Mira's Part

Do you think Mira will have any good influence in the next episode,beside the letter to Glenmores that you would write/leave it she has not influenced to much the course of action, except some begging for help to Margeary and kissing ass with the Crown which were not very effective either. When Cersei ask you to find who will testify on Tyrion behalf you dont get any solid information and that might infuriate her, I personally think in the best case she would be able to take care of Andros but no more then that


  • Yes in the end she will prevent Andros from sending his sellsword army to the Whitehills. Which will end up saving the Forresters.

  • She will save the day and everyone will live happy forever, cause now we got a determinant lord and he can't do sh*t. So unfortunately we probably won't get any cool battles, but some political bs with her saving the day.

  • Honestly the whole Tyrion witness thing is a little weird in my opinion. I watched Westeros.org's review on Tyrions trial and they said that it's not very likely that Tyrion would be allowed to call any witnesses to defend him. (they were discussing how Shae testifies againt Tyrion and how even if she wanted to testify on Tyrions behalf she probably would not have been allowed to do so because Tywin would not have allowed it)

    As far as I'm concerned she's already taken care of Andros according to the traitor. The fact that we are coming back with no information at all or just a bunch of names she won't believe then she will most likely kill us. I sort of expect her to say "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." to us before killing us :P

  • edited July 2015

    That's true,but I dont expect they will leave us without a behead/flay alive LUD or GRYFF if they have at least some respect for us

    AstroZombie posted: »

    She will save the day and everyone will live happy forever, cause now we got a determinant lord and he can't do sh*t. So unfortunately we probably won't get any cool battles, but some political bs with her saving the day.

  • Mira cutting of the army contributes to saving the Forresters but ultimately Asher's army is the thing that is going to save the forresters as the Whitehills outnumber us already to begin with. Getting our little army of slaves sort of puts us on a even playing field.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Yes in the end she will prevent Andros from sending his sellsword army to the Whitehills. Which will end up saving the Forresters.

  • I wish we could have learned a few things in Miras story. We still never found out who Tom was working for, her possible secret marriage with Morgyrn just disappeared, and the whole iron wood business was never discussed in ep 6.

  • let's hope :]

    BlackAnt96 posted: »

    That's true,but I dont expect they will leave us without a behead/flay alive LUD or GRYFF if they have at least some respect for us

  • What exactly happened to Tom anyways? He seemed like he'd be a big part of Miras story (And for the first four episodes he was.) and then he was just sort of dropped from episode 5 entirely.

    I wish we could have learned a few things in Miras story. We still never found out who Tom was working for, her possible secret marriage with Morgyrn just disappeared, and the whole iron wood business was never discussed in ep 6.

  • I just don't get it her parte in the story, at least in mine, he hasn't done nothing at all (just have stop the whitehills from getting their army). My questionar is, all the others characters do actual something, will she have a decesive part in the final episode?

  • I keep asking that myself, Tom seemed to have a crucial part in Mira's story and I cannot believe he just abbandoned us, in my opinion he is a spy either for Varys or for Lady Olenna

    What exactly happened to Tom anyways? He seemed like he'd be a big part of Miras story (And for the first four episodes he was.) and then he was just sort of dropped from episode 5 entirely.

  • King Landing is more like a political scenario she could not fight her way to be observed but I agree that she did not had much influence she actually only manage to get in troubles and lose her few friends

    Rodsmp68_ posted: »

    I just don't get it her parte in the story, at least in mine, he hasn't done nothing at all (just have stop the whitehills from getting thei

  • Lets hope we can avoid that, we already lost to many characters xD

    Wigams posted: »

    Honestly the whole Tyrion witness thing is a little weird in my opinion. I watched Westeros.org's review on Tyrions trial and they said tha

  • Welcome to the Forums! I agree though that she really needs a big part in the next episode since she hasn't done too much.Really the name of Episode 5 implied more important scenes from King's Landing however we hardly got anything important,or at least anything that seems so for now.

    Rodsmp68_ posted: »

    I just don't get it her parte in the story, at least in mine, he hasn't done nothing at all (just have stop the whitehills from getting thei

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