Can you deceive tyrion?

Can you trick him during the chat in nest of vipers?


  • Nope, for some reason my normally intelligent Mira had the intelligence of Sera. There is no possible way to deceive him.

  • edited July 2015

    Unfortunately no...i have tried every way. Even if you do manage to lie to him he gets suspicious of the wine you are FORCED to bring and the guard outside goes all like "I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY DUMB THINGS HE WILL TWIST YOUR WO-" "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU JUST CONFIRMED HIS SUSPICIONS!" "(OH shit better think about something..) LMAO YOU ARE AN IMP!". Anyway what did you expect from telltale? That'd be extra work.

  • Well so unfortunate. I am happy with myself for how I managed to arrange a decent plot for the traitor and the brother being left behind!

  • That is a good question. I know that I'd also like to know. But I dont think you can, because the wine is from Cercie's (I know that I probably spelled her name wrong) supply. The wine is the dead give away that Cercie sent Mira.

    P.S. In episode 6 I recommend that you implicate Jamie. I feel that it may be Mira's best option at this point.

  • Thanks, now I'm glad I told him the truth. Because Tyrion told my Mira to basically implicate Jamie.

    Nope, for some reason my normally intelligent Mira had the intelligence of Sera. There is no possible way to deceive him.

  • I think, that they both played Mira well, Cersei probably knew as Tyrion says to Mira "No one will testify for me, Cersei made sure of this" (something along those lines) She want to check if Mira is trustable, and can do what was told, especially when she asks as most of time if we can lie to our friends and person we serve (Margaery) and she knows we're friend with Tyrion, so she sent us to see if we will lie to him, and pretend dumb, by doing so we prove to Cersei, we're useful.. for now, this is at least what I got from all this coversation from both Tyrion and Cersei, so I kept lying to Tyrion.

  • I wonder if silence works

  • This part of the episode was really frustrating! Seriously, there was no way Mira could have let Tyrion in on what was happening without the guard knowing? It would have been nice if there was an option to actually lie to Tyrion and get away with it and then have the choice whether to tell Cersei the information you gathered or lie in the next episode. But yeah, basically at this point it doesn't really matter what you do the outcome is the same.

    Perhaps in EP 6 whether you came straight out and told Tyrion the truth or not will have some consequence but I still felt the scene was kinda disappointing and lame to be honest.

  • Nothing gets past Tyrion.

    Unless you have a step ladder.

  • 10000000% agree

    Ali_D posted: »

    This part of the episode was really frustrating! Seriously, there was no way Mira could have let Tyrion in on what was happening without the

  • Nah, luckily I guessed he would know but I wish I could have told him more subtlely. The guard was listening not watching, could've nodded or winked, Tyrion would've caught on.

    I watched a playthrough where you do lie to Tyrion and I think it turns out better telling him the truth. I'm worried about the guard selling me out.

  • The guard ruined everything, by listening to every word Mira says... If the guard wasn't there, and if he didn't give Mira the wine, I think that there would be a chance to get something out of Tyrion.

    PigeonPie posted: »

    Nah, luckily I guessed he would know but I wish I could have told him more subtlely. The guard was listening not watching, could've nodded o

  • Well, it doesn't matter to me. I wasn't going to try to deceive him anyway.

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