The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited July 2015

    it's Israel, not Palestine

    Someone could have said 'It's palestine, not israel, they'll have to deal with it' pre-1948/1917, but I'm sure that wouldn't have stopped the state formation.

    Nor does saying 'It's Palestine, not Israel' prevent illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I have no problem with the story, it seems very unfortunate, what I do find outragous is this last part: I tell you my story so as to

  • i felt left out, but that is now remedied :)

    too long comment. That are not everybody Here

    edited July 2015

    To say it is illegal is bullshit. It is a historical and (most importantly) a legal claim.

    The ones who broke the Geneva Conventions aren't us. It's the Hamas.

    Someone could have said 'It's palestine, not israel, they'll have to deal with it' pre-1948/1917, but I'm sure that wouldn't have stopped the state formation.

    Israel captured the territories in self-defense. Israel took over Judea-Samaria-Gaza and the Old City of Jerusalem in self-defense, in response to aggression by Jordan and Egypt in June 1967. Had Jordan not invaded Israel, ignoring pleas by Israel to stay out of the war, Israel would not control Judea and Samaria today. As former State Department Legal Adviser and former head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague said: "Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defence has, against that prior holder, better title."

    So too bad, countries do what you might call "occupying" all the time, by this logic Americans are also occupying British land. Guess what? Life goes on. Live in the now and live in peace.

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt: let's say that Israel is occupying this land and have no claim to it whatsoever. Does that justify Hamas-like organizations to rise up and openly declare that their entire purpose od existence is to kill all of us? Do you not see how even if they are being wronged (which they're not,) that does not justify terrorist attacks? That that does not justify shitting over the Geneva Conventions?

    Flog61 posted: »

    it's Israel, not Palestine Someone could have said 'It's palestine, not israel, they'll have to deal with it' pre-1948/1917, but I'm

  • LMAI

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I am sorry that my opinion has triggered you.

  • My mom has hypothyroidism too so I know how scary that can be. I know you can do it, just keep your mind on the goal and don't give up :3

    All but natural carbs and sugar. I've been trying to lose and keep about ten to twenty pounds off for awhile, and it's not easy. My dad has

  • Welcome to civilization. :)

    The East Coast is such a transition from the Midwest. It's like I'm on a different planet

  • Seems very heavy handed. My dad was detained once for 18 hours when he visited Tel Aviv for work. Though this was in the middle of the Intifada, so it was a bit more understandable.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm sick of institutionalised racism. This is the story of an American-Palestinian man trying to visit his homeland. "After 20 yea

  • Thank you, I really appreciate it. :)

    My mom has hypothyroidism too so I know how scary that can be. I know you can do it, just keep your mind on the goal and don't give up

  • Alt text

    J-Master posted: »

    I also think it's a dumb movie. I'm offended....

  • Alt text

    The best ever is wreck it ralph imo :)

    I honestly Feel like I'm the only person in the World who Hated Inside Out and loved Lava. And I am not okay with that. I sincerely think To

  • Alt text

    What a legend :'/

  • edited July 2015

    Alt text

    I never seen the film but I taught this was interesting :)

    Alt text

    I honestly Feel like I'm the only person in the World who Hated Inside Out and loved Lava. And I am not okay with that. I sincerely think To

  • Good lord, July has just flew by. It feels like we should still be around the middle of the month! >_<

    Also, I just finished Life Is Strange Episode 4 - No spoilers, but it was really great. I spent a stupid amount of time being stuck on one puzzle towards the end, though.

  • edited July 2015

    That was a movie by Disney, not Pixar. But yeah, Wreck-It Ralph is awesome.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The best ever is wreck it ralph imo

  • the squids will be happy to see her (too soon? too dark? both?...worth it!)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    What a legend :'/

  • Deathman, my bobs are growing bigger

    ualexen92 posted: »

    The up shut fuck.

  • oh sheet

    I'd say Monsters inc, Toy story or brave :)

    J-Master posted: »

    That was a movie by Disney, not Pixar. But yeah, Wreck-It Ralph is awesome.

