Okay this is the third time they did this...

Tough female characters with dead sisters. JUST STOP TELLTALE!

Molly,Jane and now Athena? Why are they doing this so much?


  • Athena's backstory wasn't done by Telltale though.

  • 3 is not that much.

  • Athena's backstory was established before Telltale made Tales from the Borderlands. You can't blame them on that one

  • I think you're overreacting a bit. Molly down-played it pretty well where as Jane wouldn't shut up about her sister all of a sudden. And as others have said, Athena's backstory wasn't created byTellTale, they're just working with what they have.

  • /thread

    Pipas posted: »

    Athena's backstory wasn't done by Telltale though.

  • dead sister is the new "girl in a refrigerator" but for women characters

  • Not them though...so....

  • what?

    dead sister is the new "girl in a refrigerator" but for women characters

  • edited July 2015

    Eh, as has already been said Telltale didn't do Athena's story. Even if it was, dead siblings aren't an uncommon thing.

    And Jane wasn't tough. She was just an asshole. (Kenny ftw)

  • But Athena's backstory wasn't made by telltale though.

  • google "girl in a refrigerator" or "woman in a refrigerator"

    JackMarco posted: »


  • You forgot Holly.

  • Alt text

    google "girl in a refrigerator" or "woman in a refrigerator"

  • The "Dead Little Sister" trope has been going strong long before Telltale.

    Sometimes daughters/sons/wives/little brothers too. Not so much with other relatives.

  • edited July 2015

    I was actually gonna make a thread about this after I played the episode, but I was afraid people would tear into me more than they normally do. You're brave, OP. Or I'm a coward. Or maybe a nice, frothy blend of the two. I dunno.

    But yeah, definitely a poor move to focus on this element of Athena. Even if it's very a very defining, pre-existing trait of hers, this kind of backstory and character motive has already been done to death by Telltale on 3 other occasions, and if I have to be honest? It didn't really strike me any of those times. Never tugged at my heartstrings, hardly made me blink. It's kind of a boring trope.

    If, in some sort of horrid attempt at drawing a parallel to Athena, Telltale kills Sasha to make Fiona a hardened Pandoran bounty hunter, I will figuratively kill myself.

  • Telltale kills Sasha to make Fiona a hardened Pandoran bounty hunter

    oh my god , that's bad. i hope they dont do it

    Piggs posted: »

    I was actually gonna make a thread about this after I played the episode, but I was afraid people would tear into me more than they normally

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