Hypothetical - Non-canon ending

What do you think would have happened if Telltale let the killing of Ludd stand in episode 4?

Obviously, Rodrik, Elissa and the determinant sentinel would also have died.

We assume Torrhen Whitehill (eldest son) would take over, but we have no idea about his personality.

Ramsay would have waited a while, but would Ramsay have decimated the Forresters and Glenmores when he heard the news?

Would Ramsay then have released Gryff? (as he didn't at the start of episode 5).

The determinant traitor would likely be happy again and try to help the remaining Forresters.

Asher would have returned to take over the household

It then would have been Torrhen + maimed Gryff + Whitehill army vs Asher + Sentinel + gladiators.

Who knows what would have happened with Talia and Ryon.

Probably not that dissimilar to the current scenario?


  • Asher is killed in the ambush and Ryon is executed. The Forresters lose Glenmore support.

    Not really a better scenario.

  • edited July 2015

    Would there still have been an ambush with Ludd dead and Gryff still imprisoned? (as traitor only released Gryff to supposedly save 'Asher')?

    Would Ryon have been executed if Gryff was still imprisoned?

    The Forresters already have lost Glenmore support in season 5 due to Ramsay, so no difference.

    Asher is killed in the ambush and Ryon is executed. The Forresters lose Glenmore support. Not really a better scenario.

  • Asher comes back from Essos and CURBSTOMPS the shit out of Gryff. Then he departs for Highpoint with Gryff's super regenerative eyeballs as a trophy, takes over and makes Torren or whatever his name is his bitch before giving him as breakfast to the beast, burns the the place to the ground and makes a remake out of The Rains of Castamere called The Snows of Highpoint.

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