Is Sylvi like Adara?

Does anyone else think, after playing through the latest episode of Game of Thrones, that Cotter's sister, Sylvi, looks/acts like Adara, from The Ice Dragon?

When I first saw her, I didn't think much of it, even though I had read The Ice Dragon before. But after seeing her again, she seems like the humanized form of winter. Adara was described as "feeling attracted to the cold" and "her skin is always cold to the touch." And from the drawings that have been released with "new" form of the book, we are shown that Sylvi and Adara look quite a bit like each other.

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They both have the Targaryen-like silver hair and light blue eyes. Sylvi doesn't seem bothered by the cold like Adara was before she lost her dragon (though this is probably because she was born a wildling). And, like Adara, Sylvi hardly smiles (though we haven't seen much of her to know if she smiles/laughs easily).

If Gared kept asking Cotter questions about his sister and their village, Cotter will mention that Sylvi was a "bad omen" for his family and they were forced out of their village.

Now here are my theories:

What if Sylvi is Adara reborn? Like Jon Snow is Azor Ahai (For the watch cries uncontrollably for the next few days). What if the "bad omen" was that an ice dragon has been following Sylvi since the day she was born? And because the next episode in the series is called "The Ice Dragon," this may elude to their being an actual ice dragon at the North Grove. Sylvi also mentions that one of the Ice-River clans tried to find the North Grove but none returned, to which Gared had the opportunity to say "What if they never left?" Now here's some crazy speculation: what if there is an ice dragon at the North Grove who has magic to repel the White Walkers? Possibly the same ice dragon who Sylvi could ride?

From what I can tell right now and from some other people's theories, is that the North Grove is a well-stocked ironwood tree farm. But from the way that the series is talking about it, there seems to be some magical property to the place where these trees are. Whether it's the trees themselves or their is an actual ice dragon there is yet to be seen. The next episode will definitely reveal what is at the North Grove.

I know that the Forresters and most of the people in this series aren't mentioned or seen in the book or show (other than the house name Forrester in ADWD). So it doesn't seem likely that a small family affair would be dealing with something as big as an ice dragon (Get it? It's a pun because ice dragons are supposed to be so much bigger than normal dragons :D) but I like to hope. Maybe GRRM will have an easter egg in TWOW about the people in this series.

Another thing. Some people don't believe that TID is set in the same world of GoT but many publishers say that it is, even though it has some differences. There have been mentions of ice dragons in The World of Ice and Fire and during Old Nan's stories.

As of now we don't know much about Sylvi, but I think the next episode will show us some more of her personality and back story. And if not, then I cross my fingers that she'll be a playable character in the next season.

Let me know what your opinions are. I want to know what you Throne enthusiasts think.


  • I like this theory. Very well thought out.

  • For those that don't know The Ice Dragon is a children's story written by George R.R. Martin.

  • Did George R.R Martin confirm yet if The Ice Dragon is part of the ASOIAF universe ?

  • We saw in this game that anything is there for a purpose.

    One important think I saw last episode, that may impact next episode. Did you see in Sylvi's tent that she had a drawing that had a "moon", a "bear", "fish" and a "spider" in it?

    Well, in this episode, Cotter said that he called his sister "little moon". Also, Sylvi called Gared "fish face". The bear is the same we on the medal that she has in her tent. And what about the spider? What does this all mean? Maybe they are up to something? And where is their mother?

  • Which universe ? The book one or the TV series universe?

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Did George R.R Martin confirm yet if The Ice Dragon is part of the ASOIAF universe ?

  • Book

    TDF16 posted: »

    Which universe ? The book one or the TV series universe?

  • Given this is the GoT/ASoIaF universe this must be some crazy foreshadowing, it may be just coincidental but it could possibly mean something,
    -Cotter and Sylvi comes from a clan with their symbol possibly being a bear
    -Sylvi was called a bad omen by the clan being, something related to being the "little moon"
    -Gared called insultingly called "fish face"
    -Well the spider... It could be a Ice Spider, since there is said to be some of them in Beyond the Wall, and it would be a first to see one in the TV series/video game, but it could also mean that in Westeros they have spies called "Spyders", like Varys, so that could mean something?

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