Does that mean Mira....?

Since we have choice between Asher and Rodrick, one of them will be determinant. But we know what TellTale are doing with these characters.
TTG probably will kill Asher/Rodrick in ep.6(It would be stupid if we got determinant lord in S2.) Soo that mean Mira is eldest child of Elissa and Gregor, and she and Talia are last standing Forrester childs.
Does that mean Mira could be Queen of Ironrath?(if Rodrick/Asher dies in ep.6)


  • edited July 2015

    Well in that case Ryon would be lord because of bullshit sexist inheritance laws, but I seriously doubt telltale will kill Rodrik or Asher in episode 6. I am pretty sure season 2 will focus on a different family, or the lord will play a smaller role.

  • edited July 2015

    Males always inherit in priority. Ryon is the heir of to be Lord (Not King) of Ironrath after Rodrik/Asher, then Mira, then Talia.

  • If it stays standing, yes I suppose so. I have a feeling that murder she committed will come back and surprise us however.

  • Assuming that Asher/Rodrik dies in episode 6 too I think you're right that she'd be next in line. Although I'm getting that feeling she'll be killed in the last episode too. With Cersei herself trying to make deals with us and after I told Tyrion the truth, I'm fully expecting all that she's done to come to light in this episode, which it better otherwise that's a few more decisions that didn't matter worth a damn.

  • OMG I forgot about Ryon XDD

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well in that case Ryon would be lord because of bullshit sexist inheritance laws, but I seriously doubt telltale will kill Rodrik or Asher in episode 6. I am pretty sure season 2 will focus on a different family, or the lord will play a smaller role.

  • I thought that Lucan suddenly forgetting about Mira being suspect of the disappearance of Damien was weird.

    Revec posted: »

    If it stays standing, yes I suppose so. I have a feeling that murder she committed will come back and surprise us however.

  • The game forgot about Ryon.

    OMG I forgot about Ryon XDD

  • Mira is fucked up. But theres still Dorne in game intro! :p Maybe she will escape or something?

    Assuming that Asher/Rodrik dies in episode 6 too I think you're right that she'd be next in line. Although I'm getting that feeling she'll b

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah. I'm fully expecting something to crop up with the dagger in episode 6. Something like, things are finally calming down and then boom! They grab Mira.

    Drakonys posted: »

    I thought that Lucan suddenly forgetting about Mira being suspect of the disappearance of Damien was weird.

  • I wouldn't be upset in slightest then if she did escape if that means she goes to Dorne, that'd be awesome.

    Mira is fucked up. But theres still Dorne in game intro! Maybe she will escape or something?

  • It's called "the Rickon Complex".

    Drakonys posted: »

    The game forgot about Ryon.

  • I see no other solution to keep Mira alive other than to send her home. Lucan will probably tell Cersei how she failed to persuade Tyrion and about Damien. I wonder if the writers forgot about Damien, since the writting is so bad in that episode!

  • I'm so afraid they're going to gloss over or not remember things we've done with Mira and it's really going to set me off if they do.

    • Like you said with Damien, and what ever happened with the knife too?

    • That trade letter you get from Tyrion's room, why hasn't that come into play at all?

    • The strange key you pick up in episode 1 I think? I'm almost sure they've forgotten about it though.

    gomatamo posted: »

    I see no other solution to keep Mira alive other than to send her home. Lucan will probably tell Cersei how she failed to persuade Tyrion and about Damien. I wonder if the writers forgot about Damien, since the writting is so bad in that episode!

  • edited July 2015

    Ryon will be the new Lord. I had to explain this to another user, in another thread. It doesn't matter how old the women are, ruling rights fall to men. If Ryon dies too, then it's a different story.

