I agreed with the Traitor

Rodrick was weak, and the house was turning belly up and he just went with the flow and did nothing to think outside the box.
Not sure why the traitor helped the enemy though anyone catch how that was going to benefit House Forrestor?


  • Determinant traitor (Especially Royland) will give you a stupid reason of why he betrayed you.

    'You're putting us in danger, so I've just made sure that we'll all be destroyed.'

  • lmao

    Drakonys posted: »

    Determinant traitor (Especially Royland) will give you a stupid reason of why he betrayed you. 'You're putting us in danger, so I've just made sure that we'll all be destroyed.'

  • I dunno what p*ssy Rodrik you have, but mine certainly isn't weak.

  • ya i made "smart" choices thinking it would matter i was sadly wrong.

    I dunno what p*ssy Rodrik you have, but mine certainly isn't weak.

  • Rodrik is like Loaderbot from TFTBL. He wants to fight but his body is not fit for the task anymore. The Whitehills could have lied about not ambushing Asher if the traitor freed him and the traitor is a weasel I didn't believe anything he said anyway.

  • Rodrik is like Loaderbot from TFTBL.

    Definitely the best way I've ever heard someone describe him.

    Rodrik is like Loaderbot from TFTBL. He wants to fight but his body is not fit for the task anymore. The Whitehills could have lied about no

  • Rodrik isn't weak .From the situation after Red Wedding it is simply too hard to do something good

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