so what if the traitor....

this is my first discussion so if there is an error could any of you write and explication, good game for that matter.

the traitor could be covering for someone else?

I mean Royland and Duncan both have proven to be loyal to the house Forrester, so to think any of them would betray their alleged family just because a child did not gave him a position of power is difficult to believe, but what if the one that was not named sentinel discovered who is the traitor and confronted him, then decided for unknown reasons to say that himself was the traitor to deflect suspicion.

im just saying, or in this case writing that telltale is my favorite game company so I do not know if there is more than it appears in this issue of the traitor.


  • The only problem with this is who would that traitor be? There are not so many characters that they could be covering for anyone.

  • Since the traitor's identity is depending on player's actions, don't think too hard into it. It will have no consequences whatsoever and the one who remained alive il probably die next episode

  • Well, there is the possibility that the traitor is a member of the Forrester family because Royland / duncan wouldn't help anyone, has to be someone they're loyal.

    unseenclass posted: »

    The only problem with this is who would that traitor be? There are not so many characters that they could be covering for anyone.

  • i think things need logic, so what if, and just if the not sentinel find out the real traitor because he was not doing things the sentinel has to, just saying.

    Endrik posted: »

    Since the traitor's identity is depending on player's actions, don't think too hard into it. It will have no consequences whatsoever and the one who remained alive il probably die next episode

  • I doubt that. You're overthinking it

  • i guess in my head had a litle more sense than what was given to us, but if it is like that then maybe they could solve the plotholes in episode 6..........or not.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I doubt that. You're overthinking it

  • The thing is there would be absolutely no logical reason for him to do that, you know...

    unra321 posted: »

    i guess in my head had a litle more sense than what was given to us, but if it is like that then maybe they could solve the plotholes in episode 6..........or not.

  • that's actually a really interesting theory - lady elissa batshit crazy forrester still a possibility as a traitor!

  • let's say hypothetically that the traitor is Lady Forrester, let's just say she was gonna confess but duncan / Royland DECIDED to take the fall for her and They planned That he was gonna say he is the traitor so That Way They can reveal than asher was gonna be ambush without having to tell lady Forrester was the guilty party.

    Hard to believe, I know. just saying.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    The thing is there would be absolutely no logical reason for him to do that, you know...

  • here im merely saying a posibility,
    only because i dont think telltale would make such a huge mistake respecting the traitor identidy.
    but if ist really duncan/royland the i guess im gonna be very dissapointed.

  • ok, after thinking for a while and analyze the comments of others who also believe in the existence of this possibility, I have come to create a theory that while it may seem that I'm thinking too much should not be dismissed just because you can think that and yes, I'm talking to you DIO.

    so I'll start, I will appreciate if you can read this to the end and if not, I understand.

    start of theory

    false traitor Duncan / Royland
    identity of the traitor: Talia

    motivation: while it can be argued that Talia has no reason to betray his family the same can be said of Duncan / Roylan whose "motivations" make no sense at all and should not be discarded just for that.

    How it was done: assumption has been made that Talia can not be "the traitor" because "the traitor" delivered information to the witehill only a council member know. But if this inconsistency is explained then talia is suspicious like everyone else. there are at least two ways in which Talia may have heard about the plan to attack Gryff / rescue Ryon.

    1: Talia may have been close to the location in which I hold the board meeting and hear plans to attack Gryff / rescue Ryon.

    2: Talia had one of the council members told the council plans to attack Griff / rescue Ryon, while it can be argued that they have no reason to tell him about the plan, should not be ruled out is a possibility They have been told because it is a member of Forrester and trust in it.

    players assume that because talia is not a member of the council, it can not be the traitor but if this is explained is not impossible.

    one of the evidence supporting this theory is that in episode 4 sons of Winter rodrick can choose to take either Royland or duncan, depending on who you choose as sentinel, the not sentinel should be the false traitor, even if you decide to take the "false traitor" to the meeting in highpoint ranseys men come anyway in ironrath, the traitor had to open the door but if you took the traitor course this must have been impossible, it is a contradiction, so if Talia is the traitor she could have opened the door to let in the men of ramsey.
    While you can argue that it's just bad writing, also it could have been on purpose, so long as it is a possibility should not be dismissed

    say that she was preparing to send more information to witehill but then it was discovered by not sentinel. Duncan / Roylan then could have thought "she's just a child, she does not deserve to be punished" and decided to take the blame to protect her from the consequences, even risking their lives.

