Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited July 2015

    A true warrior.

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    I'm so excited.

    Thanks for this, buddy.

    Brawl posted: »

    It is finally time... 2 weeks ago the Star Wars comic was posted , it's time for the sequel... It's gonna be A LOT of work , 6-10 hour

  • Alt text

    I admire your dedication.

    Brawl posted: »

    It is finally time... 2 weeks ago the Star Wars comic was posted , it's time for the sequel... It's gonna be A LOT of work , 6-10 hour

  • edited July 2015

    Have some big cake because that's the only thing I can give you for my b-day. I see we're on the page 420, blaze it ;)

    And happy birthday Aurora @rhonu <3!

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  • Thanks <3

    I'm surprised you remembered :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Happy late birthday to Aurora @rhonu and Marija @MarijaaNo7! (I've heard your birthday is around this time as well, so sorry If I'm wrong ^_

  • I have a good memory ;3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thanks I'm surprised you remembered


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Have some big cake because that's the only thing I can give you for my b-day. I see we're on the page 420, blaze it And happy birthday Aurora @rhonu !

  • I wish I could eat it right nooow but I'm already full and this cake was found on the internet ;__;


    JumpyJoey posted: »


  • You will forever have my appreciation and respect <3

  • Obviously Green x Poogs it can be kingxking too

    We should have a rhyiona queen and king, then their children is all the rhyiona shippers, OOK WHOS GONNA BE THE KING AND QUEEN?!

  • At least you've had cake!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I wish I could eat it right nooow but I'm already full and this cake was found on the internet ;__; THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • Also the 4th gives you the illusion of movement ^^ it has a bit of a different mechanic

    The thrid wasn't the best, thought it was he worst. And the fourth seems to be good just because you're a child

  • I had some big ass lunch which my parents bought, instead of cake, which was awesome :D

    I personally don't like celebrating birthdays that much (:

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    At least you've had cake!

  • Happy birthday! Hope you both have a fantastic day! <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Have some big cake because that's the only thing I can give you for my b-day. I see we're on the page 420, blaze it And happy birthday Aurora @rhonu !

  • Thank you a lot :D!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Happy birthday! Hope you both have a fantastic day!

  • sretan rođendan! <3

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    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Have some big cake because that's the only thing I can give you for my b-day. I see we're on the page 420, blaze it And happy birthday Aurora @rhonu !

  • Alt text

    Hey guys, I'm new in this thread and I've been lurking through all 418 pages so far and you guys are really funny and cool cx I told myself


    rhonu posted: »

    it's already my birthday here and for some reason my mom has this tradition of telling embarassing stories about me as a baby... dw mom, i'll learn

  • Oooh, that sounds nicer than cake. :D

    Me neither, actually. I like to spend the day with my family, not doing anything special. I do usually get cake, though.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I had some big ass lunch which my parents bought, instead of cake, which was awesome I personally don't like celebrating birthdays that much (:

  • edited July 2015

    If you save Asher instead of Rodrick

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ep.6 might help us out

  • i just realized your using the profile picture i made, i haven't actually seen it on an actual profile, it looks good. :D

    sretan rođendan!

  • it looks amazing :)

    i just realized your using the profile picture i made, i haven't actually seen it on an actual profile, it looks good.

  • hvala :D

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    sretan rođendan!

  • You sir or madame, are a trooper. Let it be known that we love your comic and appreciate all the effort you put into it. <3

    Alt text

    Brawl posted: »

    It is finally time... 2 weeks ago the Star Wars comic was posted , it's time for the sequel... It's gonna be A LOT of work , 6-10 hour

  • Sir.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    You sir or madame, are a trooper. Let it be known that we love your comic and appreciate all the effort you put into it.

  • Good morning! :D

    Kruzii posted: »

    good morning guys!

  • OH CRAP, BIRTHDAYS?! I'm sorry I missed your birthday @rhonu, happy belated birthday! I hope you had an awesome one!

    As for you @MarijaNo7, happy birthday! I would of hated myself if I missed a second birthday. (Is it just me or is 99.9% of the Earth's population birthday is in July?) I hope you have a fantastic one and I hope the upcoming Life is Strange episode will make an awesome present for you! :)

  • (?) Kristi will remember that.

    Brawl posted: »


  • Thank you so much Kristi ^_^

    Hah, I'm hella excited for the ep.4 on the Tuesday, the tralier gave me chills!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    OH CRAP, BIRTHDAYS?! I'm sorry I missed your birthday @rhonu, happy belated birthday! I hope you had an awesome one! As for you @MarijaNo

  • Yeah, I don't really like inviting anyone else besides my parents and brother :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oooh, that sounds nicer than cake. Me neither, actually. I like to spend the day with my family, not doing anything special. I do usually get cake, though.

