How long must we wait now?


  • Here's hoping it's just October. TTG couldn't even get Gryff's face model right in my last episode, I mutilated the dude. So I can only imagine how long it will take for them to complete scenes with two separate brothers.

  • To infinity.


  • Not just different brothers. Different Sentinels too, now.

    Here's hoping it's just October. TTG couldn't even get Gryff's face model right in my last episode, I mutilated the dude. So I can only imagine how long it will take for them to complete scenes with two separate brothers.

  • Quit your whining, some of us haven't even got to play the game yet.

  • Maybe we have to wait only a month , remember how quickly they made last episode The walking dead ???

  • I'd rather wait three months and have a mindblowing finale with good alternate playthroughs depending on our choices in ep.5 than having less to wait but get a very rushed episode with plot holes.

  • This a thousand times.

    I really disliked episode 5, and I want to love episode 6. I will wait for as long as it takes.

    I'd rather wait three months and have a mindblowing finale with good alternate playthroughs depending on our choices in ep.5 than having less to wait but get a very rushed episode with plot holes.

  • Agreed!

    Abeille posted: »

    This a thousand times. I really disliked episode 5, and I want to love episode 6. I will wait for as long as it takes.

  • That would be awesome

    Maybe we have to wait only a month , remember how quickly they made last episode The walking dead ???

  • A whole 4 weeks

  • That is optimistic

    Poogers555 posted: »

    A whole 4 weeks

  • And it was also very short, like 1h15 long.

    I'd rather wait to see a long episode.

    Maybe we have to wait only a month , remember how quickly they made last episode The walking dead ???

  • It's worse for us Tales only players... O_o

  • The worst part is - Tales is a better TTG than Game of Thrones.

    kaza125 posted: »

    It's worse for us Tales only players... O_o

  • Yes, yes it is :D
    GoT shouldn't have had five characters, even in the show it starts of three, and slowly goes into more characters.

    Harian96 posted: »

    The worst part is - Tales is a better TTG than Game of Thrones.

  • I would say 5-6 weeks. The finales always tend to come out quicker than the rest of the episodes

  • Harian96 posted: »

    The worst part is - Tales is a better TTG than Game of Thrones.

  • And so our wait begins...

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