    It could be why Talia wanted rodrick to execute Duncan / Royland, because they knew that she was the traitor.

    as I said Gwyn thought that the traitor was a board member of rodrick because he knew things that only they knew, but Talia also discovered the plans is not impossible that she is the traitor.

    It could thus become a sad twist of plot that could be more complex and thus redeem this plot of the traitor, so as to make us think about our decision to spare/kill Royland/Duncan.

    end of theory

    as I said, it is not impossible, if you can explain inconsistencies reach the conclusion that it is possible. It also explains why the excuses Royland / Duncan are shit.

    please do not respond to this with only "you are thinking too much" or synonyms of the same, I would like to be presented with evidence that contradicts this theory to see if it can be explained.

    thanks for reading, a needed this out of my system.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm sorry but that makes literally no sense what so ever. Duncan and Royland actually had motives for what they did. They may have been flimsly and poorly written/explained but they did in fact have reasons. Talia has NO reason whatsoever to betray House Forrester and aid the people that helped bring about the death of her twin brother. (A loss she clearly took very deeply as her song shows.)

    And why in the world would Duncan/Royland cover for their person demanding that they be executed? No person in the world would ever
    cover for someones crime, and keep up their deception after the real criminal demanded they be executed. That is ludicrous and insane.

    This theory only works if we assume Talia is a criminally insane psychopath which contradicts everything we have seen of her character

    unra321 posted: »

    ok, after thinking for a while and analyze the comments of others who also believe in the existence of this possibility, I have come to crea

  • AnfarwolAnfarwol Banned
    edited July 2015

    I wouldn't give the writers much credit at this point but I entertain the possibility that BOTH Duncan and Royland are unwilling traitors under the Maester (as in both are traitors in the same run) Talia simply spotted the one who wasn't busy with his sentinel, duties (both sentinels suggest keeping the other person alive)
    Sounds dumb I know...which supports my theory because my theories factor in that the writers are inconsistent.....burn.

    Anyways can someone tell me: if Duncan is sentinal then in the scene where Asher returns and before the gate closes, is there a closeup on Duncan's face showing him looking back at 'something'?
    I ask because Rodrick does this and I find the focus on this to be very strange. I figure he could simply be acknowledging Asher as a fellow brute but the fact he's clearly giving 'someone' a certain look and immediately after he's past the gate the gate is's suspicious.

  • ok, i see your point, it seems imposible because there is no aparent motive for her to betray her family.

    hipoheticaly speaking , lest say that her motive for betrayal was not to help house witehill to destroy house forrester , it was because she wants every witehill death to avenge the death of ethan, several times through the game we can take choices that could probably bring peace beetwn the house forrester and witehill, but talia doesn't want that so the reason she is helping the witehills it's because she wants to put her own family into a position where they cannot refuse to go make war with the witehills.

    while it can be argued that she would not do that because it would put at risk her own family, we've seen that she wants revenge and perhaps this desire is so great that she is willing to risk everything.

    about the Duncan/Royland business, you believe in this point would had mattered to say that Talia was the traitor?.

    rodrick and others would have thought he was lying, and how to blame them?.
    Duncan/Royland just admited thet the were traitors an then suddenly saying that little Talia was traitor? They would had thought he was crazy.
    for now this is just a theory until episode 6 comes.

    thanks for asnwering, is good to know flaws in your logic in order to find the truth

    I'm sorry but that makes literally no sense what so ever. Duncan and Royland actually had motives for what they did. They may have been flim

  • well, i dunno but a think it hapesn with both royland and duncan depending of the sentinel, it is a little scary hehehehe.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    I wouldn't give the writers much credit at this point but I entertain the possibility that BOTH Duncan and Royland are unwilling traitors un

  • If it happens to both then I do find it suspicious.

    That said, the TTG writers have demonstrated that they make up the narratives as they come to each episode, so they plant seeds they never plan to sow.

    If both men are intended to be traitors and those glances are linked to it then they're only there because "just in case we do decide to make them both traitors when we get around to writing next episode loll"

    unra321 posted: »

    well, i dunno but a think it hapesn with both royland and duncan depending of the sentinel, it is a little scary hehehehe.

