Could the traitor have been covering for someone?

After reading a post in one of the discussions started on this form regarding whether or not you killed the traitor, do you guys think it's plausible that the traitor was covering for either Talia or the mother? I believe Talia is the more plausible one, she is the one who "found" the letter in the grove. Is it possible that she was seen by the "traitor" and that one agreed to cover up for her, including being willing to give his life for her (could also explain why she was so determined to see him killed)? let me hear your opinions


  • And why wouls Talia or Elissa betray their family?

  • Nope. I don't like what they did with the traitor, but there's really no suggestion it's a misdirect.

  • It's the only explanation for the poor reasoning behind the traitor.

  • Why would Talia become so bloodthirsty all so suddenly. Tbh, the traitor had no reason to betray the forresters either, especially because he didn't get anything from the whitehills. Talia could be doing these things because she's paranoid that her family would end up like Ethan. Also, even if you take the traitor with you at highpoint, the doors will still be open to ramsay. And the mother and the traitor are with you at highpoint. so it only leads me to believe that Talia is fucking things up

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    And why wouls Talia or Elissa betray their family?

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