The Beast should of lived

They hyped Samoa Joes character up so much and he hardly had any lines and died so quickly after being introduced.

What a waste man.


  • Yeah, but remember Asher has the respect of fodder pit fighters!

  • I won't miss him but I do think there was nothing to win from Telltale by killing him. They could have had another fodder pit fighter die in his place

    My guess is that they wanted to demonstrate Harys's (Gryff's boyfriend) abilities by taking him out ?

  • Yeah, he really seemed like he was gonna rekt the Whitehills, but nope. Just dead. Wish we'd seen him actually fight.

  • Died within 10 minutes of landing from one spear...For fucks sake, that pissed me off.

  • I'd like to think that when I broke his nose, I also broke his fighting spirit. ;)

  • He was just so depressed that his beautiful nose had been ruined that his will to live on literally shattered within him as surely as his nose had, and he only kept up appearances for the other pit fighters so they wouldn't lose the will to live like he had. So that they would actually have a chance to survive.

    RIP in peace The Beast, Westeros' greatest hero.

    I'd like to think that when I broke his nose, I also broke his fighting spirit.

  • Imagine how easily he could've handled the whitehills with just a few swings of his spiked baseball bat thing.

  • his spiked baseball thing


    almighty posted: »

    Imagine how easily he could've handled the whitehills with just a few swings of his spiked baseball bat thing.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    The worst part is that this isn't the first time they've done this

    Reggie in TWD S2. Bring in 'celebrity' cast member, hype up their character, character gets a handful of lines and dies ~30 minutes after they're introduced.

  • NeverForget

    Rock114 posted: »

    He was just so depressed that his beautiful nose had been ruined that his will to live on literally shattered within him as surely as his no

  • Rip Reggie

    Deltino posted: »

    The worst part is that this isn't the first time they've done this Reggie in TWD S2. Bring in 'celebrity' cast member, hype up their character, character gets a handful of lines and dies ~30 minutes after they're introduced.

  • We didnt see him fight but we saw him take out 2 Whitehills with one swing, that was kinda impresive...

    Rock114 posted: »

    Yeah, he really seemed like he was gonna rekt the Whitehills, but nope. Just dead. Wish we'd seen him actually fight.

  • Why are "of" and "have" so commonly swapped?

  • edited July 2015

    Most likely because the contraction of "should have" is "should've" which sounds like "should of."

    FishySticks posted: »

    Why are "of" and "have" so commonly swapped?

  • edited July 2015

    I wanted to do more headbutt with him. :(

  • His noble sacrifice will be sung of for thousands of years.



  • I actually wasn't really paying attention and made the threat pretty fast. Normally I wouldn't of (hahahahahaha) not made the mistake.

    FishySticks posted: »

    Why are "of" and "have" so commonly swapped?

  • Kind of a waste, it literally didnt even register he died.

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