  • edited July 2015

    That's slightly more reasonable in terms of motive. However there are still a few problems. First the traitor instantly knows what the paper Rodrik confronts the traitor with contains. Were Talia the traitor then Duncan/Royland would have no reason to believe it contains a secrect message to Ludd, (The only person you can tell about the traitor is Lady Forrester.) Unless they were working with Talia and knew about the traitor business first hand. While I can see Royland working with Talia following your suggested motive, Duncan claims he is doing everything in his power to stop war. He wouldn't help someone doing everything they can to start a war.

    Secondly the traitor knows about the ambush planned for Asher. The only way they could obtain this information is if they were conspiring and in direct communication with Ludd.

    unra321 posted: »

    ok, i see your point, it seems imposible because there is no aparent motive for her to betray her family. hipoheticaly speaking , lest sa

  • Unra, sorry, but what you're saying is just beyond absurd. Even if you were right then it would be the worst piece of writing TTG have ever done, enough to permanently put me off their games.

    This episode was objectively the worst episode of any game TTG have released, filled with so many plot holes (e,g how did Talia get the paper)

    unra321 posted: »

    ok, i see your point, it seems imposible because there is no aparent motive for her to betray her family. hipoheticaly speaking , lest sa

  • i see, good point

    lets say then Duncan/Royland werent working with talia from the start that not sentinel simply had discovered the actions of Talia and while it may not have been agree with them, out of a sense of loyalty to gregor maybe, decided to take the blame for it so that talia not face the consequences, they only planned together how Royland/Duncan would take the fall, so they studied the paper, maybe she even lied to them about her reasons to gain sympathy. the reason for the disclosure was to reveal the ambush without revealing the real traitor.

    about the ambush i see your point, this is one of the only details im not clear, so lest speculate a little: whos to say that she did not encountered with ludd in some point, i also dont know how Royland/Duncan knew about the ambush, did ludd just tell them.

    if talia actually the traitor,we have to assume that talia that we have known is largely a facade

    again, thanks.

    That's slightly more reasonable in terms of motive. However there are still a few problems. First the traitor instantly knows what the paper

  • why you think it doesn't make sense, you did not elaborate much in that, sorry, so in cant aswer that

    is just a theory with posibilities if being true.

    have you ever player the ace attorney games, good games.
    i cant just dismiss a posibility because ist as you say "absurd" while ist posible, it still a posibility.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    Unra, sorry, but what you're saying is just beyond absurd. Even if you were right then it would be the worst piece of writing TTG have ever

  • ok, well, I would, but you've just admitted that you use anime logic in real life so there is genuinely no point.

    unra321 posted: »

    why you think it doesn't make sense, you did not elaborate much in that, sorry, so in cant aswer that is just a theory with posibilities

  • ok, did you say the paper, your talking about the paper with the information about the soldiers, eleana right?

    hypothetically speaking she just write the paper, so she just lied to rodrick and said she "found it".

    a game is still a game.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    ok, well, I would, but you've just admitted that you use anime logic in real life so there is genuinely no point.

  • Let me contextualise this; its like someone adamantly arguing that 2+2=5, its an absurd belief. You're being that guy. If she forged that letter then how did the non-sentinals know what it was?

    infact, I know someone already told you this and you've clearly ignored it which tells me you are feverent in your absolutely absurd theory, which is why like I said its pointless discussing this with you, especially when its literally
    the dumbest theory

    unra321 posted: »

    ok, did you say the paper, your talking about the paper with the information about the soldiers, eleana right? hypothetically speaking she just write the paper, so she just lied to rodrick and said she "found it". a game is still a game.

  • oh, i guess i din understand the question the question.

    hypotheticaly speaking, in the case that talia is the traitor and Duncan/Royland find out the truth, how did they?

    maybe, just maybe the reason they find out the truth was becase they caught her in fraganti.
    in that case, she was triying to deliver the letter with the information and in that precise moment, she was discovered and Duncan/Royland saw the letter.

    if there are more problems with this theory, again is just a theory, please keep pointing out flaws. thanks.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    Let me contextualise this; its like someone adamantly arguing that 2+2=5, its an absurd belief. You're being that guy. If she forged that le

  • Is she crazy?

    sbk12345 posted: »

    that's actually a really interesting theory - lady elissa batshit crazy forrester still a possibility as a traitor!

  • i think she does have a little crazy in her (but its a kind of crazy that drives her to protect her children at all costs) i just added the batshit part because i don't really like her as a character (i think shes a failed attempt at trying to recreate catelyn stark)

    Flog61 posted: »

    Is she crazy?

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