The Biggest Plot Hole...
This has irked me since I first heard about this game and its premise. If the Forresters are are a noble house and located near Deepwood Motte and Winterfell and OWN the largest ironwood forest in Westeros and have a giant castle (which we never get to see fully, but judging by the intro) (You can watch it here), it seems like the Starks would definitely know them, if not every highborn in Westeros. Yet they only have ONE line in all of ASOIAF, and they're mentioned along with 4 others or so. If the game is meant to be canon, it would be sensible for characters we talk to ingame that aren't Forresters to be more inquisitive about who the Forresters are, yet Cersei seems to be already familiar with the Forresters. It truly seems like TT picked "Obscure house #245" and overblew their power.
"Overblew their power"
Have you played the game?
i thinkits a good choice.
Yep, all 5 episodes. Lady Forrester specifically says the Forresters were "once a powerful house" before the Red Wedding.
I respect that, but IMO it's odd.
He meant their standing. For example House Forrester was never meant to lead Robb's vanguard in any dimension that I know of. House Glover did lead the vanguard in the whispering wood IIRC and the Forresters are sworn to them but even then it isn't the same thing at all
Doesn't bother me at all though
Personally it doesn't bother me that the Forrester were buffed up for the game. Rather that than controlling some rednecks from the mountains...
Oh, gotcha.
The show doesn't mention a lot of somewhat notable houses so I have no issue with them slipping in another notable house since it's set in the show universe where lots exist but are rarely or never mentioned.
If this was set in the books I'd be bothered because the Forresters are just a forest clan.
LOL! And yeah, I don't mind playing as them, it just irks me.
The biggest plot hole is Arthurs stomach.
She means powerful than the whitehills and all.
ya, the northern houses are naturally martial so House Forrestor definately values some war training but they specifically seem more merchantile and craftsmeny than fighters
If you want some more food for thought, check out Highpoint location. It's quite surprising that they're vassals to the Boltons while they're so much closer to Winterfell than the Dreadfort
To soon, you jackass! T.T