  • The knife is either in Mira's room or tossed aside and somebody probably found it, we didn't see Mira's room since the 2nd episode so I am not sure how is that knife gonna work in the last episode. If Mira leaves KL I hope we could take the knife with us.
    The letter one is tough, so I am not sure. I saw that Mira carries that letter in her inventory if you kept it. I hope it won't go to waste.
    If the writers make the final episode with a good story, I can see that key determinantly useful if you took it, or maybe could get Mira in trouble with Margaery if she finds out, or completely tossed aside. It is up to Telltale. I wonder how will they write a last episode that will satisfy us players since so many things are left unused, unexplained, even dissapointed us and made us rage etc. Damn it...

    I'm so afraid they're going to gloss over or not remember things we've done with Mira and it's really going to set me off if they do. *

  • Yeah, like Charming said if whoever you saved at the end of episode 5 dies then Ryon will become Lord of Ironrath, not Mira. Male siblings inherit before females do regardless of age, that's just how it works in GoT (and historically). It's why Ethan became Lord of Ironrath after his father died and Rodrick appeared to be dead rather than Mira or his twin Talia inheriting the role.

  • Well, they HAVE mentioned or made him appear in every episode to date but yeah, he's been a background character for the most part.

    Drakonys posted: »

    The game forgot about Ryon.

  • The key was used for Tyrion's chest wasn't it?

    I'm so afraid they're going to gloss over or not remember things we've done with Mira and it's really going to set me off if they do. *

  • No there was a set of keys on Tyrion's desk and the one we picked up was much smaller than those.

    Dredger1612 posted: »

    The key was used for Tyrion's chest wasn't it?

  • I just wanna ask where is that coal boy Tom ? Didnt he mentioned about knowing some people who could help the forrester ? MaybeMira can survive through their help , maybe !

  • Where did you go to school for writing by the way? I see a lot of people commenting on the forums about how bad the writing is....but I don't think anybody saying that is a writer.

    gomatamo posted: »

    I see no other solution to keep Mira alive other than to send her home. Lucan will probably tell Cersei how she failed to persuade Tyrion and about Damien. I wonder if the writers forgot about Damien, since the writting is so bad in that episode!

  • You don't have to be a writer to say that the writing was bad. Plot holes, missed opportunities and characters being OOC can be identified by anyone, and these issues were largely discussed around here already.

    Wigams posted: »

    Where did you go to school for writing by the way? I see a lot of people commenting on the forums about how bad the writing is....but I don't think anybody saying that is a writer.

  • Mind going into detail about exactly what you found "bad writing"?

    Abeille posted: »

    You don't have to be a writer to say that the writing was bad. Plot holes, missed opportunities and characters being OOC can be identified by anyone, and these issues were largely discussed around here already.

  • Regarding episode 5? This thread sums it up really well:

    Really I won't just repeat all the inconsistencies from episode 5. As I said, they were largely discussed already.

    Wigams posted: »

    Mind going into detail about exactly what you found "bad writing"?

  • I am sorry if you disagree with me, but TT really dissapointed me with this episode, and even I tried to look through their flaws in their previous episodes, but this one just has to many. I'm not a writer, I just wanted to state my opinion that we might end up with an ending that we won't like, but it is TT and GOT...

    Wigams posted: »

    Where did you go to school for writing by the way? I see a lot of people commenting on the forums about how bad the writing is....but I don't think anybody saying that is a writer.

  • Frankly it would be brilliant and allow TTG to finally show "choices matter".

  • edited July 2015

    You're allowed to dislike a meal without being a chef.

    Wigams posted: »

    Where did you go to school for writing by the way? I see a lot of people commenting on the forums about how bad the writing is....but I don't think anybody saying that is a writer.

  • I would like a determinant Lord in season 2. Because it would make the game a 'unique' experience for the player.

  • What about their uncle?

    Drakonys posted: »

    Males always inherit in priority. Ryon is the heir of to be Lord (Not King) of Ironrath after Rodrik/Asher, then Mira, then Talia.

  • Not a Forrester. Malcolm is a Branfield, brother to Elissa, not Gregor so... any chance for him.

    TheWaz_Troy posted: »

    What about their uncle?

  • There is no "queen" of Ironrath

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