Season 2 I want to be Stannis' Bannerman

Love Stannis. I want to be from a vassal house of House Baratheon loyal to Stannis the Mannis.


  • And you want to be slaughtered with him? Or you'll just flee and be hated by the Bolton's? Either way it would be suicide.

  • season 2 i wanna be a dragon

  • edited July 2015

    Only if it's book Stannis. Not that impostor on the TV show.

    (No disrespect to Stephen Dillane. I'm looking at you D&D.)

  • How about a vassal from the iron islands? It can explain what the they've being doing this season :D

  • i feel like all they have done is pillage...could be fun if you're allowed to take a salt wife

    kaza125 posted: »

    How about a vassal from the iron islands? It can explain what the they've being doing this season

  • Agreed

    Only if it's book Stannis. Not that impostor on the TV show. (No disrespect to Stephen Dillane. I'm looking at you D&D.)

  • Why would you want a salt wife.. Disgusting

    short_stack posted: »

    i feel like all they have done is pillage...could be fun if you're allowed to take a salt wife

  • i guess u prefer a salt husband..

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Why would you want a salt wife.. Disgusting

  • edited July 2015

    You cannot be a vassal of House Baratheon unless you're from the Stormlands. The best you can do is bend the knee and acknowledge him as King. You will still be under the authority of the northern liege he imposes regardless

  • I guess i don't have the need to be a raper in a video game ?

    short_stack posted: »

    i guess u prefer a salt husband..

  • Season 2 will surely be set between the end of season 5 and the whole course of season 6. Being a Stannis bannerman would just be a repetition of The beginning of Gared's story. You are in the army that ends up being slaughtered by the enemy but you manage to survive, you go back to Ironrath etc.

  • Season 2 will be around the time of Daenery's trip to Westeros

    Which means Stannis would have been long gone

  • House Forrester story will obviously end with Season 1 and Season 2 will be a totally new plot with a new family.

  • you sound boring, and its not rape.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I guess i don't have the need to be a raper in a video game ?

  • But we know how that ends for them. It'd make the whole game anti climatic

  • But... Dany hasn't even gone to Westeros

    FishySticks posted: »

    Season 2 will be around the time of Daenery's trip to Westeros Which means Stannis would have been long gone

  • Yeah but by the time the next season is announced she will have.

    I don't expect a season 2 'til around 2017, at which we will be in Season 7 of the show already.

    But... Dany hasn't even gone to Westeros

  • But that's such a huge time skip. I'm pretty sure they won't jump that far

    FishySticks posted: »

    Yeah but by the time the next season is announced she will have. I don't expect a season 2 'til around 2017, at which we will be in Season 7 of the show already.

  • edited July 2015

    And you sound mysoginistic. Sure kidnapping a woman by force from her family and bringing her by force to your lands so she can be your concubine and pretty much "whore" just below your wife doesn't end up in rape at all... C'mon dude I'm sure you know better than that

    short_stack posted: »

    you sound boring, and its not rape.

  • Why not? I'd fit nicely with having Malcolm and grown up Talia as playable characters.

    But that's such a huge time skip. I'm pretty sure they won't jump that far

  • I don't know if you've played Walking Dead but in season 2 of the game there is a 16 month time skip which is, imo, the primary cause of botched character development of the main character. I wouldn't want this game to suffer the same

    FishySticks posted: »

    Why not? I'd fit nicely with having Malcolm and grown up Talia as playable characters.

  • yea and have us get slaughtered at the end of the season?

  • its called having fun, look into it.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    And you sound mysoginistic. Sure kidnapping a woman by force from her family and bringing her by force to your lands so she can be your conc

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