  • I didn't watch the trailer since I've seen a lot of comments people saying that they spoil a lot of the episode, so I'm avoiding it at all costs. I want to be REALLY surprised. :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thank you so much Kristi ^_^ Hah, I'm hella excited for the ep.4 on the Tuesday, the tralier gave me chills!

  • Good thing about Airport I have fast internet.

    Happy birthday @rhonu and &MarijaaNo7 !!

    Lots of cakes and well wishes from me at the HK airport :)

  • "Fiona. Fi, waaaake up." He whispered to her ear that was half covered in her messy brown hair, not wanting the kids to hear him in the middle of the night. Sure, it was a little bit before clock would show midnight but he can't let Loader Bot and Gortys show up here, not again.

    "Please, Fiona. C'mon." He tried to shake her a bit, but not too much because Fiona was a one heavy sleeper and when you wake her up it was....not pleasant at all. And Rhys knew that from his personal experience.

    She was sleeping silently, her chest rising and falling down, making her look so peaceful. Although Rhys would love to watch her a bit right now or just go back to sleep because he was tired as heck, he had something important to do.

    He tried to slightly tap her left shoulder, kicking a bit her leg, messing up her already messy hair, even tried to whistle but he knew that Loader Bot was a light sleeper and it would take years and years until he fell asleep again.

    Nothing has worked so far.

    "Fionaaa, there's a...fire! Fire! Fire in the house!" Okay, this probably wasn't good idea at all. But no risk - no profit. Probably...ish.
    "Fire. Fiiiiiiire in the house, Fiona." He realized he was too close to her when she suddenly woke up, worried and shocked. So she believed there was a fire.

    "Fire!? Where!? Where are the kids, Rhys!? Are they safe!?" Before she could get any louder, if that was even possible, he put his finger on her mouth, shutting the sleepy brunette up.

    "Uh, there's no fire, Fiona. I....made that up, y'know." He knew damn well her reaction would be the usual angry one with her rolling eyes and giving him a lecture.

    "You made that up!? What the hell is wrong with you!?Y-You can't just go around and do that!" Her tone was as loud as before but he could still hear her well, maybe too well for his odd taste.

    "I-I..Listen. I have to tell you something...important." It was pretty dark in the room, only small light from the outside illuminating their faces.

    They both sat on their bed in silence, as Rhys checked what time it was. 12:01 a.m. Great. One minute late because of her.

    "So, happy birthday, Fiona. And I'm one minute late - because of you!" She blinked a few times, still not fully aware what was actually going on. So he just woke her up in the midnight to wish her happy birthday?

    "Wait. You woke me up because you wanted to wish me happy birthday?" Fiona asked him quietly, still somehow surprised. She's never cared nor remembered anyone's birthday before. And no one has ever cared about hers.

    "Yeaaaah. I wanted to be the first one because...." His eyes were glued to the floor and she could see a blush spead across his face.
    "Because?" Fiona fixed her hair and moved closer to him.

    "Because...You're really important to me and I wanted you to know that. You're beautiful, great, awesome and what not. I-I hope I matter at least a bit to..you." He was pretty nervous and he didn't know why. Probably because he was always kind of scared of Fiona, she was something special and he hepoed he was special to her as well.

    "Aw, thank you so much, Rhys. I..I appreciate it, a lot." She pulled him in a tight hug, his head relying on hers.

    "And of course you matter to me, more than just a bit, I'm married to you, ya dope." He smiled in a relief, while gently touching her short hair.

    "Don't let it go to your head, Fiona." Rhys sarcastically responded and the skilled con artist pulled him into a big deep kiss.

    She just smirked. "Oh, really?"

    "The cake's waiting, Fi!"

    Okay, I have just written this because...birthdays! It's short.

  • Thanks a lot Dave :D!

    Glad you have some fast internet :)

    Good thing about Airport I have fast internet. Happy birthday @rhonu and &MarijaaNo7 !! Lots of cakes and well wishes from me at the HK airport

  • I didn't want to watch it either but I was too damn weak. :'(

    I think we'll all be surprised, just like in the last episode.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I didn't watch the trailer since I've seen a lot of comments people saying that they spoil a lot of the episode, so I'm avoiding it at all costs. I want to be REALLY surprised.

  • I was so hyper and looking at all these pictures of Rhyiona I JUST COULDNT SLEEP

    Kruzii posted: »


  • I currently have 3 OTP ships!!

    1) Bigby Wolf and Snow White (My all-time favorite ship!)

    2) Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Venderburg (I can't stop loving them together!)

    3) Rhys and Fiona (Why else would I be here? :P)


  • Happy birthday Marija! <3 :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Have some big cake because that's the only thing I can give you for my b-day. I see we're on the page 420, blaze it And happy birthday Aurora @rhonu !

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