There was no point asking Maregery for help in episode 1

Mira can ask her to basically stop the Boltons, but if you do literally nothing happens, and the same people die anyway.


  • I've learned that you can't rely on canon characters. They're hinderances at worse, useless at best.

  • The only character that was helpful was Dany in my story she gave Asher a chest of gold. So i just took what I could get from her and said thanks. Lol though she just SHOWED me the gold. Who knows if she even gave it to him.

    magic713 posted: »

    I've learned that you can't rely on canon characters. They're hinderances at worse, useless at best.

  • Yeah, she tells you she'll help your family once she's queen which basically translates as "you're on your own until further notice. Try not to die, lol".

  • Meanwhile 50 seasons later... lol

    Nonoru posted: »

    Yeah, she tells you she'll help your family once she's queen which basically translates as "you're on your own until further notice. Try not to die, lol".

  • Thinking WAY long term here. Ask for her help and you get a chance to steal some items that could prove useful in your playthrough. To get Rodrik's betrothal agree to marriage without selling out half your iron wood to her family steal the envelope seal stamp thingy and forge a letter as Mira. Then pick certain dialogue as Rodrik that dosn't seem like he's forcing his betrothal into a marriage.

    Another is the chance to steal a mysterious key which we don't know what it does yet.

    Granted all these things seem kinda pointless in the grand scheme of things, nothing game changing. Asking for help or not is all part of the woven experience of choices in your story. Keeps you imerse and all that. Different dialogue, different choices, slightly different experience than the other dude that played the game.

  • I always thought the key was to the wine cells when Sera "found" wine.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Thinking WAY long term here. Ask for her help and you get a chance to steal some items that could prove useful in your playthrough. To get R

  • That key is really intriguing

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Thinking WAY long term here. Ask for her help and you get a chance to steal some items that could prove useful in your playthrough. To get R

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