Books vs Show

I have read all the books and watched every episode and I have come to a conclusion about something. Now I know that this game is following the show since telltale signed the licensing with HBO. And because of this realize there's no way they could follow the books more but damn I wish they could. First off I love the game anyways as is but if it followed the books instead of the show, playing as house Forster would be sweet. Imagine instead of playing against just the white hills, we could've actually survived the red wedding, still had our episode 1 encounter with Ramsay, but then have a letter arrive from stannis at the wall, asking for our assistance. I think it be so sweet liberating the ironborn from Deepwood Motte and from there marching on winterfell as part of the stark loyalist. I just think with the GRRM material available that our Ironwrath character say Rodrik or Asher could be doing this Northern resistance campaign, but the game could still keep characters like Mira in Kings Landing, and Gared beyond the wall. What do you guys think?

To clarify, I love the game as is and am not in anyway trying to bad mouth it, honestly. Just trying to imagine this game with a more book cannon feel.(even though in the books the foresters are referred to like once and are called a clan, not a noble house like the game).


  • Books were boring asf.

  • I haven't thought of that before you mentioned it, but man, I would LOVE to fight the ironborn in Deepwood Motte!

    I never watched the show, but I agree with you.

  • There is not a chance in hell the show is better. The show is well done, but come on. The storylines are nowhere near as interesting, and the majority of the changes, outside of Sansa's arc this year, were not worth it. The book is far and away more interesting and better. It's not even close.

    MrBoolean posted: »

    Books were boring asf.

  • Books were boring asf.

    TwitchyJC posted: »

    There is not a chance in hell the show is better. The show is well done, but come on. The storylines are nowhere near as interesting, and th

  • It's not that the books are boring, it's just that they are higher than your current reading level

    MrBoolean posted: »

    Books were boring asf.

  • Yeah and all I'm talking about is having this as our Iron Rath characters mission. I like the whole North Grove(little slow) and Mira in kings landing. I just think that instead of creating this huge Whitehill vs Forester little feud, it would've been cooler if this game took us to some of the book mentioned locations and scenarios. I agree marching on Deepwood Motte would be sick.

    Abeille posted: »

    I haven't thought of that before you mentioned it, but man, I would LOVE to fight the ironborn in Deepwood Motte! I never watched the show, but I agree with you.

  • I agree. I think Telltale setting it in the show universe is mainly to capture a bigger audience but if it was set in the book universe it would 10x more amazing that it already is imo.

  • Lol get angry.

    It's not that the books are boring, it's just that they are higher than your current reading level

  • kkk

    MrBoolean posted: »

    Lol get angry.

  • I'm not a part of that organization. Sorry.


  • Wow you think that's a joke? I have you know my great grandfather served in the KKK honorably for a number of years and I find it offensive that you just throw it around like that. He dedicated his life to that organization smh

    MrBoolean posted: »

    I'm not a part of that organization. Sorry.

  • You brought it up.

    Wow you think that's a joke? I have you know my great grandfather served in the KKK honorably for a number of years and I find it offensive that you just throw it around like that. He dedicated his life to that organization smh

  • Well I'm his grandson, I can bring it up.

    MrBoolean posted: »

    You brought it up.

  • My grandfather was Hitler. Kappa.

    Well I'm his grandson, I can bring it up.

  • kkk

    MrBoolean posted: »

    My grandfather was Hitler. Kappa.

  • Heil Hydra!


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