Erik's Fingers

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Did they forget about Erik's poor fingers? Will that have any consequences on anything?

Edit: To all those claiming it's irrelevant and what not....The reason I bring it up is because of the "Your house will remember this judgement".

Your house will remember


  • Doesn't seem like it sadly, but there is one more episode...

  • Why would it? The guy was punished and Ethan got called out for it by Talia. Nothing else should come out of it.

  • Ethan is dead, I don't see what importance it would have.

    And I sent him to the wall so yeah... He's gone

  • Erik's fingers are gonna show up and kidnap Gared.

  • edited July 2015

    Benjen Stark warged into Erik's fingers.

    It is known

  • Some of the choice we made a while ago could indeed become important in the last episode. For example key Mira found or even the decree. But I dont think that the Erik plot will have any consequences. Some people are curious if that Bowen-plot will have any consequences. But I guess they wont, they are probably only there to show you in what world this game is playing.

  • You're worried about Erik? What about our very first choice, Bowen's fate?

    It says something when your very first "major" choice in the game doesn't mean anything at all XD

  • Watch the video I posted and you will see why I think something will come of it.

    Why would it? The guy was punished and Ethan got called out for it by Talia. Nothing else should come out of it.

  • Not about Erik, the house remembers what you did, not erik.

    FishySticks posted: »

    You're worried about Erik? What about our very first choice, Bowen's fate? It says something when your very first "major" choice in the game doesn't mean anything at all XD

  • I don't think the key will mean anything. I had no chance to even find do you get that scene?

    N8eule posted: »

    Some of the choice we made a while ago could indeed become important in the last episode. For example key Mira found or even the decree. But

  • You need to ask for margaery's help

    Wigams posted: »

    I don't think the key will mean anything. I had no chance to even find do you get that scene?

  • I meant that it's a useless choice with no consequences, like saving Bowen's life. No one will bring it up again in the game.

    Wigams posted: »

    Not about Erik, the house remembers what you did, not erik.

  • I was a pussy with Erik. I wasn't familiar with the way the GoT universe was set up and went easy on the guy. I felt bad for him because he was just trying to take care of his family so I waived the punishment. No finger slicing. No Wall sending. I showed him mercy. I felt that since House Forrester was in such dire straights that I needed the popular support of the people in order to keep my fiefdom united. Instead they saw me as a pushover.

    Never again!

    Royland learned the hard way that I don't pardon criminals anymore!

  • edited July 2015

    Iam one of the few people that played the game 7 times I think. I wanted to hear every single conversation possible. If you chose to ask Margaery for help (episode 1) then you will later get the chance to steal her seal and/or the mysterious key (episode 1 or 2). I have the bad feeling that all those items (seal, key, decree, dagger) could be found in Miras box in episode 6 and she could be accused for stealing stuff, working with Tyrion and killing the Lannister guard. All this things had no use so far, expect the seal.

    Wigams posted: »

    I don't think the key will mean anything. I had no chance to even find do you get that scene?

  • Could be. If Erik got sent to the wall you see and talk to him there. Also an Ethan choice that people tend to forget (probably since it's detrimental) is the choice to have the people give food to the house, so as a whole Iron Wrath does not starve. Now I know it's of very little concequence, but still a nice touch that the game did remember.

  • Because giving the guy at the end of twd s2e1 had consequences too didn't it?

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