. I don't think we can really begrudge her not wanting to fall out with Margaery and wishing not to be involved in our affairs 24/7 ^^

    _DIO_ posted: »

    A lot like some people (who are often part of the group we're talking about right now lol) seem to think that Sera exist for the sole purpos

  • edited July 2015

    Well i don't hate her for being a gossiping, drinking, handsome guy-talking teenager :P

    She's not as cunning and subtle as our Mira and that's totally normal for a common Highgarden handmaiden ^^

    Well yes - Sera's a bit too much of a blabbermouth to my taste (I really didn't like how we discovered that Lord Tarwick knew all about that

  • Elaena, better looking, better person, etc. Gwyn is a POS who defends the BS her family pulls. I will happily give her the same treatment I gave Gryff's face. My Rodrik the Ruined loves his violence. Death and suffering to anyone with the last name Whitehill.

  • I like Elaena the most. In a setting where women doesn't have many rights, she is a strongly independent woman. And I love the relationship between her and Rodrik, it feels natural and healthy.

  • Angelic56, that's a damn fine analysis of Lady Elaena's character. Nicely thought out. Kudos. :)

    Angelic56 posted: »

    I'd actually say its a little unfair to say her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik. For instance, in episode 2, when we first

  • In a game of thrones, they'll allow sex with children....because....theyre assholes.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Sylvi is the cutest girl in Telltale's GoT. Her accent rocks. Gared + Sylvi = GALVI. No, she's not too young. She's short.

  • I ship it.

  • Elaena. Without a doubt. Although I think Beshka would be fun as well. If she's into men anyways.

  • This reminds me of the movie Wedding Crashers! Will Ferreal's character says that death makes women.. horny. Lol

    Flog61 posted: »

    In my opinion, Elaena is barely a character. Her sole character trait is that she likes Rodrik - so much so that she can have sex with him i

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