Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Ain't that a positive change? I remember yesterday (or the day before that, my memory sucks) you were looking like hyperactive Kermit the frog ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @kristi78968 and @RhyionsIsLife have both written a continuation so if you wanna participate then just choose one and go for it. EDIT: I might pick up one of them myself because I'm itching to write haha

  • Welcome home Dave!!! XD

    The feel you get after spending 24 hours on a travel back home and sitting in your own room, looking at your big screen PC. I AM HOME!!!

  • Wow... Too much time on your hands XP

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona. Rhiona rhymes with Mona. Mona? Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo is a character from TM

  • shits getting lewd up in here

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    rhonu posted: »

    I HAVE UNRAVELED THE MYSTERY OF 69: 6 is rhys and 9 is fiona. rhys is sleeping upside down so fiona can look at his wonderful socks and be mesmerized by them until she falls asleep too.

  • Poor Fiona getting kicked in the face! :O

    Stupid Jack...

    I don't think I'll try and continue this, maybe, but I don't know :/

    So this is a continuation of @ABigBadWolf's story. Feel free to reveiw and continue the story. ~x~ Fiona settled down at the foot of

  • True :)

    armis37 posted: »

    Why would it annoy us? People like what they like

  • Yeah I know, I'm just not that good at writing super happy fluffy stuff. :P

    Jack is a toughie that's for sure, but the fun part is that he is just so bipolar you could write him however you want whenever you want! XD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This took quite a turn! I would take it up but I have no clue how to write Jack's character. So I'll just wait until the next part and maybe start then...

  • Me and Jack have a hate love relationship...

    Feel free to write or not write, as long as you're enjoying yourself! :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Poor Fiona getting kicked in the face! :O Stupid Jack... I don't think I'll try and continue this, maybe, but I don't know

  • Haha I'm flattered but I couldn't possibly, I'm no diplomat. Seriously, I'd probably just declare a national holiday 365 days a year (yes, people would work only once every leap year...) :D You need someone responsible for the job.

    armis37 posted: »

    JumpyJoey for president!

  • Me and Jack have a hate-hate relationship! XD

    I might, but I'm not feeling the writing spirit atm. Plus the change from writing Fables/TWAU to Borderlands is not an easy one to adapt to :/

    Me and Jack have a hate love relationship... Feel free to write or not write, as long as you're enjoying yourself!

  • Probably, yes. :D I'm just waiting for someone to pick one of them up so I can pick up the other. :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ain't that a positive change? I remember yesterday (or the day before that, my memory sucks) you were looking like hyperactive Kermit the frog

  • Its so funny how different two people can take one story. :P

    I like the fluff of your story! I'm just no good at it. :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    "Oh come on kiddo, why not?!" Handsome Jack whined to Rhys. He sighed, Vaughn still hasn't been able to get this annoying psycho out of his

  • Me neither... I guess I do moderately fluffy the best. And there has to be humor or I quit.

    I'd just worry about getting it wrong or something... besides, I have a feeling that the gory story Jack wants to tell should have something to do with him when he was alive, maybe part of the original Borderlands games. And since I haven't played those I don't know anything. I think maybe someone who's played the game could do this?

    Yeah I know, I'm just not that good at writing super happy fluffy stuff. :P Jack is a toughie that's for sure, but the fun part is that he is just so bipolar you could write him however you want whenever you want! XD

  • Aw, I wish I could pick it up, I really do (I'm also itching to write), but this just isn't my style, I can't think of anything. Also the reasons I wrote to RhyionsIsLife above. Sorry, Wolfie, I have failed you :'(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Probably, yes. I'm just waiting for someone to pick one of them up so I can pick up the other.

  • It's alright! I'm sure plenty of people can do it. :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Aw, I wish I could pick it up, I really do (I'm also itching to write), but this just isn't my style, I can't think of anything. Also the reasons I wrote to RhyionsIsLife above. Sorry, Wolfie, I have failed you

  • I just speak the truth.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wow... Too much time on your hands XP

  • But it's like, Jack's just misunderstood... And then he kills thousands of people... And I'm not sure what to feel... I want to give him a hug and tell him it's all going to be okay... But I also want to kill him at the same time... And I'm just left very confused. :P

    It's true though, writing just comes and goes to me on a whim. And I wouldn't want to set you off track of Fables, so it's fine if you don't. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Me and Jack have a hate-hate relationship! XD I might, but I'm not feeling the writing spirit atm. Plus the change from writing Fables/TWAU to Borderlands is not an easy one to adapt to

  • When do you not :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I just speak the truth.

  • Okay... still...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's alright! I'm sure plenty of people can do it.

  • ? I haven't played Borderlands 2 yet.... So I have no idea what you're talking about :I

    Thing is is that my flare for writing has been so dead since Christmas it makes me sad, I should WANT to write my stories and finish them, but instead I view writing as a trial... I feel kinda useless. I mean, one of my fics is for armis37, and in 8 months I have only given him 3 chapters :'(

    But it's like, Jack's just misunderstood... And then he kills thousands of people... And I'm not sure what to feel... I want to give him a h

  • Yeah, I definetly need to start working on my fluff...

    It's totally okay if you don't Joey! I'm sure someone will come around! No ones going to hold it against you! :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Me neither... I guess I do moderately fluffy the best. And there has to be humor or I quit. I'd just worry about getting it wrong or some

  • It's very difficult. I tried, but ... XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Best not to interrupt them... But I can't stop staring :')

  • Haha! Oh okay, enough about Jack then!

    The important thing is, is that you write when your feeling inspired to do so. If you force yourself to write a story it won't be as good as when you actually want to write! So wait until you actually want to, the work will be better quality and you will actually enjoy it! Which is the whole point in the matter right? :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ? I haven't played Borderlands 2 yet.... So I have no idea what you're talking about :I Thing is is that my flare for writing has been so

  • It goes smoother with Rhyiona, especially after seeing so many other fluffy fanfics :)

    Okay. I'll do it next time though, wouldn't want to miss out on this!

    Yeah, I definetly need to start working on my fluff... It's totally okay if you don't Joey! I'm sure someone will come around! No ones going to hold it against you!

  • Thank you :3

    Kruzii posted: »


  • Thanks Hazza :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's adorable

  • Thank you Wolf <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is so damn cute.

  • Aw thanks c:

    Cute. C:

  • Haha, I'm glad you liked it :D

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    First kiss, wooooo! He tucks the piece of hair behind her ear. The feeeeeels!

  • edited July 2015

    If you say so ¯ _(ツ)_/¯

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Haha I'm flattered but I couldn't possibly, I'm no diplomat. Seriously, I'd probably just declare a national holiday 365 days a year (yes, people would work only once every leap year...) You need someone responsible for the job.

  • Good night people, dream world is calling me!

    Well, not really, but I tend to wake up early whether I want to or not so I'm trying to get a reasonable amount of sleep. Anyway, good night again!


    well excuse me

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Alt text

    well excuse me

  • edited July 2015

    Lol, I know enough about him to know that he is completely full of himself :P

    This is true... But it could be months or even a year before I get that inspiration :( I can't expect fans of my work to wait that long or else they'll forget and move on... -sigh- Sucks.

    Haha! Oh okay, enough about Jack then! The important thing is, is that you write when your feeling inspired to do so. If you force yourse

  • Good night Jojo!! XD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Good night people, dream world is calling me! Well, not really, but I tend to wake up early whether I want to or not so I'm trying to get a reasonable amount of sleep. Anyway, good night again!

  • Oh I got one of those yesterday!! XP

    well excuse me

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