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    oh sheet I'd say Monsters inc, Toy story or brave

  • Pshh, I was born on the East Coast.. the Midwest is where it's at ;)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Welcome to civilization.

  • Alt text

    Boom :)

    Belan posted: » Boom.

  • Go see it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never seen the film but I taught this was interesting

  • Goddamnit. Somehow my photos and recycling bin got wiped while I was cleaning up my laptop. I don't know whether to blame Windows, my school, or the friend who had me install Teamviewer 10 for some reason.

  • I may be a bit late to the proverbial party, but thank you! I, and I am sure everyone else as well, is humbled that you took the time to make that.

    This people are awesome: @#TeamSarah, @-Anna-, @-Bigby-, @-Chaos-, @-Kenny, @-Rhys-, @-XYAB-, @0oishi, @12494, @16_BIT_MARIO1, @24601, @2

    edited July 2015


    Talimancer posted: »

    Deathman, my bobs are growing bigger

  • Interesting........... grabs popcorn and pasito.

    So beautiful but is so wrong! https://www.y

  • It exists in both states at once in perfect equilibrium.

    Is the glass half empty or half full?


    XD it's getting ridiculous

    Belan posted: » Boom.

  • May this woman be at the peace deserved of such a sacrifice.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    What a legend :'/

  • The fine brothers once had an interactive mad men video game type thing on youtube, but it says it's private now. Does anyone knows if you can see it somehow?

  • That realistic makeover thing always makes me bang my head on the table. I mean there are women who actually has the figure like video game characters. Women comes in all shapes and sizes, just like everyone else. All the person done was "chubbify" them.

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: » XD it's getting ridiculous

  • edited July 2015

    "The international community considers the settlements in occupied territory to be illegal,[8] and the United Nations has repeatedly upheld the view that Israel's construction of settlements constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.[9][10] Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and communities in the Golan Heights, the latter of which has been annexed by Israel, are also considered settlements by the international community, which does not recognise Israel's annexations of these territories.[11] The International Court of Justice also says these settlements are illegal in a 2004 advisory opinion.[12][13][14] In April 2012, UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, in response to moves by Israel to legalise Israeli outposts, reiterated that all settlement activity is illegal, and "runs contrary to Israel's obligations under the Road Map and repeated Quartet calls for the parties to refrain from provocations."[15] Similar criticism was advanced by the EU and the US.[16][17] Israel disputes the position of the international community and the legal arguments that were used to declare the settlements illegal.[18]"

    Zionist extremists have carried out terrorist attacks too (see the second biggest terrorist attack in the history of humanity the bombing of the King David hotel) and so neither side can justify their actions just by saying 'well they have terrorists' - they both have terrorists.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    To say it is illegal is bullshit. It is a historical and (most importantly) a legal claim. The ones who broke the Geneva Conventions aren

  • Red Dragon did a video on this:

    Markd4547 posted: » XD it's getting ridiculous

  • I'm a qualified gym instructor and seeing bs like this just makes me speechless

    I go to boxing each week full of active slim women who look like the original characters nothing like those obese edits wtf

    Alt text

    This video explained it all and I do not even feel like bothering to rant because of the simply fact.....ITS A PICTURE MADE OF PENCIL not real!! why compare yourself and edit a pencil drawing in basic terms XD

    I could draw a stickman and not feel the need to make it obese because its not real ffs XD

    Do I feel inferior to a game character NO it's a picture it's drawn not real so why XD

    Whatever weight you chose to be that's ok but don't go around forcing your own expectations on everyone else to follow

    Red Dragon did a video on this:

  • I saw those, isn't the internet beautiful?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    telltale talk rn wtf https://www.telltalegam

  • Just placed an order for pizza on my phone for the first time ever.

    What a time to be alive.

  • What kind of pizza?

    Just placed an order for pizza on my phone for the first time ever. What a time to be alive.

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